Finally Ready

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I didn't realise what had happened until I woke up with two strong arms around me and curly hair drooping over my face,that's when I realised,James spent the entire night with me,in my bed,with me

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I didn't realise what had happened until I woke up with two strong arms around me and curly hair drooping over my face,that's when I realised,James spent the entire night with me,in my bed,with me.

I mean it's not the first time we've slept in the same together,the first being the night we nearly had sex but this time it was so comfortable and literally us sleeping and doing nothing more

But dammit did I wish me and James were doing more,all Indego talked about was how good sex was and I just wanted to see if she was all talk

But I remember the night with me and James perfectly,and I remember the Euphoria that rushed through my body,I remember the pain of wanting more,and I remember his lips against my body and my lips against his,I wanted more with James

I was ready for that

James began to stir in his sleep,his head moving from the crook of my neck to my arm where he laid silently making me smile before lifting my arm and instead resting his head on my hip.I begin to gently run my fingers through his hair,the largest smile on my face as I watched his peaceful face

"You're made for eachother" Indego said from her bed,I looked up at her and smile,taking a deep breathe "you really love him don't you?" She asked and I smiled even wider

"I do" I say as confident as possible,I didn't even care if James heard it,although he didn't because he stayed silent,his eyes staying shut

"Somethings on your mind,you alright?" Indego asked as if she read my mind

"Indego..I don't want the details but your first time..did it hurt?" I ask,watching as her eyebrows raise as if she didn't expect what I just asked

"Of course is did,but after a while it faided...wait why are you asking!?" She said suddenly standing mad rushing over to me,cupping my face with her hands "donT TELL ME" she said suddenly but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand


"Oops?wait Yn...your asking because your ready aren't you?" She asks and I stay still,not knowing what to do but I slowly nod and she gaps "god he's got you wrapped around his finger hasn't he?" She chuckled,walking over to her bed and grabbing her robes that were dumped on the floor,using a spell to clean them then walking to the bathroom to put them on

I close my eyes,thinking about everything that has happened in the past months I've been at Hogwarts

I met so many new bestfriends,I lost my brother who ran away and I only just recently gained back but I'm so slowly losing the other,and now.....I've fallen completely in love

How I wish his bright blue eyes were staring at me,or how I wished he smirked at me that made me want to hit my head against a brick wall because he was that beautiful-it wasn't fair

"Morning Padfoot" James mumbles,slowly getting out of my bed when suddenly he falls back down and quickly his eyes met mine "your not Padfoot" he says disappointedly making me gasp

"James Fleamont Potter!" I say,grabbed his face and rolling ontop of him,strangling his waist "you take it back!" I say,he gently pushes my hands of his face and instead intwines our fingers making me smile

"There's that smile I nearly die from" he says sighing before leaning up,trying to kiss me but falling back down "also darling I was kidding,I just wanted to see your reaction if I said it was don't mind me cuddling him though do you?" He joked then tried to lean up and kiss me again but failed and fell back down,sighing

"Your cute" I chuckle,leaning down and attaching my lips to his,his hand cups my cheek as he begins to heat the kiss up but licking the bottom of my lip,and I let his tongue dance with mine

His hands suddenly grip my waist as he pulls me more against his waist and I feel his harden member beneath me making me gasp Into the kiss

He smirks against the kiss,knowing he finally turned me on

"Woah" indegos voice is heard and I felt like screaming in embarrassment as I quickly hop of James and grab my pillow,throwing it at him which he quickly used to cover up his harden member

"Oh Uh-morning Jury" James says and Indego nods before quickly walking out of the dorm.I groan and fall beside James,staring at the ceiling

"Will we ever have a moment where someone's not interrupting us?" James asks and I chuckle

"One day"

"Hey darling?" James says and my heart flutters

"Yes James?"

"Do you see a future with me?" He asks and I smile just thinking about it

"We have a son" I blurt out but don't regret it

"A son huh?has he got a name?" He asks and I smile even more

"I have one in mind"

"Wait Have you been thinking about our kids name?" He asks and I begin laughing as he leans over and begins to smother my face in kisses

"James stop!" I beg,trying to push him of me but he only begins to kiss me more

"Your adorable" he mumbled as he gently began to tickle me making me laugh even more

"Get off me you Prick!" I yell,trying to get out of his grip but he holds me down and smiles before placing one last kiss on my cheek

"Take it back" he says and I roll my eyes playfully


"I'm warning you Yn"

"No" he suddenly stand and picks me up,throwing me over his shoulder

"Put me down James!" I giggle when he suddenly smacks my ass making me gasp


"Oh you love it" he grins before walking me into the bathroom and setting me on the counter

"What are you doing?" I chuckle as he begins to look at himself in the mirror

"Can you help me do my hair please?it's all knotty and your hair always seems to be soft" he sighs and I shake my head before pulling him in between my legs and running my fingers through his hair

"You're hairs fine James"

"I know it is,I just think someones put something in my conditioner"

"Maybe Sirius?" I suggest and he nods


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