The Dark Mark

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I managed to sneak out of the basement but not without making a lot of noise

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I managed to sneak out of the basement but not without making a lot of noise

I was currently hiding in my room since I was in the kitchen getting food when I heard my mother walking in so I ran to the nearest room,mine

I grabbed as much food as I could and put it all in a bag along with clothes and lots of other needs,then I stuffed my face with an apple I had stolen

I then put some shoes on and unlocked my window with my wand,placing that in my back pocket,I made sure to pack pictures and other things I would need along the journey before dropping out of the window and onto the ground

I wonder,would people find it weird if a doe was running around with a bag on their back and clothes on?

Maybe it might be normal for the muggles? Who knows

All I know is I'll get a lot faster to James if I wasn't into my human form

Yes I've come to a conclusion that I'm running away to my boyfriends house,hopefully he doesn't think I'm dead to or that'll be kinda awkward

That's when I remember,regulus

I couldn't just leave him right?

That's when I see him outside in the backyard...hiding behind the tree

He looked as if he were...scratching at something?

I slowly walk up to him,trying not to startle him in case someone else was there

And I was right...he was crying,and he was scratching at something

On his arm...?

That's when I noticed what he was scratching at and I gasped causing him to turn around in fear

And as his eyes fell on mine I instantly covered his mouth with my hand in case he yelled or something

"Your so stupid" I quickly wrapped my arms around him "why would you do this"

"Your alive?" He cried,lightly pushing me away and examining my face "y-your alive" he suddenly smiled and hugged me tightly

"Of course I am,I don't know how but I am"

We hugged in silence for a few minutes

That's what it really sunk in and I pushed regulus away and smacked his arms all over which he pushed me back at

"Stop hitting me!" He yelled as he lightly hit me back

"You stop hitting me!"

"Wait stop!" He said and we both froze

"What the fuck is that on your arm Regulus Arcturus Black" I said and he looked at me,anger?sadness?


"I did it because I want revenge"

"A dark mark isn't revenge,it's a Azkaban sentence" he looks at me and wraps his arms around me

At first I don't hug back until I hear his soft sniffles and hug him back

"You don't understand how I happy I am that your in front of me right now,breathing and well" he sniffles "i thought you died"

"I know away with me,we can go settle with Sirius and James for a bit and then maybe get a small place of our own" I shrug as I pull away but regulus shakes his head

"No-I have unfinished work,and then after it is finished,we can have the life we should have lived"

"What do you mean unfinished work?" I ask and he looks at me,his eyes darkening

"We should have grown up as every sibling should,we shouldn't have gotten tortured for the smallest things Yn,our parents never loved us,the only ones who loved us weren't even family...well besides Andromeda and Narcissa-"

"-where are you getting at Reggie?"

"Our mother and father aren't going to get away with everything they've put us through,so why not completely gain their and everyone in the family's trust and...I don't know sabotage it?" I smirk and gently pinch his cheek

"I've taught you so well"

"Well,I do learn from the best"

"Promise me you won't go and get yourself locked up for the rest of you life" he looks at me confused

"Wouldn't it be more in the moment if you said promise me you won't go getting yourself killed?"

"I think we both know we'd rather you dead then rotting in Azkaban,if your dead your spirit and sarcastic bitchy self is still with me but in Azkaban your soul is gone and you probably won't ever get to see me won't know how many kids I have or cats I own or anything about my life"

"Ok,I bet you'll have two kids" he smirks and I raise a brow

"Two?why not three,or four!"

"Two,perfect number,besides I don't think you and James can handle three or more" he smiles and I smile lightly

"James huh?"

"Duh,you guys are so in love it's gross,but when you get to his tell him the boring if you hurt my sisters heart I'll kick your head of speech ok?"

"Ok Reggie,whatever you say"

"Also tell Sirius he still owes me ten sickles" I nod and kiss reggies cheek,placing my bag on my back and running towards the brick wall that brought back memories of me and Sirius running away from our mother together making me smile

"I love you Yn" Reggie says from behind me and I turn smiling softly at him

"I love you more Reggie"

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