The Plan

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No sign of anything

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No sign of anything

Lyla Indego and I searched and searched but we didn't find anything

So we headed down to the common room to find the boys who were surprisingly not there,so we did the only thing we could think of

We went to go find them

Maybe they've found some dirt on Evans?

The three of us headed to the black lake,making sure not to be to suspicious

But as we got down there,nobody was even there which made me confused

"Are you sure Sirius said they were here?" Indego asked and I nodded

"You heard him yourself" looking around I notice the sky was a dull grey colour

Uh oh

Suddenly it started pouring down rain.the three of us laughed as we ran to find cover,but suddenly as we ran around a corner I crashed into a chest and fall backwards

"Oww" I mumble,quickly standing up and my breathing hitches when I come face to face with none other then James himself

"James...." I breathe out.he raises a brow and nods in my direction

"Black" he begins to walk past me,I look down,my stomach dropping

"Wait!" I suddenly say,spinning around to see him also turn around and give me an agitated look

"Not to be rude or anything but I kinda have somewhere to be if you don't mind so if we could hurry this up-"

"-your talking about Lily Evans..right?" I don't know why I asked that question,as I knew it would hurt me

And it did

James looked down,smiling like the cute dork he is and nodded

"Right" I nod feeling my stomach drop even more "uhh nevermind" he sighs before quickly rushing down the hallway

And I stand there,confused and annoyed

He looked and acted as if he didn't even recognise me

Would he be this way forever?

"Yn!" A voice calls out and as I spin on my heel I see three very puffed boys running towards me

Sirius Remus and Peter all stop infront of me.out of breath

"You guys alright?" Indego asks but they all give me a confused look once they see Lyla with us

"Long story,what is it!" Indego demands,pointing to a piece of paper in Sirius' hand

"Well we didn't find anything on Evans" the three of us sigh "but,we did find the cure for the love potion!" Sirius smiles,proudly making me roll my eyes

"Hand it here" I say snatching the paper out of his hands and reading it out loud

"A true loves kiss...what is this sleeping beauty?" I roll my eyes again

"It said that the cure for the person who's been love poisoned has to be kissed by the person there deeply in love with,their soulmate" Remus explains

"Can't we just take him to the nurse?tell her what happened?" Lyla asked and Peter Remus and Sirius all scratch their heads

" see we would but the thing is lily wouldn't be the only one getting expelled..." Sirius says rubbing the back of his neck

"What did you do" Indego says and he quickly gulps

"We maybe..sort of...accidentally... gave lily the idea-"

"YOU DID WHAT!?" I yell out and the three boys all stumble back

"-it was an accident!" Peter defends himself

"Yeah!she asked us how to make a guy fall in love with her and we told her all the stuff but she said that this boy she likes...ok she asked us to help make her make love potion that only lasts for one day!I promise it was only meant to last one day!" Remus frowns

"Did you know the boy she was talking about was James!?" Lyla asks and they all shake there heads no

"She just said she was going to use it to prank him!whoever the guy was!if we knew it was James we wouldn't have told her where to get the stuff and how to make it!" Sirius says before sighing

"So let me get this straight,you helped lily with the love potion because she told you it was going to be used on a boy to prank him into falling in love with her for a day...but you didn't know the boy was James?" I ask raising a brow and they all slowly nod

"We're sorry" Remus sighs,looking down

"Well I'm glad that you guys didn't keep it a secret...sort of" Indego shrugged before kissing Sirius on the cheek

"Question,how the hell are we supposed to find James' true love?" Peter asked and I raised my eyebrows

"I have an idea..but I'm afraid it's going to be hard and long" Sirius smirked,realising what he just said was wrong

"What is it?" Peter asked

"Someone needs to distract lily or something,and me and the boys will take James around the whole school so every girl can kiss him,and whoever makes him turn back to normal is the winner!" Sirius smiles

"It isn't a fucking contest" I grumble "it's a stupid idea" I sigh,watching as the five of them look at me "but it's the only plan we've got"

"So we're all in?" Remus asks and we all nod



I have no clue how we're supposed to distract lily,I know for a fact she hardly ever leaves James' side now adays,maybe I could ask her to help me and Indego study...but how the hell am I going be around her without killing her? it'll be hard I guess

Me and Indego walked into the gryffindor common room,spotting lily and James cuddling on the couch

"Hey Lily..." both of them look up at me and Indego and she frowns


"Slughorn asked me to tell you that you have to help tutor me and Indego in potions" I lie,watching as her face lights up

"Ohh lovley!....James,I'm gonna go to the library alright my love"

This bitch

James nodded and pouted,kissing her one last time before she quickly stood up and followed me and Indego to the library

Right about now Sirius Peter Remus and Lyla would be taking James out to the common room and would be forcing him to kiss every girl in the school

How?I have no clue

I just hoped it worked

Even if I wasn't his soulmate,I just hoped this worked

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