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Dear aunt Cassy,                                                                                                                                                                                               Thank you for the beautiful presents. The ear stud is so charming. I thought mum would think I was too young for it, but she surprisingly approved. I never cease to marvel at the rare magic you possess. Thank you for being who you are.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -Love Ria

I finished writing the thank you note to her. I folded the parchment into a heart and tucked it inside a pocket of my jeans, and walked out to Daphne's room.

"Daph!" I knocked on the door.

"Come in," she shouted.I walked to notice my sister beautifully dressed in a velvet burgundy skirt and an off white top. Her hair was well done.

"Wow, Daph, so chic," I complimented her.

"Thanks, Ria," she blushed.We walked downstairs to find dad all dressed up for work.

"Are you leaving, dad?" Daph asked in surprise.

"Yes, dear," he nodded.

"I'm sorry, darlings. I have a very important meeting with the French minister of magic, can't come to drop you off at the station. Good luck at school," he quickly kissed our foreheads and walked to the fireplace.

"It's okay dad, have a nice time," I waved.

"Bye, Dad," Daph smiled.

Once he left, we took our places for breakfast at the table.

"Well, shall we leave?" asked Daph.

"Sure, once you finish your breakfast," mum replied.We all reached Kingcross station. 

"You got everything, don't you?" mum checked with us.

"Everything," we nodded.

The station crowded with students and their families. Within no time, Daph found her friends and walked to them.I pulled out the note from my pocket and handed it to Aunt Cassy. I hugged mum and her beloved sister and waved goodbye to them once I found Scarlet.I walked to my best friend through the crowd. 

"Scarlet!" I made a futile attempt to call her from where I was standing. I walked closer and shouted her name. Again she could not hear me. The next moment I stood right behind her, and she still did not notice me. Oh, bless this girl. I got onto the train right after her.

"Scarlet!" I hissed from behind.

"Sweet Merlin," she jumped in fright, making me laugh maniacally. 

"Ria, that killed me," she said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, Scarlet, but you were so deaf to me," I laughed. 

"It's okay, Ria," she laughed along.

"Let's find a place to sit, shall we?" I asked, and we found one close to a door.

"So, I was planning on pranking Drew," I grinned devilishly.

"Wicked!" she amused.I pulled out a tiny box of chocolate balls.

"Chocolates?" she whisper yelled.

"You see this pack? It has three chocolates. Two are for us and a special one for Drew.

"What's the difference? They all look alike." she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, thank Poppy for that. She was a great help. The two lighter brown chocolates are ours and, the darker one is his. It's filling is made with vomit flavor of every flavor beans," I laughed.

"Eww, poor boy," she laughed.

"It took a lot of time but, it's going to be worth it," I winked.While we were still talking, Drew showed up.

"Finally, I felt like I searched the entire train," he huffed.

"You're always late," she reminded him. 

"Missed me?" he smirked. What a bloke! I pulled out the chocolates once he settled. 

I cleared my throat, "Scarlet," I extended my arm and offered her chocolate. Just as planned, she chose the right one, and so did I.

"Drew, here. Take it," I grinned.

"Thanks, Ria," he smiled. 

"Oh?" I amused.He put it in his mouth. The reaction I have been waiting for is on his face. 

"Yuck," he cringed. As expected, Scarlet was ready with a wrapper to throw it in.
"Bloody hell, Ria. I hate you," he blurted.He got up to chase me, so I opened the door to run. It's not easy because the students are always there, but I can at least try.

But then, I bumped into a tall figure. Oh no.

I raised my head to see red hair and a charming smile. Did I bump into a Weasley? That too the twins. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"No problem," he smiled.

I walked in silently.Scarlet and Drew looked as if they were murmuring, but I didn't care.

"Looks like someone's got a crush," teased Scarlet.

"Ew, no!" I reproached.

"Ria, your face looks like a tomato," teased Drew.

"Nonsense." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, is it?" They said unsatisfied.

"Okay, fine. They seem nice," I confessed. Oh, curse my big mouth.But thankfully, Daphne showed up to save my life.Daph and Pansy reached our compartment and called me out.

"Just wanted to check on you," she smiled.

"So, is Blaise amused?" I teased her. Pansy's eyes widened at my declaration.

"Astoria!" she reproved, making me and Pansy laugh.

"Calling me with my full name isn't going to make you any scarier, sissy," I pouted.

"Pansy chuckled, and they both went back to where they were sitting, after waving to me.

"So chic!" I heard Drew uttering.I cleared my throat and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" he threw his hands into the air dramatically, making me laugh.

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