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Getting of the train was a mission,I could hardly get on with the amount of people but getting of was harder

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Getting of the train was a mission,I could hardly get on with the amount of people but getting of was harder

I gripped regulus' hand as we searched for Sirius who we soon found huddled near one of the train doors,a dull look on his face

He didn't say a word as he saw us but instead walked of the train

I gripped reges hand as we walked towards the black muggle car that sat on the road,crowds of students coming from all places of the train station

Rege hopped in first,me second and Sirius looked around as if hoping someone would kidnap him

But as his eyes met mine and silently got in and I grabbed his hand

The car took of and I held the boys hands as it sped through the roads carelessly

"We're in this together" rege spoke up,glancing at me and Sirius before lying his head back on the seat

"It's just another holiday at home and then we're back to school before you know it" I added on,trying desperately to reassure Sirius as he stared out the car window,a frown on his face

"You don't have to try to reassure me,it's not as if I'm going to jump out of the car or something" he said not taking his eyes away from the window

I frowned at rege as he let out a sigh

The car ride home was deadly quiet,it didn't feel good at all

But as we walked through the front doors it only got worse

"Regulus" my mother spoke,nodding him towards his room,I walked through the door,watching as my mother and father give me a stern glare before also giving me a nod upstairs

Sirius went to follow but my mother gripped his arm tightly,her nails clawing into his arm

"Sirius-" I began but rege pulled me up the stairs with all the strength he had

We pretended to walk up to our rooms but instead we hide in the cupboard by the stairs to listen to the whole conversation but suddenly me and rege couldn't hear their conversation

"Dammit they used the muffilato charm" rege grunted

-Sirius pov-

"I heard you've been embarrassing the family name" my mother spat at me,her glare burning through mine

"Not that were surprised,you and your sister have always been the mistakes of the family" my father spoke abruptly,walking to stand beside my mother

"Don't you dare speak about Yn like that" I spat back,causing them to glance at eachother,I was ready for what was about to happen

And suddenly I felt a stinking against my cheek

My mother had slapped me

"Do not speak to me like that in this household,your sister is a no good dirty troublemaker like yourself" my father spoke again

"Yeah,well I'm glad to be like her,and I thank the world for making me nothing like you" I spit back,suddenly a feeling of heat rushes to my body as I fall to the ground,screaming in pain

All the memories of Yn and rege and I playing the the backyard laughing and chasing eachother around carelessly

James Remus Peter and I pulling our first prank and not getting caught

Kissing Indego for the first time then seeing her beautiful smile

Meeting the potters for the first time and being welcomed like a son should be

Me and Yn running through the green grass while our mother chased us screaming at the top of her lungs

All those memories I tried so hard to think of,I tried desperately to replace the pain with happiness,to get my mind of the fact that this would be the last time I'm ever going to be in this hellhole

I just wish Yn and regulus knew how much I loved them

The pain stopped and I quickly rose,my eyes red and tears running down my face

"I fucking hate you both,Im disgusted to be your son,you monsters" I scream through my tears before running out of the place I once called home and began walking to the potters because it wasn't that far away

I had did I,I finally escaped,but I lost the two most important people ever,my siblings

-your pov-

Me and rege were in our rooms,silently debating weather to go to the kitchen or not

"Master has sent me to tell you that dinner has been served" Kreacher said before walking away

I guess so

Me and rege walked out of our rooms at the same time,glancing worriedly at eachother,we walked to the kitchen side by side

We took our seats across from our parents who were glaring at their food,trying to find a reason to torture the house-elves

As if sensing my thoughts my mother spoke angrily

"He is not to be mentioned ever again in this house,he is no longer apart of our family,and you two are forbitten to talk to him" her nostrils flared as she chewed a small bit of her food

"Filthy blood tratior,a disgrace to this family" my father said under his breath

I swear I could feel my blood pumping faster and not in a good way,but rege squeezed my hand under the table

The rest of dinner was silent,I hardly ate my dinner because I felt sick to my stomach,but my parents sent us to our rooms in silence

The second my head hit the pillow a silent sob came out,I just lost my twin brother,my partner in crime,my womb-mate,my everything

I could still smell his minty scent from when he used to sneak into my room and lay down beside me on my bed,talking all night until he snuck back into his

I could see some of his t-shirts I had stolen hanging out of parts of my drawers

Or moving photographs spread across my desk

One of them being us dancing ridiculously to 'rocket man' a day my parents were out of town,not having a care in the world,laughing and holding hands as we spun eachother around

Another one being of me holding the magical camera and Sirius placing his cheek against mine,giving duck lips,rege walking up behind us and placing his chin on my shoulder,giving a cheeky smile

My favourite however if of Sirius in one of my skirts dancing like a ballerina across my room,but falling over and twisting his ankle

All the memories we had in this house has been bad and good

And now home felt like actual torture,it always did but this time it was gut wrenching

I just hope Sirius gets treated the way me regulus and him should have been treated by our parents


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