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"Yn!" Great

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"Yn!" Great.just the person I wanted to see

"Yes?" I turn and face my brother whose eyes were narrowed,his breathing was heavy and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw me

"Where in the Merlin balls have you been!?" He asks,placing his hands on my shoulders making me roll my eyes at how dramatic he was

"I just-fell asleep in Ally's dorm" I lie,watching as his face turns from worried to 'I'm not stupid' making me sigh

"Fine,I fell asleep in the Room of Requirements" I say making him smirk

"Thanks is for telling me deer sister"

"One more pun and I pun-ch you" I say causing his eyes to widen

"Oh yeah one more thing,have you talked to rege lately cause I don't know if we're supposed to stay or-"

"We have to go back home for the holidays Siri" I say,now placing my hands on his shoulders,watching as his eyes sadden

"Can't we just stay here or something,make an excuse to not go or something?" He asks,his eyes glistening over,I was so confused

Because every time we went home Sirius never teared up or cried,that's when I realised him tearing up had nothing to do with going home

"Sirius...what's wrong?" I ask,my eyes scanning his face,suddenly a tear dropped but he quickly wiped it away and shook his head

"I've gotta go" he sniffles before walking of leaving me confused

Surely James or one of the boys would know what happened

I quickly rush to the common room,passing by a bunch of students heading to breakfast,but as I reached the common room Peter Remus and James were sat in the corner,all looking slightly sad

"Boys" I nod them before walking over "do you guys know what's wrong with Sirius?" I ask as they all look up at me

"In-" Remus cuts Peter of by shaking his head then turning back to me

"I think you should go talk to indego......" Remus said causing my eyes to widen

"They didn't-"

"-they did" James added in,his blue eyes meeting mine

"Shit" I mumble before running up to the dorm room,I expected indego to be crying on her bed but instead,she was doing her makeup,not a frown or tear in sight,actually she was slightly smiling

"Indego?" I ask causing her to turn and face me

"Hey,I tell ya this weathers not looking very nice" she says pointing her head to the window where rain was now seeping through causing me to quickly close it

"I heard about you and Sirius" I say causing her to shrug

"He thought I kept to many secrets" she fake smiles then continues to do her makeup but huffs

"Can you do my makeup?" She asks making me slightly smile

"Of course" I sit her down at the vanity and begin doing her eyes,it was just me filling her in on the James and Cece situation,which she was shocked at

"So you're telling me-that James isn't an arrogant prat?" Indego's asked making me giggle

"No,he's still an arse,well he's got a good a-"

"-alright kiddo I don't need to know about you and Potter getting it on" indego smiled,although I noticed it seemed forced

"You ok?" I asked,my hand placed on her shoulder as I tried to look for any type of emotion

"I'm good" she smiles back "so you and potter huh?" She says making me blush

"He's cool"

"He's cute" indego winks making me chuckle "but he's also a total toerag"

"Hey,he's actually a cool guy,like you may not see it but he actually tries to be a good person"


"When we're alone"

"So have you shagged yet?"

"Indego!" I gasp watching as she smirks "no" I say making her smirk

"Girl go shag him go!" She begins pushing me towards the door making me laugh

"Indego stop!"

"Go,do you know how long that man-boy-child has wanted you and now that he has you and you can finally Shag him your not going to?I don't think so!" She says before taking my wand out of my pocket and pushing me out of the girls dormitory,locking the door

"Let me in!" I yell knocking on the door

"Not until I hear some action!" She says making me roll my eyes before stomping down the common room stairs

James was sitting on the common room couch and to my surprise


"I didn't know you could read" I smirk watching as he quickly throws the book behind him

"Read?pfft whatever" he says making me chuckle

"Well I think it's...attractive when a man reads" I say before sitting on his lap,wrapping my hands around his neck

"Well In that case reading is my favourite thing ever" we both chuckle and he wraps his arms around my waist

"Yn?" James asks,his head resting on my chest


"I'm worried about you and Sirius"


"I know when you go back home for the Christmas holidays that your all going to get hurt and-"

"-don't worry about me ok?just take care of Sirius no matter what,promise me?"

"I promise" he says before closing his eyes


"Yes James"

"All I do is worry about you" he says again making me smile

"Stop then" I smile lightly,closing my eyes

"....Yn?" I sit there for a second before chuckling

"Hmm" I hum

"Your pretty" I feel my cheeks turn red as my arms wrap around his neck tighter


And for the first time in along time everything was silent,I sat there on his lap,him hugging my waist as the only sound we could hear was the fire crackling and the rain hitting the windows,it was so calming

I felt safe in James' arms

I never wanted him to let go

"Oh my god...." indego whispered as she walked downstairs and saw James asleep,his head resting against my chest

"Be quiet he's sleeping" I say smiling down at him

"Please-this is fucking adorable" indego says pouting making me smile as I run my fingers through his messy hair

"Do you love him?" She asks,watching as my eyes stare at his features

"I don't know" I shrug

"Does he love you?" She asks making me chuckle

"I don't know"

"Do you think in time you'll love eachother?"

"I think so"

"So you want to be with him?"

"Definently "

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