Happy again

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James' lips found mine almost instantly as he pressed our bodies together

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James' lips found mine almost instantly as he pressed our bodies together

His tongue licked my bottom lip,asking for entrence which I instantly gave to him,our tongues danced together,like a puzzle finding it's missing piece

"I missed you" James said in between the kiss,his lips trailing down to my neck

"Shutup" I say as I throw my head back,my fingers getting lost in his hair

He placed one last kiss on my neck before leaning down and picking up the bottom of my ball gown

"This is going to be a problem to get of" he sighed

"I swear to Merlin if you don't get this bloody dress of me in the next five seconds-"

"-relax darling ive got it" He stood back up and smiled at me,then with his wand he tapped the wall three times

"What are you doing?" I ask as he smirks

"Follow me" he said,grasping my hand,we ran through a small passageway and into-

"The room of requirements,how did we get here?" I ask as I look around,suddenly finding a bed placed in the corner with fresh sheets and lit candles around it

"You little rat" I glare at him making him smirk

"Sorry love" he shrugs before picking me up making me giggle,he tried his best to take of my dress but in the end I had to do it because of how hard it was,and I was suddenly left in my undies and bra

James stood infront of me,staring happily at the sight of me half naked

"Wow" James breathed out,his eyes scanning all over my body

"Are you just gonna stare or-"

"Hang on love not every day you get a view like this" he furrows his eyebrows,before he nods and takes a deep breath

"Could you Uhh-turn around?" He asked me making me confused

"Turn around-James what do you mean?" I ask

"I don't like undressing infront of people" he shrugs

"You're insecure?" I ask,he stays silent for a second until I stand up and walk over to him "there's nothing you should be insecure about" I say before taking of his glasses and placing them on a table behind me "because you James potter are a fine man" I add,undoing his belt making him gulp

"You shouldn't be frightened to take your clothes of" I throw his belt across the room and then begin to unbotton his blouse "especially not infront of me,never be insecure infront of me" I say before throwing his blouse to the ground and beginning to unbotton his shirt

"You should know something about me" I say as I undo the last bottom of his shirt "it's that you can never be afraid to show your true self infront of me" as I begin to take of his shirt and looks away but I grab his chin and making him look me in the eyes

"Don't be embarrassed" I smile at him before kissing his lips and leading them to his jaw then collarbone

He hands grip my waist as he lightly glides his fingers up and down my back,I turn him around and push him onto the bed,and then I begin to trail kisses all over his toned chest

I lead my kissed back up to his jaw and begin kissing all over his face making his nose scrunch

"Stopppp" he whines making me giggle as I peck his lips and fall down beside him,he turns on his side and wraps his legs between mine,his arm draping over mine

"James,as much as it might hurt me you need to tell me what's going on between you and Cece" I say as he smirks

"The whole time she's been teaching me how to talk to you"

"To me?" I ask as he nods

"Ok the couch she told me to act as if it were you lying in my arms,cringy I know-"


"Stop being a wimp and just pretend I'm Yn" Cece said to me causing me to roll my eyes

"Fine" I sigh,lying down,Cece slowly laid down In my arms and groaned

"Ok so don't hold her like this" Cece said before placing my hand from her waist to her stomach

"Ok make sure when you hold her she's comfortable,and make sure to say something sweet"

I sat there for a few seconds before beginning

"I like holding you" I said before shaking my head

"Aww your so cute now grow some balls and don't act like an eleven year old girl who still plays with her barbies" Cece rolled her eyes before standing up

"Her what?" I ask as she shoves a book into my hands

"A muggle thing,read this,it's stuff she likes,if you have stuff in common with her then the more she'll like you"


"So this whole time she's been trying to help you get me-"


"But that dosent you two hugging before we came in here"


After seeing snape and Yn together I ran out of the hall,I knew she didn't really want me to go but I also did want to ruin her night

As I ran through the halls I saw Cece waking alone and I ran to her,once she saw how red my face and how red my eyes were she hugged me

"She'll talk to you James,I promise" she whispered in my ear,I closed my eyes and sniffled


"Ok...but it seems like she has feelings for you-"

"-she's dating Ally Tylerson" James chuckled


"She dosent like boys Yn" James smirked "she likes girls" he says again making my eyes go wide

"Oh this is all my fault!this whole thing has happened because of me-" I begin to stand

"-hey calm down darling" James says before lying me back down in his arms "we all jump to conclusions when we see something shocking" James said before kissing my shoulder

"Can I ask you another question?" I ask as he nods

"Anything" he began,his hands fiddling with mine making me smile

"Who did you come to the ball with tonight" James smiled as if he found the question amusing,his eyebrows raising as he looked me in the eyes

"I came alone,actually,I promised to myself that I would wait for you no matter how long it took" he shrugs making me frown


"-just letting me hold you is enough for me to forgive you" he added on,kissing my cheek "go to sleep you goose" he chuckled before closing his eyes

After tonight I've come to a conclusion

I may be like a few steps away from being head over heels for James Fleamont Potter

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