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"He needs time to come around" Remus said for the millionth time as we wrote down the ingredients for our potion we were making

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"He needs time to come around" Remus said for the millionth time as we wrote down the ingredients for our potion we were making

"You've said that about ten times now rem,I don't believe it at all,I know Sirius...when he holds a grudge he holds it for a long time" I sighed and Remus frowned,mixing the potion

"Yeah well he did just find out his sister and bestfriend were in love with eachother..and also soulmates" Remus said,then furrowed his eyebrows and sighed

"What's wrong rem?" I asked,lightly tapping my nails against the desk

"Yn...please just be honest with me"

"Of course"

"Did I say anything to you the night of the Gryffindor party..anything at all?" He asked and I stopped moving,freezing in my spot


"-Yn." He said seriously and I closed my eyes

"Yes" he drops the quill he was holding and suddenly his hands make their way to the table as he grips on it

"What exactualy did I say Yn?"

"You were very drunk so I don't think you meant I-"

"-just tell me" I fall silent,my eyebrows furrowing,Remus was only serious rarely,and when he was you didn't joke about it

"You just said you were in love with me and-"

"-and!?" He quickly stood still,looking at me shocked

" kissed me"

He nodded slowly before looking down


"Yes Remus?"

"Did you think I meant it that night?" He frowned at the table and I shrugged,what a unusual question

"Well it you think drunk minds speak the truth?" I ask,he was extremely tense at this question before standing straight and taking a deep breath

"Yes,I think drunk minds speak the truth" now it was my turn to grip the table

Remus Lupin is in love with me?wait this must be a prank right?

"This is a prank right?" I ask but he shakes his head no quickly and looks at me,licking his bottom lip before taking a deep breath

"I've been in love with you since the day I met you Yn,I hated every guy who ever made a move on you,even James,but James in also my brother which is the only thing stopping me from kissing you every bloody time I see you,so I'm not going to make you choose,because we all know who you love and you deserve happiness,so please for the love of Merlin get with James so I'm not tempted to kiss you ok?"

although Remus sounded happy about what he had said,he suddenly walked out of the classroom causing everyone to stare at me

"Stop staring" I say loudly causing everyone to go back to what they were doing.I take a seat at my desk and place my head in my hands,taking a deep breath

"Yn?" A voice spoke and I instantly wanted to scream at them for not leaving me alone

"Piss of" I didn't know who it was but I wish they would just leave me the hell alone

"I beg your pardon" oops?

It was Slughorn

"Sorry sir,tough day"

This morning I had found all my school clothes covered in dirt and some sort of slime which I'm guessing was somehow from Lily

Snape wouldn't stop looking at me all of breakfast,Sirius wouldn't look at me at all,James has been trying to talk to me but it's hard because people are always around

And now Remus has confessed his love for me

"I understand Ms Black but maybe refrain from telling teachers to go away in an unpleasant manner...." he begun

"No promises sir" I joke,before sighing in relief when I heard the bell ring..only to realise I now had Muggle Studies with Sirius and he was also my partner

I managed to walk out of the classroom and away from Slughorn who was trying to talk to me about Remus and made my way to my dorm

I never really skipped class unless I had to,like the James incident

I didn't feel like facing Sirius today,I knew the cold shoulder would be the only thing he gave me and I didn't need anymore of that since I get it enough from Regulus

I walked up to my dorm and dumped my books on my bedside table,might as well take the rest of the day left since I only have Muggle studies and Transfiguration left which I didn't feel like attending

So I lied in my bed,charming my school clothes of and instead charming on my comfy hoodie I stole from Sirius,it fit like a dress on me and it smelled like him making me smile

There was a sudden creak on my dorm stairs but I ignored it and went back to thinking about anything but Sirius which obviously didn't work

Suddenly I felt a person sit down on my bed and lie down making me lightly smile

"Not today Inde,I'm tired and sick" I fake cough

"I can manage getting sick if it means I can cuddle with you" a very attractive voice said making me smile but suddenly sit up

"How'd you get up here?" I asked James who pointed to the invisibility cloak

"Come snuggle me" he pouted before cuddling into my chest making me smile

Man He's such a bottom

"You smell like Sirius" he said as he cuddled closer to me

"That's cause I'm wearing his hoodie silly" I chuckled,running my fingers through his curly hair "where's your glasses?" I asked

"Somewhere" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Can you even see without them?" I ask and he chuckled this time

"Yeah,I only need them to see things far away,wait,I need to do something" he said quickly sitting up and coming so close to my face that our noses were touching

"Just had to make sure you were really Yn" he smiled making me laugh before suddenly connecting my lips to his soft ones,his hand pulled my closer and my hand went straight to his chest,pulling his shirt closer to me

And as we both pulled away with large smiles I never realised how much I was in love with this boy until now

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