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As I ran to the common room I couldn't help by let a small smile play on my lips

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As I ran to the common room I couldn't help by let a small smile play on my lips

Maybe James is good for me,who knows

But as I reached the common room my heart fell,James was sitting on the couch with a girl wrapped in his arms

But what broke my heart even more was who the person wrapped in his arms was,Cece

"I like holding you" James said as Cece smirked

"Aww your so cute-" she began

I nod my head slowly before walking up the stairs,that was until I bump into someone

"Sorry" I mumble

"Yn?" I look up and meet eyes with Remus who looked sad,his eyes teary and his mouth in a frown

"You ok rem?you look like you've been down in the dumps all day" I slightly smile

"I'm fine,just feeling abit sick you know" he shrugs and I give him a small smile

"I hope you feel better" I say before embracing him in a hug,he hesitates at first but hugs back and smiles

Yn didn't know it but Remus Lupin's feelings for her were growing stronger and stronger everyday


The next day I sat in the isolated courtyard with Severus as we studied for potions,we had hung out a lot more since what happened between James and Severus but overall he was a nice person

"What's got you all frowney?" He asked me as I shrugged

"Oh nothing,just stressed about literally everything" I sigh making him chuckle

"I've been meaning to ask-if-if you've got a date to the umm-"

"The Christmas ball?" I ask as he nods quickly "No-oh my god are you Severus Snape asking I Yn Black to the Christmas ball?" I ask smiling as he bites his lip

"I guess-"

"-sure I'd love to go,oh how cool would it be,me and you showing up to the ball in white outfits covered in our enemies blood-"

"-your weird" he chuckles as I smile

"What else is there it be" I shrug "I'm so glad your my friend sev" I sigh,lying my head on his shoulder

"Yeah,friend" he sighs back,lying his head on top of mine "I never thanked you for being there for me,for being my friend" he sighs again

"No problem,it's been a honour" I chuckle as he smiles

Indego came out shortly after,rushing to grab my hand before leading me away without a word

"What was that for?" I ask as she looks me in the eyes

"Yn,James was looking for you and when he saw you and Snape sitting together like that-he went wild,he threatened to KILL Snape,he was going to walk out there and punch him but Remus and Peter had to stop him" indego breathed out

"Where the hell is Sirius!?" I ask as she shrugs

"Who knows" she says before linking her arm with mine

"Wait stop-I have to tell you something" I say quickly which causes her to stop in her tracks

"What?" She asks

"Yesterday I saw-I saw Cece and James cuddling on the couch,I think that's who asked Cece to the ball yesterday" I frown watching as indego's face turns from concerned to angry

"Oh I'm about to slap a bitch-"

"-don't,it's not worth it,besides I'm going to the ball with Snape" I smirk and watch as indego smirks along

"Oh you bad bitch" she says,lightly slapping my shoulder

"Speaking of James I think I need to have alittle word with him" I sigh

"Ya think?"


After a hour or so I walked around looking for James and mentally sighed when I saw him sitting alone by the black lake,I walked down to him and he stood abruptly at the sight of me

"Yn hey-"

"-don't 'hey' me potter,you think you can go around and beat up the people I hang out with?your fucking crazy-I hate to do this to you,to me-to us or whatever we are,but I'm not doing this-this thing anymore-"

"-this thing?you mean the fact that me and you have feelings for eachother-"

"-I don't not have feelings for you" I say crossing my arms over my chest,he raises his brow at me and I sigh

"Ok so maybe I did-or do but we're never going to work,and you must think I'm stupid to think that you only have your mind on me,I saw you and my bestfriend,my bloody bestfriend cuddling on the couch yesterday"


"-no,I'm done,you can have her or whatever girl you want,cause we're officially over,whatever we were anyway" I state before turning around and storming away,I felt so angry and so sad,we weren't even dating and I feel like my heart just broke into a million pieces

I really thought James had changed,for me but he didn't,I was probably just another one of his bets to see how far we would go before I confessed my love for him then he'd break up with me

Well he's officially lost me,and Cece?I have no clue what the hell I'm gonna do with her,maybe ignore her,yeah I'll just do that,even thought it doesn't seem like a good thing to do considering she sleeps in the same room as me every night...

As I made it to the great hall for dinner I let out a big sigh and sit down,I knew falling in love was going to be a bitch-not that I'm in love with James,because I'm not,but I guess there really are assholes out there

Indego and Sirius walked into the great hall,holding hands and as they saw me sadly sitting down they both frowned to eachother

"You ok?" Indego asked as she sat next to me

"I'm just jolly!" I fake smile

"I heard about that James situation where he threatened To like-kill that slimey Grease ball-"

"Sirius!" I yell

"Anyway,do you know why he did it?" Sirius asked as I furrow my eyebrows

"I don't know maybe because James is an arse?" I raise my brows

"No because he likes you,jeez Yn how oblivious are you?" Sirius said rolling his eyes "I'm not saying that I'm ok with him liking you,but I do like that he's happy to kill anyone who gets friendly with you" Sirius shrugs

"Your making it sound like he's some hero-"

"-I'm not saying he's a hero I'm just saying he would keep you safe-"

"-James potter doesn't get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with,he's not my boss or my mother is he?no so maybe if he could learn what boundaries were maybe I would actually consider liking him" I snap causing Sirius to grow silent and turn back to his food

"I'm guessing your talk with him didn't go well?" Indego whispered to me

"I guess not" I shrug back

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