By the Lake

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The next day I couldn't leave the Gryffindor common room quicker,I rushed to the great hall,Indego and Sirius were snogging so I just looked around and saw snape,why not?

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The next day I couldn't leave the Gryffindor common room quicker,I rushed to the great hall,Indego and Sirius were snogging so I just looked around and saw snape,why not?

Walking over to the Slytherin table I took a seat next to him and grabbed some toast

"You ok?" He asked,buttering his toast

"I'm good,you?"

"Yn I know your lying,is it potter and his bastard friends-"

"-watch your mouth sev,remember one of those guys happens to be my twin brother"

"Right right,forgot you were related to him" I glared at snape,then rolled my eyes and turned back to my food

"Well I love him and if you really were my friend you wouldn't be talking down my other half now would you?" He glanced at me,setting his knife down on his plate

"Right,friend" he sighed "when are you ever going to notice that I have feelings for you Yn?I could treat you better then most the bloody men at this school!" He yelled earning looks from all the people In the great hall


"-no,you'll never notice me the way I notice you-you'll never like me or love me the way I do you,because all you care about is potter-POTTER!"

I only now just realised James,had tipped a whole bowl of soup over severus' head making me gasp

"You called?" James smirked,looking over at Sirius,the both of them laughing,I stood up making eye contact with James who just raised a brow at me and smirked

"Fuck of James"

"Bite me black"

We glared at eachother,Severus was running to the bathroom,Sirius walked over to us with Indego,the both of them stealing worried glances to eachother

I turned and stormed out of the great hall and walked to the library,who does he think he is?honestly,strutting around the castle acting all tough and shit,he doesn't deserve lecture my or worry

He does deserve a slap across the face though

"Yn!" Spinning on my heels I come face to face with a very puffed out Cece

"Hey C" I smile lightly at her

"Y-Yn" she clutches her knees,trying to catch her breath,I walk over to her and wrap her arm around my neck,walking us over to a seat

"Breath C" I chuckle "what's wrong"

"Remus-Remus" she coughs "Remus-"


"Remus is desperately looking for you" she lets out a loud cough and I pat her back

"Ok alright?"

"I'm good-he's down at the black lake" after making sure Cece wasn't dying I walked down to the black lake,seeing Remus sitting by the tree,three books on his lap

He read all at once making me chuckle

"Always got your nose stuck in books haven't you?" I chuckle,walking over to the lake and picking up a rock

Skipping it across the water

"With Sirius and James taking all my time up I guess using my napping time is the only time to study"

Glancing back at him I find a small smile on his face

"You needed to talk to me?" I ask

"Yn,your my best friends twin sister,he's hurting,he needs you,he needs his twin sister back please just talk to him-"

"-I did rem" I chuckle

"What!when?" He looks up,surprised

".....last night,do you not remember anything from last night?"

"No?" He says as more of a question

"Not anything at all?"

"I remember us dancing on the table but that's it" he shrugs and goes back to his book but suddenly stops in his tracks and looks up at me,shocked "I didn't say or do anything last night stupid..right?"

I bite my bottom lip and narrow my eyes at him,then again maybe he wouldn't want to know because it's not a big deal

He only kissed me and told me he was in love with me because he was drunk


"No,No nothing of the sort" I smirk "but rem,I must say you are confident when your drunk"

"Oh Merlin I know right?also I heard what happened this morning"

"What happened this morning" I ask confused

"You know,snape confessing his feeling for you and you and James having a glare of" he chuckles "I guess you guys are back at it again"

"Maybe if he would stop strutting around the castle acting like he knows the place..maybe then I'd stop treating him like a child" I shrug,Remus stayed silent

I didn't expect him to say anything anyway

"Are you gonna start ignoring us again?" Remus asked,I looked back and found a small frown on his face "I hate when you act like we don't exist"

"I'm sorry,you know I miss you guys,I'm doing it for rege"

"Regulus is fifteen,cant he take care of himself?"

"You don't understand,once I get kicked out rege is all on his own rem..."

"Why can't he just run away with you?" I froze in my spot,I knew the one thing regulus has been trying to achive his whole life is for mother and father to be proud of him

"Rege has always been one to care about my parents opinion,he would never run away"

"Could you convince him?"

"Ive tried trust me,both Sirius and I have" Remus sighs and places done the books,walking over to me and gripping my hand

"Your a good sister,you know that right?"

"Thanks rem" I smile at him who smiles back

"But that also dosent answer my questions,are you going to ignore us?"

"No,I mean i guess I can talk to you guys but not near where people are" I shrug

"You talked to us last night at a common room full of people-"

"-may I remind you they were all drunk" he grins

"Still...." he pauses "so tell me everything snape has said to you about liking you" he teases,pulling me towards the tree and sitting down causing me to roll my eyes

"Go back to reading you tosspot"

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