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The next morning Yn couldn't help but feel guilty for leading James on,even if he didn't like her before he definently had caught even the tiniest bit of feelings,and she'd only known him for about 3 days

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The next morning Yn couldn't help but feel guilty for leading James on,even if he didn't like her before he definently had caught even the tiniest bit of feelings,and she'd only known him for about 3 days.

Indego woke up,groaning as she clutched her head in pain

"Here" Yn smiles at her best friend, handing her water

"Vodium Migrainous" Yn says flicking her wand at Indego's head,curing the migraine

"Your a goddess" indego says standing and pulling her friend in for a long hug

"I still believe you have ALOT of explaining to do" Yn says,pulling away from the hug

"Explain about what?" Indego asks cluelessly

"Last night I saw you snogging my twin brother but oh I wonder-"

"Oh.that.look Yn you have to believe me,I had so many drinks and seeing you and James dancing made me smile and he walked over to me and started flirting with me and I guess I just kissed him-"

"YOU KISSED HIM!I THOUGHT HE KISSED YOU!" Yn asks causing indego to flinch

"I WAS DRUNK" yells back indego

"I'm trying to sleep" mumbled Cece,her head hiding in between two pillows

"Sorry C" indego says pulling Yn out of the dorm room

"Look I promise it will never happen again ok" sighs indego



As Yn walked to class she couldn't help but think about James,they way his blue eyes looked into hers,his adorable smile,his jawline,there was no denying that James Potter was attractive,anyone could see it

James on the other hand was walking around with a smile on his face like a dork

"Hi James" a girl winks at him,but he didn't even glance at the girls speaking to him as him and his friends walked to class.Sirius was shocked,Player James Potter was usually always flirting back with the girls,but he didn't even look at them at all,looking at the ground with a smile on his face

"Why are you so smitten?" Asks Sirius causing the boy to grin just thinking about Yn

"Oh nothing" smiles James,the memory of them dancing replaying through his head

"Who's the girl?" Sirius asks Remus who shrugs,obviously knowing who the girl was,Peter trailed behind them,a frown on his face

As Yn walked to class she got pulled into a hug,but as she smelled the persons perfume she hugged back instantly

"Oh how I've missed you" Yn's Cousin Narcissa says,embracing the girl tightly

"I miss you to Ciss" Yn whispered, her and Narcissa were best friends,you couldn't break the two apart if you tried.But Narcissa being a Slytherin and soon to be fiancé of Lucius Malfoy Yn often avoided the girl,not to mention Narcissa's parents defiantly didn't want there daughter hanging around a blood-traitor

"We can't talk here,meet me at the astronomy tower tonight after curfew" Narcissa whispered into the girls ear as she nodded

"I love you" Yn whispers in her cousins ear
"I love you to" smiles back the girl.what hurt more was Yn having to walk away from one of her favourite people ever and act like she hadn't even
Seen the girl,but as she walked into Transfiguration she couldn't help but notice James sitting in his seat

His chin resting on his hand,his other hand tapping on the table,waiting for Yn

He was bored,but the second he heard her walking over to him he put on a large smile and straightened up

"Yn" the boy nods,her plan was to ignore him,maybe just try to make them strangers again,because what happened last night could never happen again

James noticed she didn't even bother looking or acknowledging his presence,did he do something wrong?was she just in a bad mood?

"Hello" the boy speaks again but Yn just kept scribbling in her book

"Yn" the boy says abit more sternly but she ignored him

"Fine,be that way" he says causing her to sigh in her head,he was going to leave her alone....that was until she felt something hit the back of her head

"You turd!" She yells,picking out a piece of wet paper in her hair

"Oh hi Yn,nice of you to finally speak to me" James raises his eyebrows

"Oh shutup potter-" Professor Mcgonagall watched as the two students in her class fought,the rest of the class watching closely,the two bickered for what felt like forever,Mcgonagall let a small smile place on her lips as she knew it was just young love waiting to bloom,and she desperately hoped that they would get together because she offered Professor Slughorn 35 gallons that they'd get together

The two continue to bicker,both as angry as eachother,James who had once been dazed by Yn was now yelling at her but she yelled right back

Sirius couldn't hold back a snicker as he watched his two favourite people on earth fight with each other

"See me after class you two" she pointed to the two students who fell silent, both with a frown on their face

"This is all your fault" Yn mumbled to James,the both of them crossing their arms over their chest

"Bite me" he mumbled back as the class continued and no one but Mcgonagall talked

After class Yn and James stormed out,going different directions to the great hall

"Yn!" Indego called out,chasing after her best friend

"Not right now" Yn says,turning the corner but running straight into someone

"Oh gosh...I'm so sorry!" Yn says,kneeling down and picking up some of the girls papers

"Oh you don't have to,Yn" the girl says,Yn looks up and instantly noticed the soft voice speaking

Pandora Lovegood

"Oh Pandora,it's quite alright" the girl smiles at pandora as she stood up

"Would you like to join me in the forest this afternoon after dinner tonight?I love studying during sunset" the girl spoke softly earning a small smile from Yn

"I'd love to" the girl smiled at the Ravenclaw,Yn then set of,in a slightly better mood,and to the great hall where she sat at the Gryffindor table away from James and her brother

But as Yn looked up she noticed a bot with long black hair staring at her from the Slytherin table,he looked sad and broken,but as he realised that the girl saw him staring he quickly looked down,causing the girl to shrug and continue eating

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