Dark times

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Humming as I lay in James' arms I couldn't help but feel myself begin to drift of

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Humming as I lay in James' arms I couldn't help but feel myself begin to drift of

We didn't get to go on our honeymoon due to my pregnancy getting worse and vomiting and feeling sick a lot more so James selflessly postponed it until after the baby was born,maybe a few months old or so...so we could have a time to ourselves

I was laying in between James' legs with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around my waist and on my stomach while my head laid in the crook of his neck

He loved hearing me sing or hum,and since he had been up so late these past few weeks taking care of me I really wanted to help him back by doing something to make him sleep and then let him sleep for at least seven or eight hours

It seemed to be working as his being begun to untense and I breathed out satisfied as I heard his light snores

Getting up slowly and quietly I replaced myself with a pillow and quietly laughed as he cuddled up to it instantly

I go downstairs and turn on the radio as quietly as I can and begin to make myself something to eat when suddenly there was a knock on the door

Then I hear footsteps coming from upstairs and I sigh as I realise getting James to sleep would not be happening anytime soon

He yawns as he walks down the stairs,just putting a shirt on as he reaches the bottom step

"You can go back to bed I'm a big girl" I joke and he only smiles at me and walks past me,kissing my cheek from behind then heading to the door to open it

"Well if it isn't my favourite person" James says and I furrow my eyebrows

It's either Sirius or Minnie

"May I come in?" A lady's voice asks and I nod in realisation that it was Minnie indeed

James moved out of the way and I stop making food to walk over to her and give her a hug

"How have you two been? How was the honeymoon?" She asks and I chuckle

"We couldn't go cause I was too sick to but we enjoyed some weeks here without Sirius breaking into our house all the time" I admit and she laughs lightly when suddenly Dumbledore apparts in the house causing me to flinch at the sudden appearance
"Holy crap" I say and dumbeldore gives me an apologetic look

"Sorry my dear" he laughs quietly "I didn't mean to startle you"

"Come in Professor" James says as he offers his hand to Minnie who takes it

James leads Minnie over to the couch and Dumbledore and I trail behind, Dumbledore slipping a caramel lollie into my hand making me furrow my eyebrows

"What brings you two here?" I ask as I sit down on the opposite couch

"We know you heard us talking about needing to tell you something but we were going to wait until after you and James got married..." Minnie begins and I nod,slightly confused "though I think it would've been smarter to tell them sooner"

"Minerva we've been over this many times,if we had told them before the wedding then they would've cancelled it and gone into hiding sooner" Dumbledore says and I feel all words leave my throat

"Into hiding?" James says confused as if he had read my mind "why would we ever have to go into hiding?"

"Well that is what we are here to tell you..." Minnie trails of before taking a deep breath

"You both know Tom Riddle"  Dumbledore begins "or you might know him as Voldemort"

"Don't say his name Albus" Minnie warns and he only rolls his eyes

"The Death Eaters...the group your brother was betraying found out a prophecy..it was that a child that was to be born in July 1980 would be an equal to Voldemort,making it so that the child could be the only person to destroy him..."

"Not being rude by Uhh...why is this story relevant to anything?" James asks as he sits forward

"I've seen the visions" Dumbledore smiles "and fate is my bestfriend..." he chuckles "not only that but a dear friend of mine,Ms Trelawney who is extremely experted in Divination has told me that an old friend of yours has told Voldemort of the prophecy and...your child is the chosen one"

It was a minute or so of silence before me and James burst out laughing

"You two are something! Boy I needed that laugh" I say as I stand up " pfft 'the chosen one' that's a really good one" I say as I begin to walk to the kitchen to make some tea

"Yn...my dear...we aren't joking,yours and James' lives are in incredible danger...and going into hiding is without question" Minnie says and I stops to look at her and she had a genuine look on her face

"But-but he's in hiding isn't he? He won't come out of hiding for a while"

"I'm afraid he'll only be in hiding for so long before he comes to find your baby" she says and I look down to my stomach,feeling complete shock take over me

"Dumbledore.." James begins

"Yes Mr Potter?"

"May we ask...who's the old friend that tells the death eaters and such about the prophecy?"

"That is information I do not know myself" Dumbledore answers back but it was easy to tell he was lying

"Can I still see my brother? And Remus and Peter and indego an-"

"-yes but only until the death eaters come out of hiding and when...when he does come out of hiding you need to have one person you can let into your house...one person you trust more then anyone in the entire world"

"That's easy" I say and James nods


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