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  *Trigger WARNING*

 Good days for all of us, except Drew. Sad, and angry. We all miss Scarlet's laughter, but nobody more than him. All my fellow snakes were rather happy, celebrating Snape's achievement as headmaster. Why would we not be? No more emergency points to Gryffindor for "BRAVERY" OR WHATEVER to win the house cup.  More freedom. More mischief. That's how it began, but back to pink lady's rules, or even worse. Filthy Carrows. Being on Voldemort's side must be a favor, right? But no, we must attend all the classes, especially listen to the rubbish that Alecto monster Carrow, teaches. "Muggles are like pigs, they don't deserve to live, they must be chained, like dogs, or be replaced as house elves,"  she is acting worse than an animal, if it skipped her notice. Their discipline, exceeds Umbridge's sadism, hospitalizing many students. We can't question, raise our hand, or interrupt, who would dare, anyway? At least Slytherin common room, has more freedom as Snape granted us. I kept walking to the same old classroom, to listen to Amycus's garbage. It's no more DEFENCE against dark arts, it is just Dark arts. Practicing the same spells I've already learnt. Forcing us to read about the unforgivable curses. I reached the class, as uninterested as ever.

"Good Afternoon, Professor," we said in unison, and he nodded.

"Casting Unforgivable Curses." Casting!? my heart sank. There were several gasps. Upon his desk was a jar of purple butterflies.

"Who do I use?" he grinned, with the most detestable eyes, and took slow steps around us, while we were all forced to stare at the ground. His eye fell on the messy haired, yet beautiful Irene Venti. Famous Half blood Ravenclaw, with the most beautiful eyes of school. He tilted her face, poking her cheek with his wand. "Why are your shoes untidy, you little imbecile?" he sneered. "I...am sorry, sir," she trembled. He surprisingly forgave her.

"Let's begin with some butterflies, I'll save you for later," he laughed, evilly. 

"Imperio!" he hissed, and the poor little butterfly, fell into the water. 

"Practice it, don't let those silly moths, fly away," he announced. How can I expect this blinded by hatred heart to appreciate the beauty of colors? "Imperio!" I said, despite being proficient at non verbal spells, my aunt drained all my blood training me. I let Pixie fly away, of course, I named her. We walked out in a orderly fashion, my head facing ground, and one step at a time in a queue. As if it was not draining enough, I had to listen to his sister later. "Did you see that Sca-" I paused, realizing she wasn't here. Exasperated, sad, I went back to the common room, where I spotted Draco. I wrapped him in a hug, dropping my books on the floor. He hugged back. 

"What's wrong, darling?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said, and let him go, not noticing how long we've been standing that way, I sat on the sofa, but Draco carried me to his armchair, placing me on his lap. I didn't care.

"Astoria?" he asked, holding my chin with one of his large hands. 

"Scarlet, I don't know how she's doing. Drew is depressed. I am scared, I hate the Carrows," I sobbed into his neck.  

"Scarlet is going to be fine, many students are in hiding, love. We'll see her again." He said, gently, rubbing my back. 

"Those ugly twins, deserve the worst twins award," he said making me chuckle, after my sobbing stopped. While we were still talking, an inter departmental memo flew to me, and hovered over my head.

"I would like your presence in my office, Miss Greengrass. -Amycus Carrow" What does he want now? Draco insisted to accompany me, but I told him, it'd be fine, and went to his office.

"Come in," he said, before I could raise my hand to knock. My heart thumped loud, my stomach sank, I swallowed all the fear and rubbed my sweaty palm dry to my skirt. 

"You may leave, Flora and Hestia," he said, and they left, leaving me with Irene. She was on the floor, holding her stomach. I stood next to her, not facing the ground.

"Irene Venti, says she is a halfblood, dead, good-for-nothing father, muggle mother," he sneered.

"Do not speak ill of my father," she said, a half of me admired her courage, and the other screamed she's stupid, for saying that. He lashed her face, and my fists balled, and jaw clenched.

"Greengrass," he called, and I made an eye contact with him.

"Crucio her." Irene filched. It was a command, I did hear him loud and clear, "I can't," I told him.

"Let me show you then," he smirked, and pointed his wand at her, and before I realized, I covered her, "No, please," I cried, begged. she has had enough, she'll die. He looked amused, in a psychotic way. 

"A blood traitor," his voice spitting venom. He threw spells in my direction, which I managed to strike off, but a spell hit my eye, and the next moment my wand was in his hands.

"How dare you, you filthy, blood traitor," he grabbed me by the wrist and twisted it and pressed me against the wall. His monstrous stares scared me. He was way stronger than I, and I can't beat him without my wand. He sniffed my hair, "how pity creatures like you exist, your blood so pure, your motives so dirty," he whispered in my ear.

"Let me Go," I shouted, my hands tied up.

"Shut it, you'll forget it," he said.

"Noo, please," I cried. His fingers cruelly on my neck, to collar bone. Irene petrified him, and we ran out. Tears running down my cheeks, I fell on the stairs. There's something in my chest, fear. Scared, trembling, anxious, unstoppable tears. Shame is all I can think of. My body was shaking and Irene's presence went unacknowledged.

"Astoria," she tried to touch, when I jumped before she could. "Thanks," she cried, wiping her tears away.

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