In denial

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A whole week passed since me and Sirius made up,indego forgave Sirius after he asked her to the Christmas ball with flowers (buttercups) and took her to the black lake which is her favourite place to go and read

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A whole week passed since me and Sirius made up,indego forgave Sirius after he asked her to the Christmas ball with flowers (buttercups) and took her to the black lake which is her favourite place to go and read

Me and James have been teasing eachother none stop,him having his hand on my thigh in class and guiding it higher which makes me swat his hand away and my whispering in his ear making him run to the toilets red in the face

The sexual tension was through the roof but me and James were both standing our ground,neither were going to make the first move cause then we'd lose

"I don't know what's going on with you lately but you need to chill out" indego says as I groan into my pillows,I swear I could still feel James' hand on my thigh

"Indego you and Sirius do stuff right-"

"-I don't like where this is going-"

"-but who made the first move?" I ask as she shuffled in her bed

"Sirius,he kissed me-"

"-not kissing I mean" I look around as if there were someone listening "sex" I breath out and her eyebrows raise

"S I R I U S" she spells out

"Figured" I say back,suddenly Cece comes bursting through the door

"Guess what!" She says as me and indego glance at eachother before turning to her

"What?" We ask in union

"I got asked to the ball!" She squeals,me and indego jump up and we all begin jumping around

"We got dates to the ba-wait I haven't been asked yet" all three of us stop jumping

"That's YOUR fault" indego chuckles "you've been asked to the ball at least fifty times a day and you always say no" I shrug and look down,bitting my lip

"Oh my god-" indego began



"Who?who?who!" Indego says as she pulls me onto her bed,Cece following

"I swear on...Sirius' life there's no one I'm waiting to ask me to the ball" I say causing there eyebrows to raise

"So your going to get your brother killed for one lie?" Cece asked

"Fine,there is someone but he's probably got a date already" I shrug

"Please tell us whoooooooo" indego whines

"No" I shrug "no no and NO" I sigh

"Fine,we guess and if one of us say the correct person you have to say yes...ready?" Cece smirks


"Amos Diggory" indego says


"Wait I kinda would like if it's this person,Remus Lupin"

"No C" I chuckle

"Uhh Lucius malfoy?"

"Eww No way"

"Fuck I can't think of anyone...please don't tell me it's snape-"

"-no Cece" I roll my eyes

"Ugh umm James potter"

"Yes-wait no!" Both of there jaws drop as they stare at me in shock

"J-James Fleamont P-Potter?that's who you've been all smiley about the past few weeks?" Indego says as I sigh

"It was only supposed to be a innocent kiss to shut him up but-"

"YOUVE KISSED!" Cece yelled causing me to quickly cover her mouth

"Guys you CANNOT tell Sirius.....I'm serious-"

"-I thought you were Yn" indego says furrowing her eyebrows

"Great Sirius has officially put his mark on you,now your using his stupid signature joke" I roll my eyes

"How many times have you kissed?" Cece asks

"Only once...." they both stare at me,not satisfied "twice-"


"Fine we have kissed more then three times-"

"YOU DIRTY DOG" Cece yelled making Yn giggle

"He's just a-"

"-a dumbass?" Indego asked

"A weirdo?" Added Cece

"A twat-"

"-ok ok I get it,you two don't see in him what I do,he is a really great guy,and he has this caring side to him that he only shows around me,and he just makes me happy and his eyes,his big green eyes and his soft brown hair that I run my hands through when he holds me,and his soft lips that I want to kiss and savour and his laugh-don't get me started on his laugh,and when he pushes his glasses up his nose and smiles at me,or the way he bites his pen when he's nervous,or when he blushes and looks down when I compliment him-or the way he stares at me and thinks I don't notice but really I stare at him when he isn't watching-" I stop talking when I notice Cece and indego were staring at me in shock

"What?" I ask as they both pout to eachother

"Oh my god our babys in love C" indego says tearing up

"She's growing up so fast" sobs back Cece

"I'm not in love!god you guys are so embarrassing!" I say making them smile at me

"Oh you're so smitten about him!" Indego smiles

"I'm not smitten about him!"

"I'll go tell him he has our blessing" Cece says but I push her back down onto the bed

"I'm just gonna go...." I whisper before rushing out of the room,as I walk down the common room stairs I see Remus and James sitting at the table,Remus looked disappointed as he read a book but James looked over the moon,sitting there with a smile on his face,he looked so care free

"Any of youse seen my brother?" I ask as James looks up at me and smiles even more,Remus just shrugged and continued to read

"I think he said something about a date with Slughorn-no sure" James said sighing silently

"Thanks...Potter" I say before walking out of the Gryffindor common room,a small smile on my face,I quickly run to the great hall in search for Sirius because usually after he gets out of detention he goes to get something to eat the walks back to the common room but no one was there so I walked towards slughorns classroom,but the door was closed

I waited there for a few minutes before the door flew open and Sirius came walking out,smirking

"Oh just the girl I was looking for" Sirius says,linking his arm with mine

"Sirius can I ask you a question?" I say as he looks at me

"I'm scared your about to ask me to help you hide a dead body-and if so then I'm totally in" he smiles at me

"Charming brother but I was actually going to ask you if James has a date to the b-"

"-why?" Sirius stops walking,raising a brow at me,oh just great


"Because?" He asks again

"Because I know a girl that wants to ask him to the ball but she's to afraid to ask if he already has a date" I sigh out,lucky for me Sirius brought it

"Well I'm that case no,no he doesn't" he says before turning a corner causing me to smile

"Great,great look I gotta go-"


"BYE SIRI!" I yell,running towards the common room,I can't believe I'm going practically trick James into asking me to the ball

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