Fifteen years later

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"And that Harry,is your parents story" Remus finished

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"And that Harry,is your parents story" Remus finished

Harry sat silent at the large table,he didn't know what to say

He asked about his parents,how they met,everything,he wanted to know everything about them

It broke Remus and Sirius' heart to see Harry so confused,so interested in his parents story together,they should be the ones telling Harry how they met

Remus and Sirius sat next to eachother,holding hands as they watched Harry try to take in everything he was just told

The rest of the house listened closely as well

Of course the entire story was from Remus' point of view,and he only told the important parts of the story's,the first time James realised he was in love with Yn,to the last time he was James and Yn alive and happy

He told Harry about the one time Harry chased Sirius around the kitchen with Sirius' wand,accidentally casting speels without any knowledge

That seemed to be the only time Harry spoke during the entire story,where he asked

"How did you get the wand of me?" And for the whole time after he stayed silent

Harry smiled the whole time,his parents were in love,they got married and had Harry,he only wished that they were there to have told him that story

Hermione and the twins were particularly interested in the story

Hermione because she looked up to Yn in a way,she thought she was really cool and she even seemed to be a lot like Harry,they both seemed sassy and they both seemed to adore the same things

And the twins really loved the story because they had small memories of them they were younger and when Aunt Yn had changed their dipper or tried to stop them from running around naked in front of the entire street

And they also found Yn cool,really cool,and when they were showed the photos of Harry parents they couldn't help but gape

"Your mums..." Fred trialed of as he glanced at Harry "well she's something"

"And your dad" George chuckled

"You two are gross" Ron had muttered before looking at the picture himself "but their right,Harry-"

"-please don't say what I think your about to say" Harry spoke for the first time since hearing the story earning a chuckle from His Uncle Sirius

"Was my mum close with Peter?" Harry asked which gained everyone's curiosity once more

Molly even seemed invested in the story,sure she tried not to cry but she loved re living the memories of her friends

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