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Yn sat tiredly in potions,listening to Professor Slughorn talk about a potion she already knew how to brew

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Yn sat tiredly in potions,listening to Professor Slughorn talk about a potion she already knew how to brew

Since Slughorn isn't exactly the brightest on letting friends sit together he split up indego and Yn,the two girls weren't happy with it but since neither of them had anyone sitting next to them they didn't mind that much

"Sorry we're late Professor" Sirius' voice calls out as he walks into the classroom,James following behind,the both of them out of breath

"It's quite alright,black you take a seat next to Mrs jury and potter you can take a seat next to Mrs black" Sirius grinned before rushing to sit next to indego while potter gulped before taking his seat

"I'm guessing you both slept in" Yn whispers to the potter boy,not taking her eyes away from the front

"Yep,Remus forgot to wake us up I suppose" James replayed,slightly shocked that the girl was talking to him

"So potter,tell me about yourself" the girl asks,taking a look at James who was already looking at her,she suddenly gets lost in his eyes but snaps out of it once Professor Slughorn yells

"Potter,Black,if you wouldn't mind staring lovingly at eachother later could you please face the front" James blushed furiously and Yn just rolled her eyes

"Say Professor,I do love your cardigan today,really makes your eyes pop out" Yn smirks earning a grin from her brother

"I beg your pardon?" The man says turning around

"Nothing sir" the girl says looking back down,she loved confusing teachers,and the fact that James and Sirius had to stifle their laughs made it 10x more funnier

"Care to explain why you feel the need to disrupt my lesson Ms Black?" The Professor asks

"I don't mean to be a bother Professor,it's just that I can't help but notice your absolutely glowing today" the girl beams earning snickers from everyone inside the class

"Detention,Mrs black" the man says turning back to his work

"Oh how charming you are" says potter making Yn smile

"Why Thankyou potter" the girl rolls her eyes,the rest of the class was spent with James staring at Yn and Yn scribbling on her book


"Go out with me" Sirius whispers to indego who rolled her eyes

"In your dreams Black" indego says causing him look at her

"Yes,I do in fact see you in my dreams-"

"Oh look at that the bells gone!best get moving!" Indego says quickly standing up and walking out of class before Sirius would notice her red face,Yn was confused but walked to Transfiguration with her brother and James

She didn't mind James,she didn't know him at all but he was a nice guy

As they got inside the room Sirius and James took a seat next to eachother and indego took a seat besides Yn

"Uh uh uh,not so fast Potter And black,Ms jury would you please switch seats with Mr potter" Mcgonagall says causing james to grin

"Back are ya?" Yn asks as James sits down in the seat next to her

"I guess so" he mumbles as the class begins to fill in

"Oi!Sirius!stop flirting with my best friend!" Yn yells at the two people sat across from her

"I don't know it seemed like little miss jury there was flirting back" James says causing Yn to turn to him

"So most definitely was not" Yn says causing him to smirk

"And you would know that how?I was watching them since the second I sat next to you and trust me she was flirting back" chuckled James

"We'll potter,because I'm a master at flirting and I know for a fact she was not flirting with him" scoffs Yn

"I doubt your a master at flirting" he grins at the girl

"Oh yeah?" She asks making him nod "you have something in your hair" Yn says,leaning forward,brushing her leg up against his and moving their faces inches apart

The boy watched as the girl begins to run her fingers through his hair,making sure to bite her bottom lip in the process making his breathing hitch

She then smiles and looks him in the eye,placing her hand on his knee

"All done,say you do look quite attractive close up" smirks the girl,knowing exactly that James was in a daze

"I mean,you always look attractive don't you though?" She smiles lightly moving her hand on his leg slightly upwards,she then leans forward and whispers in his ear "anyone could see that" then leans back and smirks

"Told ya I was a master" she smiles at him, who was still in a daze but quickly snapped out of it

"You are not a master,I wasn't effected at all actually" James says causing the girl to grin

"The thing in your pants,begging to get out of them says otherwise" winks the girl which causes James to blush furiously as he tries to hide his noticeable boner under the table making Yn giggle


"Yn!" a boy calls out,running after me and indego as we walked to our next class.I stop in my tracks and turn to meet James who was still slightly red from the incident in Transfiguration

"So there's a party at the Room of Requirements,and I was just-wondering if you were going...with anyone" James says clearing his throat

"Aww are you asking me out potter?" Yn asks smirking,causing the boy to shrug

"I don't hear you saying no" the boy says back making the girl chuckle

"Well then.....no" she says as her and indego walk away giggling,he was left there in his thoughts,admiring the girl as she walked away

Oh Yn Black,what have you done to me

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