Irresistible Surprises

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Searing headache woke me up and I managed to get myself up, pushing the blanket off my body. Um...blanket? Oh boy! am I still dreaming? I slightly opened the curtain of the four poster, to see if I really was where I'm thinking I am.
I was startled to see Draco reading a book, sitting in a chair. I realized it was Draco's dorm, and I slept in HIS bed? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I blushed like my cheeks hurt.

"Just in time," he smirked, and handed me a little vial.
I blushed, and took it all, for the pain.

"When did you get me here?" I asked, still smiling.

"You all passed out by 1, which is not surprising, and you were lying on Pansy's lap. You can't expect me to leave you there, in the cold common room, do you? I can't take you to your dorm, so I brought you to mine," he shrugged, not helping my hurt cheeks.

"Salazar! She's such a quidnunc," I blurted.

"Mhmm, Shh! baby," he chuckled, and put his finger on my lips, as we heard a little sound.

"I told Tracey about us, she was drooling, I couldn't stand that, but it was worth it, you should have seen her face, you missed the fun, Draco," I mumbled, softly.

"Have I told you how stunning you look this morning, jealousy just makes you more," he paused, lifting my flushed face. My heart started racing, as I looked into his bright grey eyes. A gigantic smile spread across my face, and he walked closing the gap between us.

"More?" He leaned in, and suddenly our eye contact broke, and he rolled his eyes, annoyed by the hoarse noise.

"How do you sleep?" I asked, annoyed, at Crabbe's snoring.

"He's a swine," he looked at the boy, and closed his palm around my wrist, and we walked out of his dorm.

"See you soon," I pecked his jawline.

"Davis is an air head," he winked, telling me not to worry.

I smiled, as I saw the girls, sleeping in the common room. Pansy was still on the couch, curled up. Daph, on the arm chair by the fire and Tracey, exactly where she was last night. I walked to the couch, and gently shook Pansy's shoulder, "Good morning Pans," I greeted, with a smile.

She rubbed her eyes, "Morning, babe," stretching out.

"Daph, wake up," I jerked my sister.

"Go away," she mumbled.

"Daph! You see where you are?" I yelled.

"5 more minutes, pweeeaaase," she begged.

"Fine, miss the last Hogsmeade trip," I said, in a bored tone, and she groaned, getting up.

"Ugh! I need coffee," Pansy rubbed her forehead.

"Davis! pick yourself up, now," Pansy yelled, I bent down, and slowly shook her up. Hopefully, she remembers nothing.


"Well, how do I look?" I asked Daph, looking into my hand mirror, at my slightly off shoulder sleeves.

"Edgy," she mumbled.

I couldn't stop myself from admiring aunt's gift. The ear ring just knows how to work. It split up into three, with tiny charms, dangling.

"I'll see you, around, don't have too much fun," Daph cried, leaving me in the room. Straightening my skinny jeans, "shut up, Daph," I mumbled.

Most of the Slytherins are out to Hogsmeade, leaving the common room, nearly empty. When is he coming? I sat next to the fire place, in Draco's arm chair, playing with my wand. Memories came flashing, "Alder wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 ¾" and surprisingly swishy flexibility. Hmm, Phoenix feather core, Miss Greengrass. Very rare, indeed." I remember Mr.Ollivander's words.

"Admiring, your wand?" Draco's voice, broke my track of thoughts. I raised my head, smiling, to face him, and he swiftly started walking to me. Sweet Merlin! His hair fell in his eyes, and a Black trench coat? Breath. taking. He grabbed my face in his hands, gently, tilted my head, and pressed his lips to mine, instantly. Oh! HOT, I'm falling off a cliff. My entire body is going to explode into million butterflies. 

"More irresistible," he smirked, not helping my condition. I recomposed myself, heated up.

"Shall we go, love?" he stretched his arm out.

"Yeah, uh, o- okay," I breathed. Bloody hell, did I stammer? I unwrapped the tiny ceramic kettle, and with a whoosh of a sound, we flew. Moments later, we landed in the most beautiful place I have ever known. Draco's eyes lit up with wonder, and I entangled my fingers in his, leading him.

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