The last night

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Everyone sat quietly in the great hall,it was the last night of Hogwarts

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Everyone sat quietly in the great hall,it was the last night of Hogwarts

I had more of a life here then I ever did at my old school,this place felt like home

James and Sirius seemed to be particularly sad,but Remus and Peter seemed to be more quiet

"I can't believe I'll never be eating here again..." James trailed of,looking around the full great hall

Everyone seemed to be happy and chattering,even a lot of my year was happy

Indego wasn't even paying attention to anyone or anything,she was picking at her food nervously,I felt bad for her

She sort of just got Regulus and now it seems like she's never gonna get him back,not to mention she says she has no clue what she's gonna do after she leaves this place

"Attention Attention" Dumbledore begins,grabbing everyone's attention "I'd like to thank the staff for being here continuously,and giving all our students an education in magic" he says and everyone claps "to our first years that settled in nicely,and to the other years that helped them settle in" we all clap again

"I'm so tired man" Remus mumbles as he rocks back and forth in his seat

"And lastly,to our year sevens" Dumbledore says and everyone goes quiet "weather you've been here the whole time or not,Hogwarts will always have a special place with you...we all wish you good luck,and hope you all find happiness in your new lives" he says and everyone claps and cheers making Remus grumble

There were some people crying,others happy and joyful

I even saw Ally and Cece holding hands and smiling at eachother which made me smile

I was actually expecting the four idiots to jump up on the table and start making a scene but they didn't at all,and as we went back to our packed dorm rooms they were still silent then

"Their even more bummed then the time James was with Lily" Indego says and I shrug my shoulders

"Well they have spent a lot of their years here"

There was a knock on the door and I was completely surprised when I see Lily walk in

"Potter asked me to come tell you that he's waiting for you at the at the Astronomy tower" she simply says and begins to walk away

"Why would he ask you to come get me?" I ask and she sighs

"Because I was the only person around to ask" she says before walking out and closing the door

I turn to indego and shrug,grabbing a jumper before making my way out of the full common room and up to the astronomy tower

I wouldn't even be surprised if this wasn't a set up by Lily or Snape but why not see for myself

And as I reach the top I was met by candles and a blanket and james trying to quickly set up music not knowing I was already here

"Fancy seeing you here" I say causing him to turn

"I rented us a room" he smirks back and I chuckle,closing the large doors behind me and walking over to him,I wrap my arms around his neck and his wrap around my waist,we look at eachother as begin to sway to the music

"What's all this for?" I ask and he leans down to kiss my forehead

"It's our last night at Hogwarts,and I wanted to spend it in our favourite place" he says,obviously meaning the astronomy tower "besides,I think we deserve a night away from everyone" he says and I sigh in happiness,resting my forehead on his chest

"Do you think our kid will be as big as a nerd as you are?" I joke and hear James chuckles

"Do you think our kid will be as sarcastic are you are?" He jokes back and I smirk

"Do you have any future kid names?" I ask as I pull away and look up at James

"Scatcat?" He asks and I freeze for a second

"How do you know what Aristocats is?" I ask and he shrugs

"Me and Sirius had a muggle movie marathon one time and just so happened to fall across Disney" he says and I chuckle

I look up at the wooden post and smile,seeing all the name carvings I saw many times whenever I was up here

"You know,I had the biggest crush on you when we first met" James says and I gasp dramatically

"Really? No way!" I say jokingly and he shakes his head

"Yeah our kid is definitely gonna have your annoying sarcasm"

"Your annoying" I point out and he rolls his eyes "and the next time you roll those pretty eyes of yours I'm going to make sure they stay stuck like that"

He smirks and I raise my eyebrow

"I love when you roll your eyes" he says "especially in bed"

"stop acting so smug Potter"

"But you love it" he teases "how about for our last time in Hogwarts we do it right here,right now" he points to the blanket and I push him lightly

"No way,I'm not doing it with you up here" I say and he pouts "absolutely not" I say again and he frowns "god I hate you" he smiles lightly "fine! But hurry up I don't want anyone to find us naked up here"


Hi baddies,I hope your all staying safe and doing great in this shitty world <3

I can't believe this story is nearly over,and Thankyou all so much for the support and love❤️

Btw,who's your favourite Marauder?

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