Cheer up snuffles

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The next few days were hell,the only person on my mind was Sirius

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The next few days were hell,the only person on my mind was Sirius

My mother made me start dancing,and not good dancing or fun dancing but dreadful ball dancing

I hated every second in the household I somehow call home,she watched me like a hawk,making sure I wasn't sending letters to Sirius or somehow apparting back and forth between this house and James' which I'm one hundred percent sure sirius is now living at

Father and regulus were gone most days,I don't know why and honestly I didn't want to,the thought of what my father was making regulus do make my stomach drop

I just hopped it had nothing to do with being a death eater or god so help me-

"Chin up,legs together,shoulders straight,and fix your back posture" my mother said,lifting my chin with her wand she held tightly in her hand,then she glanced at the boys hands I was currently holding

I didn't even know his name,just some guy my mother paid to teach me how to ball dance I guess

The dress I was currently dressed in was horrendous,a dark green ball gown with rather large shoulder pads and long sleeves

I hated having to dress up just to practice a dance but unless I would rather be tortured and in literal pain I had to

The man twirled me around and grabbed my hand again.our feet moving to the music

Mother watched from the corner,her wand in her hand as if ready to hex me at any moment for making a stupid little mistake like moving my feet the wrong way

Just think,think about Sirius and Remus and-James

Oh James,the one person who had ever made my heart flutter in a special way,and I didn't even get to tell him that I was in love with him to

I desperately wanted to write to him and tell him that I felt the same,but what would I ever write?

"Oh hey James,got pulled away on the train but just writing to let you know I'm in love with you to,all jolly?sick

Yours truely-Yn"

That's just stupid at it's finest

The song ended and my mother walked out of the room,the bottom of her long black dress gliding along the marble floor as her heels clicking loudly

The man walked over to a seat in the large empty marble room and drunk a whole bottle of water,I took this as my que and left,walking up to my room with a huff before falling onto my bed

I wish the covers would just gobble me up and somehow keep me trapped forever

But unfortunately they were nothing more then comfortable warm,silky blankets

I stood up after a couple of minutes and let the green ball gown slip of my shoulders and fall to the floor

I knew mother would be disgusted if I went to dinner without showering

So I walked over to the bathroom and took of my undergarments and bra,then turned on the water and let it hit my skin carelessly

-James pov-

Sirius was still sitting in the guest bedroom hidden,he hadn't come out since the day he got here,crying because he had left his siblings behind

I was glad he was safe but now all the ran through my mind was Yn,is she ok?is she safe?is she even alive!?....does she feel the same way as me?

Mum kept pacing the kitchen,I felt like she was slowly losing her mind after hearing small sobs come from the guest bedroom

"It's not ok for that poor boy to be cooped up in that blastered room all day James!" Mum yelled,pointing her finger threateningly at me before sighing

"Yeah mate grow some balls and go talk to him-" my mum cut my dad of by smacking him over the head causing me to chuckle but quickly walk away once I heard them begin to bicker

I made my way up the flat stairs,the sound of sobbing getting louder as I stood a few feet away from the room Sirius was currently in

I hesitated at first,I knew Sirius liked his privacy whenever he was upset,but I walked in,closing the door quietly behind me

He was sat sprawled out on the bed,hundreds of used tissues laid on the bed and floor and his wand laid on the window seal

He didn't even notice I was in the room until I cleared my throat

"Oh James" he said lifting his head up,keeping his legs and arms spread "you need something?" He asked but I grabbed a paper ball sat in the corner and threw it at him causing him to grunt before sitting up

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself pads,I'm sure Yn and regulus will be fine,they are strong remember?And i know for sure that their happy you left and went somewhere safe,don't dread on it" I began,watching him sniffle before sighing "come on man,I miss your dorky smile"

He looked up at me,tears threatening to leave his eyes,but he wiped them away and looked up at me again

I began to dance like an idiot,nearly stumbling over a random blanket that was balled up causing him to crack a small smile

"There's that beautiful smile snuffles,come on let's go prank mum,or dad!or we could go to the park or-"

"-as much as I love the offer prongs,I just don't feel like going out,and don't call me snuffles" he said causing me to sigh a final sigh

"At least shower,you smell like a wet-"

"-yeah yeah get out you prat" he waved me out making me sigh in relief,he may not be the happy cheery Sirius I know but at least he's going to shower

That's something I can work with,for now anyways

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