Meeting the Marauders

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September 1st come rolling round and me and Sirius were packing our things

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September 1st come rolling round and me and Sirius were packing our things

"Thankyou for having me mrs and mr jury" I smile at the two blue eyed couple who give me a smile

"Oh no dear please call me Aitne" smiles mrs jury before bringing me in for a hug

"Thankyou" I smile back at the two

"Anytime Yn,you and Sirius are always welcome" grins mr jury before taking his wife's hand and leading them away

"My parents are so PDA honestly sometimes I wanna vomit" says indego coming into the guest room and flopping down onto the bed

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask before brushing down my pants

"Nothing,nothing it's just-I don't want you to go back to that home Yn,why don't you and Sirius and even regulus come live with us" sighs indego causing me to smile

"I would love to,but you know I can't" I grab my trunk of stuff and lay it on the ground "no more talk of school,WERE GOING TO HOGWARTS!" I scream and bring indego in for a hug

"As lovely as this moment is we have to get our asses down to the station" says Sirius standing at the door "oh and,you look good jury" winks Sirius causing me to grab the pillow from my bed and throw it at his face

"Oww you big jerk!what in the merlins was that for!?" He says throwing the pillow back at me

"Piss of black" I say fixing the now wrinkly pillow

"Make me black" Sirius says back

"Just get"

"Kids time to go!" Mrs jury yells from downstairs,I grab my trunk and indego grabs hers then we March down the stairs,arms linked

"Have you got everything you need dears?" Asked mrs jury to Yn and Sirius

"Yes we're all set" Sirius smiled at the older woman who looked as if she were about to cry

"Alright let's get you three to the station" smiled me jury,breaking the silence

The five of them made their way to the car outside in which mr jury drove


The crowds of wizards and witches flooded the station as Sirius and Yn looked at eachother with sadness,watching the other kids get hugged by their loving parents,some parents crying,some trying not to cry and some telling their kids good luck and that they love them

"Ok we're all set,crap we literally have eight seconds before the train leave!" Indego says grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the train

"Bye deary's,be good!" Mrs jury yells out as me and indego nod in agreement,but as the train drove away the two looked at eachother and shake their heads no laughing

"Oww that reminds me,Sirius has my eyeliner!" Yn says standing up and walking along the desserted hallway,she peeked into every carriage,not seeing her twin brother

"Your eyeliner?" Asked indego curiously as she followed her best friend closely

"Yeah he said something about he saw this muggle girl use it and wanted to try it,that was like this morning,but I forgot to get it back" Yn says still peeking through the corridors when suddenly she sees her brother laughing,sitting in carriage

She opens the door quickly and sticks her head through

"Do you still have my eyeliner?" Asks Yn causing Sirius to nod.the atmosphere fell silent as Yn waited for Sirius to give it back

"Well?" Asked Yn causing Sirius to give her a confused look

"Well what?" He says furrowing his eyebrows

"Well Siri,it's my eyeliner,I came here to get it back" Yn said as if it were obvious

The other three boys sitting in the carriage were staring at Yn in awe,she was gorgeous,beyond gorgeous

But the fact that she hadn't even acknowledged their presents made them find her even more attractive

"Give it back Sirius!" Yells Yn in anger

"No!" He yells back




"Ye-Wait No!" Sirius says back,Yn had enough and opened the door fully,stepping in and fighting her brother to get into his bag

"Get outta my bag bitch!" Yells Sirius,pulling his sister away from his bag

"Ok you two need to stop being so immature,if you haven't noticed there's three other boys in here,I mean honestly have some respect" indego says causing everyone to pause,but to Sirius surprise indego wacks him in the arm causing his to drop Yn

"Oww!" Sirius yells in pain as Yn quickly grabs the eyeliner

"Oops?" Indego smirks as she shrugs

"Oh and sorry for the Ruckus boys,but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do" Yn smirks looking from one boy to the next

One was kind of round with blonde hair and staring intensely at Yn,his large blue eyes piercing through her causing her to shift uncomfortably

The one sitting next to him had a faded scar on his face,his brown eyes gazed over Yn as if trying to figure her out,he had brown raggedy hair that somewhat covered his face

And as she looked at the last one she nearly gasped in shock,he had curly brown beautiful hair,blue eyes that could knock a girl head over heels for him and his face was just perfect,according to Yn anyway

But in James's mind calling Yn breathtaking was an understatement,her large brown eyes glowing in the sun,her long black hair hanging perfectly over her shoulders and her plump lips slightly parted causing him to gulp

But the girl and boy quickly looked away from each-other in a daze,and indego pulled Yn out of the carriage

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