Whats the order?

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-another 3rd person cause these are fun to do-

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-another 3rd person cause these are fun to do-

Sirius Stared at James,James Stared at Peter,Peter was falling down a hill,Remus was rethinking his life

"Are you ok Peter!?" Remus yelled out as the three ran after him,nearly falling down the hill themselves,Peter only grumbled and sat up,taking a few deep breaths

Sirius could only glance between his three friends,he didn't know what do think after what Elliot had told him,he knew his friends better then everyone

Especially James,James wouldn't do that

"I'm alright" Peter coughed as James and Remus helped him up "I think we were playing that muggle game a bit to seriously" Peter laughed

The four had been playing a muggle game called piggy in the middle and Peter just so happened to catch the ball,but that only caused him to fall down the hill

Sirius had been quiet,and it wasn't hard to tell that his friends were worried for him

Sirius eventually got a hold of himself and walked over to Peter,dusting some dirt out of his hair and smiling at the dirt on his face

Sirius muttered a quick charm and with the flick of his wand Peter looked clean again

"Thanks" Peter smiled as Sirius wrapped an arm around his shoulder

"Of course" he said as he helped the boy walk towards the castle

In the distance Sirius could see Snape and...Lily sitting under a tree talking,what a weird friendship

"Hey Weasel!" Snape called out

Snape never even thought of disturbing the Marauders,he knew better,he wasn't particularly scared of them but he was sure scared of Yn

The four boys begun to angrily walk towards Snape who didn't seem to cower or run away,infact

He walked towards them

Lily had a worried look on her face as she scrambled to grab her stuff,rushing over to the boys

"What could you possibly want?" Sirius spat at Snape who smirked a creepy looking smirk

"You know,I think it's funny how your own friend would go against you" Snape said,eyeing all the boys but lingering his eyes the longest on James making Sirius' nostrils flare

"Piss of" Sirius gulps back more nasty comments "before I make you-"

"Sirius Black!" McGonagall shouts out,running towards the four boys "you need to come with me"

Sirius exchanged a scared look between him,James,Remus and Peter and then McGonagall took Sirius up to Dumbledores tower,where he saw his twin sister standing there,a scared look on her face as well

-Your Pov-

"What's going on?" Sirius whispered and I shrug,the both of us walking up to Dumbledores desk

"Hello Professor Dumbledore" I wave and he smiles,nodding to the two seats by the table

"Tell me,have you ever heard of the..Order Of The Phoenix?" He asked and me and Sirius quickly glanced at each-other,shaking our heads no "it's a group of people,a secret group of people,that have come together to stop tom riddle and his followers...the death eaters" Dumbledore says and me and Sirius furrow our eyebrows "oh pardon me" he laughs "Lord Voldemort"

"Oh" I say,gulping

"You mean the Voldemort who's been Slaughtering muggle born witches and Wizards?" Sirius asked nervously,his hand ghosting over his mouth

"Yes,I'm afraid he needs to be stopped,and only the people I know I can trust are permitted to join" Dumbledore nodded and I chuckle

"Sir? Umm I was just wondering why you think me and Sirius are permitted to join the order?" I ask and Dumbledore smiles

"Because I've had visions of the future" he nods "your friends are gong to be given the same opportunity,and please,do not tell anyone about this,not even your friends until I ask them to be apart of it myself" he says and me and Sirius nod "of course you have the rest of the school year to make up your mind,but it's an idea for the future"

"Ok,Thankyou Professor" Sirius smiled before standing,I stand up to,the both of us heading out of Dumbledores office

"Hmm" Sirius mumbles "that's something" he nods

"Sure is" I nod in agreement as we head towards  where our groups last was "meet you at the great hall" I wave bye to Sirius and as he rounds a corner my eyes widen and I take a seat,trying to soak in what I was just offered

Voldemort wasn't known that well,not yet anyway,but I read the daily prophet enough to know that he's a dangerous murderer...

There was no doubt Voldemort would come after the order if he ever found out about it...

And what did Dumbledore mean he had visions of the future?

I shake my head,taking a deep breath before heading back towards the library

What a day huh

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