Planning the future

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Peter and I sat quietly in the common room,not saying anything to eachother,I was to busy reading and he was to busy staring of into space

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Peter and I sat quietly in the common room,not saying anything to eachother,I was to busy reading and he was to busy staring of into space

Neither of us noticed when Remus walked in,and neither of us noticed when he walked in with Sirius behind him

"Guys" Remus says and I glance up at him,a smirk appearing on my face as I see Sirius behind him "Sirius got out of hell"

"I thought he was in a hospital wing?" Peter says confused which only makes me laugh lightly,I get up from the couch and walk over to Sirius,shoving his shoulder

"Why didn't you tell me you were getting discharged today?" I ask and he only shrugs

"Surprise?" He says as more of a question,walking past me and sitting next to Peter on the couch

"Where's James?" I ask and they shrug again,I sigh "well I'm heading of to the astronomy tower,if you guys see him tell him to meet me there" I say simply and they all wave me of

I head to the tower,muggle phone in my hand,and I head up the stairs,smiling as I reach the top

It was still day time,but it was getting to sunset hour which made me happier that I had come up here at this time

Sometimes I liked to study up here,alone and listen to music,other times I just want a front row seat to the stars,and most the time Sirius is with me to watch the stars,since he is one himself

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps and as I turn to the left I see James wandering up,his eyes meeting mine

He walks over to me and sits beside me,my head resting on his shoulder

He takes my hand in his and even thought I wanted to get some homework done I hold his hand,not minding about my homework anymore

'Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried' the song sings

"Honey if I get restless,Baby you're not that kind" I mumble,watching james smirk "you know the words"

"Don't go breaking my heart,You take the weight off of me,Honey when you knock on my door" he mumbles himself and I smile

"Ooh, I gave you my key" we both sing before laughing lightly,he brings my hand up to his mouth and he kissed it making me blush "I adore you"

"You adore me?" I question,turning to face him "really I didn't know" I sarcastically state

He turns to face me,a smile on his face

"I'll adore you for the rest of my life" he admits "and you'll adore me back"

"Says who?"

"Me" he smirks "your stuck with me" he says and I chuckle

"Great" he glared at me and I only smile "joking"

"So...Schools nearly over" he says and I nod "what do you think your gonna do?"

"Not sure" I shrug,I was thinking of joining the order but I can't tell James that,Dumbledore told me not to "what about you?"

"I love quidditch" he shrugs "I know you love Hogwarts,why not become a teacher here?" He asks

"I might,why don't you become a professional Quadditch player?"

"I might" he smirks back,then his smirk drops and its changed to a confused face "love...we need a plan"

"What for?" I ask and he grips my hand alittle tighter

"Well after we leave Hogwarts I don't really wanna live with my parents for the rest of my life" he jokes "why don't we move out?"

"What about Sirius?"

"Oh don't worry I'll give him money so he can buy his own place,look who you're talking to" James says and I almost roll my eyes.almost

"but what about us? and you I mean" I question and he turns to look at me

"Maybe,after school ends and all.....we could..I don't know" he trails of and I smile as he leans forward to twirl a strand of hair around my finger "maybe we could..." he trails of again

"Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"Well..technically,but you've got the rest of this schools year to come up with an answer of course,and I know it may seem soon or whatever but I don't care,I know I want us,I know I want a future with you and that's all that matters"

"Who said you could be so sweet?" I ask him and he only sighs

"Shut-up" he smirks "don't you think it's better to plan ahead then to face the future with no idea of what to do?" He asks and I nod once

"Also,I'm guaranteed Sirius will want to live with us" I half joke "preferably in a three story house but he gets the entire third floor to himself and it has to be one of those houses with the third floor in the attic"

"Well duh,can't have my best friend living in the basement" he jokes back,leaning forward and kissing me softly,his hand tracing behind my neck as he pulls me closer

As I slowly pull away I place my hand on his cheek,leaning forward again to kiss it

"I hope Remus and Sirius get together"

"Are they not already together?" He asks and I chuckle

"No,they just make-out or something from time to time"


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