Walk Of Shame

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Lily Indego and I must of sat in the library for hours,me and Indego acted dumb,wasting more time

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Lily Indego and I must of sat in the library for hours,me and Indego acted dumb,wasting more time

Hopefully the boys don't mess this up

Five thirty two,it's been exactly three hours and fourteen minutes since me and Indego dragged lily out of the common room to 'help us study'

"-ok that means you have to crush the leaf not blend it-" lily went on,but we didn't listen

I wanted so badly to drain out her irritating voice

"Oh look at the time!james must be getting so worried about me" she pouted before smiling fakely at me "well of I go!" She smiled,but before me and Indego could sit her back down she was already gone

Me and Indego rushed around Hogwarts,trying desperately to find Sirius and the boys,and when we did there was a girl on the ground with lily standing over her yelling

"Don't kiss my boyfriend!" Guess James got caught in the act....

"Lils I swear I didn't want to-I don't remember what happened-" James tried to explain but lily grabbed his hand and dragged him away

"It didn't work..." I breathed out sadly

"We tried,we tried every girl in the school but it didn't work-" Sirius sighed

"-we even tried Lyla" Peter added on

"It obviously wasn't me because I'm sort of engaged to a guy but ya kno-wait..we didn't try Indego and Yn"

"Nope Nope absolutely not" Sirius defended,walking front of me and Indego

"No who?" Remus asked and Sirius shrugged

"No to both of them,James is not aloud to kiss either of them-"

"-but-" Remus tried but got cut of

"-No that's the end of the discussion!that's my final word...besides there's no way either of them could be his soulmate" Sirius laughed as if the thought of it were the most funniest thing on the planet

I frowned

"It's ok" Indego whispered in my ear and gently grabbed my arm

"We're gonna head to the common room to study-" Indego begun

"-great!we'll come to" Sirius said before clapping his hands together

"But you hate studying-" I began but got cut of again

"-since when?" Sirius chuckled,all of us besides Sirius casted eachother confused glances before walking to the common room which was crowded with a lot of people

The five of us awkwardly sat at the table and Sirius watched me and Indego study

"Sirius are you ok?" Remus asked and Sirius nodded quickly

"Of course Moony!"

Ok I can't deal with this

"Are you here with us because you think we're gonna kiss James?" I ask  and Sirius' face turns red,extremely red


"-were not gonna kiss him!" Indego chuckled,gripping his hand "I promise,you have nothing to worry about"

Sirius nodded and smiled at his girlfriend before whispering something into her ear

And the two of them ran up to the dorms laughing

"Cant believe indegos getting it before you" Peter nudged my shoulder and I pushed him of the chair

"Yeah,and with my twin brother" I gag and Remus chuckled

"Why don't you just get him back?" Remus suggested and I already knew I had,many times when I snogged James

"How?" I ask,watching as he smirked

"Sleep with his bestfriend" Remus shrugged

"You mean James-"

"-James isnt his only bestfriend"

The table fell silent as Peter sat back down on the seat

"You mean you?" I ask and his eyes widen

"Well-I-no-yes-maybe-i-help Peter-"

"-or me?" Peter smirked,and Remus glared at him

"His bestfriend is also Indego" I winked jokingly and they both glanced confused at eachother

"I'm joking you gooses!" I chuckled,gripping both their hands before continuing to write my potions essay that was due in three days

Peter and Remus fell asleep at the table and a few hours passed

I watched as Remus shivered in his sleep making me smile.I stood up and walked to the now empty couch,grabbing the blankets and placing one over Remus and the other over Peter

Smiling at my boys,except I was missing the other two

Besides,Peter and Remus looked extremely comfortable

I quietly cleaned up my essay and walked upstairs placing it on my bedside table before going back downstairs and sitting on the couch by the fire

The sound of the rain pattering against the glass window and the thunder striking through the night sky,the fire crackling

It was peaceful

But all I could think about was James,surely someone at Hogwarts is his soulmate

Thankgod it's not lily

Or any other girl

...what if it is Indego?

It couldn't be,her and Sirius were made for eachother

What if it's me?it couldn't be

Soon I felt my eyes closed and the faint sound of the rain and fire soon silenced as slept overtook me


I woke up early in the morning,Remus and Peter were still sleeping against the table making me smile

I crept over and waked them up,Remus using me at his support to stand up and Peter dribbled making me chuckle before also using me as support to stand up

They both walked up to their dorms and I used this time in the empty common room to read.

Lyla came downstairs and joined me,now writing her  charms essay next to me at the table

Then Sirius and Indego came downs together messy hair,their clothes on backwards


"WALK OF SHAME" me and Lyla yelled at the same time and Indego and Sirius both flipped us of making us both laugh

"Ow ow ow!who's the walk of shame!" Peter said suddenly coming downstairs and seeing Indego and Sirius,then laughing

"Wow and you all call me immature" Sirius scoffed

"You are immature" Indego smiled,kissing his cheek

"Hey!you're meant to be in my side!" He said sadly,furrowing his eyebrows

"Sorry buttttttt,would a good breakfast help?" She asked but I guess Sirius took it the wrong way as he winked and she scoffed "not like that you filthy animal!" She groaned "I mean actually food!"

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