Hogwarts feast

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"What is

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"What is...that?" Regulus asks me,pointing to my collarbone

My eyes widen as I quickly try to hide it with my shirt,kicking Sirius in the shin for snickering

"How've you been Reggie?" I ask

"The house is quiet" he admits "too quiet" he says again and I frown,grabbing his hand and intwining his fingers with mine making him smile

"I will admit,it's weird not having a little brother to run around the garden with anymore" Sirius says and I look down

"You could come with us you know Reggie,it's a nice house,I recon you'd love the lake" I say and he sighs,brushing his thumb against my hand

"I cant...I always swore on my pact" he says

"A pact?" Sirius says,suddenly getting of the couch "what pact regulus?"

"One that you don't need to know about" regulus snaps back and I glare at Sirius who seems to calm down alittle

"You two can't even get along for five fucking minutes" I say,rubbing my eyes

"Your not so perfect" they suddenly say at the same time before glaring at eachother

"What pact regulus,if it's a pact with-with then then-" Sirius cuts himself of as he covers his eyes with his hand,taking a deep breath

"I would never" regulus says and I mentally take a well needed sigh of relief "I should probably get back to the common room,it's nearly time for the feast" he says,standing up "I'll see you guys later"

"Don't go getting yourself into trouble" I warn and he rolls his eyes,walking out of the common room

"He's grown" Sirius shrugs

"Taller or more mature?"

"Both" he says "he seems..."

"Ok?" I ask "he may act it but I can see behind his forced smile...god I should have taken him with me"

"Don't put this on yourself,he had a choice,he made it" Sirius says,hesitating but rolling his eyes before walking over to me and kissing me on the head before walking of to the feast

I feel a small smile appear on my face as I walk up the stairs to my room,grabbing my wand and robe before walking towards the great hall

"Yn!" I hear behind me as I walk towards the great hall,smiling when I see Pandora

"Hey dora!" I say,bringing her in for a hug "how have you been?" I ask and she smiles,linking her arm with mine

"Quite alright actually,me and Xenophilius hang out a lot during the Christmas break" she says and I smile

"Pandora Lovegood...now that's what I call a name that has a ring to it" I say as we both chuckle,walking into the great hall

I wave bye to her as I walk to the Gryffindor table and she walks to her own house which seemed to be quiet,more quiet then the rest of the houses

I take a seat near the end of the table as there was no where else to sit and basically zone out the entire time,thinking about what I'm going to do after Hogwarts...did I even want to leave Hogwarts?


But yes at the same time

I loved it,some of the people and learning a lot of stuff..the grounds are also quite beautiful and fun to explore

But I also needed to get away from this place,away from magic all together

Take a non-magic vacation and see how life works out

Thad actually be quite fun I recon,as long as you take the right people with you

Maybe if-

"Yn!" Remus says and I snap out of my trance,seeing a table full of food sat infront of me "you ok?" He asks and i nod

"How long ago did the speech end?" I ask and Remus chuckles,handing me an empty pate and the plate full chicken wings

"About five minutes ago,I spotted you from a few seats down and thought you were dead" he says and I chuckle "now eat,you must be hungry" he says and I roll my eyes playfully

The feast was immaculate,and lets say I'll be going to bed tonight with a full and happy stomach

Remus and I joked around the whole feast,betting on which of the boys would end up jumping on the tables and singing

Remus voted Sirius

I voted James

And this random kid named cole sat across from us voted neither of them and instead voted a girl in hufflepuff named Chloe

He ended up being right

After the feast we were dismissed back to our common rooms and me and Remus walked back,laughing and talking about the most absolute random stuff

"Are they drunk?" I could hear Peter ask behind us making me roll my eyes as we make our way up the stairs

"Goodnight boys" I smile to the boys

"Give me some sugar" James says and Sirius groans,walking to his room while Remus and Peter laugh lightly and follow him

James walks up to me,wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his soft lips onto mine

I wrap my hands around his neck,smiling into the kiss

"Goodnight my love" he says and I smile

"Goodnight handsome"

"I love you" he says and my heart flutters

"I love you to"

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