The Gryffindor Perfect

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"Happy birthday Sev" I smile at Severus who was lying under a tree,waiting for me

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"Happy birthday Sev" I smile at Severus who was lying under a tree,waiting for me

I place a box of chocolates in his hands and also a small box which he gives me a look of confusion at

"What's this?I don't need presents" he says as he places both the presents down next to his bag

"I know but your one of my best friends and I wanted to get you something" I shrug,placing the presents back into his hands which he sighs at "just open them ok?"

He hesitates at first but after seeing my pout he sighs and opens the box of chocolates,giving me a small smile


"Wait til you see the second one" I smirk,he opens the second one and pulls out a ring that was carved with SS in it,it was green and black in the middle with a small detail of a snake

"How the Merlin balls did you get this?" He asked making me laugh and fall back,staring up at the tree

"Just a little something I spend everyday looking for" I shrug "no big deal-"

"-no big deal?Yn I think this is the best present I've ever gotten" he said looking at the ring as if it were extremely fragile,he slipped it on his finger and smiled as it shone in the sun

"I hope you like it" I smile at him who smiles at me

"I love it"

"Come on Moony,Padfoot!" Sev stands up at James' voice,grabbing his wand out

"Expelliarmus!" James yells and suddenly Sev's wand was in James hand

"Nice one James!" Sirius smiled

"Potter give it back!" I yell,standing up and marching over to him

"Don't worry your pretty little head,i won't hurt him" James chuckles,pushing me lightly into Remus' arms

Everyone around us began chanting 'Snivillius!"

James suddenly charmed Sev in the air,hanging him upside down

"Now who wants to see me take of Snivillys trousers?" James smirks

"Put him down you jerk!" Indego suddenly said,going to grab James wand

"I don't need help from a Filthy Mudblood like you!" I heard Severus yell and my stomach dropped

Everyone suddenly went silent and James dropped his wand causing Severus to fall to the ground

"What did you just say?" I look over at Indego,who's eyes were tearing up

"I said I don't need help from a Filthy Mudblood like her!and you to!your just a blood-traitor!"

James began to roll up his sleeves but I shook my head

"Fine,if that's how you want to be Snivellus" I say before grabbing my bag "then I hope you have a shit day" I say before walking over to Indego

"Filthy Mudblood" I heard him mutter under his breath,I turn around and walk over to him,our faces inches apart

And suddenly,I slap him as hard as I can across the face and he falls down in pain

Everyone begins to cheer again,including James,I turn around and walk over to them

"Your just as bad as him" I spit at James who now looks shocked

"I would never call Indego that name or you a blood-traitor"

"No but your both assholes who think you can go around calling people Horrid names" I spit back and walk away,my arm over Indegos shoulder


That night Indego spent quiet,we both skipped dinner and stayed in our dorms

I'm not exactly sure what this meant for her and Sirius but by the looks of it she just needed time to cool of

"I'm gonna go take a walk" I said before leaving the dorm room and quickly rushing out of the common room filled with people

I begin to walk the dark halls,I loved night time here,it was always so pretty

I begin to walk up to the astronomy tower,wanting to see the dark sky from high,and when I finally reached it I was taken aback at how beautiful it was

Leaning over the railing I watched as the stars shimmered in the sky,suddenly there was a sound behind me,and as I turned I saw James walking up the stairs,his head low and it looked as if his eyes were red....has he been crying?

"Oh Yn..didn't know anyone was up here" he sniffles and sighs

I begin to walk away but he grips my arm and pulls me back


"-I don't want to talk to you" I begin to walk past him

"Just because he called you and Indego names it dosent mean I will!I may be a complete arse but I would never call you that..surely you would know that?"

"I do,I know you wouldn't but the fact that you can't ever just let me have a good time by myself is ridiculous,and lately you have been arse,what the hell has gotten into you!"

"Oh I don't know!maybe the fact I said I was in love with you on the train and you didn't even answer!"

"I was going to but I kinda got pulled out of the train if you don't remember potter!"

"You we're gonna answer?" He asks,his eyebrows raising "well-well what were you gonna say?"

"Something...." I take a deep breath "something-" I shake my head "just stay away from me" I say before running back to the common room,my heart beating in my chest

When suddenly I crash into a body and fall to the floor,my forehead beginning to hurt

"Oww" I whine,standing up quickly

"Oh geez I'm so sorry!wait you shouldn't even be out of the dorm room-"

Great,a perfect

"Look please don't put me in detention or anything-"

Suddenly the girl stands up and we make eye contact

She had long red hair,her eyes a light green colour

"-your Yn black aren't you?" She asked,her eyebrows furrowing "not surprised a black ends up breaking the rules" she chuckles

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh no I'm not trying to be offensive!no I was just saying that cause I catch Sirius sneaking out almost every night with his girlfriend!" She smiles "I'm Lily,Lily Evans" she then looks me up and down and smiles again

"Right,Your a Gryffindor Perfect I'm assuming?"

"Yeah,how's about you get back to the dorm so no one else catches you" she chuckles "you get this one of free but the next time I catch you-"

"-yeah yeah,listen thanks" I smile lightly at her

"No problem,also isn't your brother bestfriends with James Potter?" She asks and I raise my eyebrows


"No reason" she smirks "night Yn"

"Night Evans"


Sorry for being inactive :( school really does suck man,thought shoutout to @imomopsy for the request!

Love you all and Thankyou so much for 18k reads🖤

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