One last prank

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"Stop tapping my leg" I say annoyed,pushing James' hand away from me

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"Stop tapping my leg" I say annoyed,pushing James' hand away from me

"Why are you mad at me,Why are you mad at me,Why are you-"

"-James,I grew up with her,I think annoying her if she's already annoyed by you is the last thing you want to do" Sirius says from the table infront of us

"But I wanna know why she's mad at me" James frowns and I simply flip him of

He tried to run his thumb on my thigh again but I only slap it away and he sighs in defeat,earning the teachers attention

"Is there a problem Mr Potter?"

"No Sir" James sighs dramatically

"Am I aloud to continue on with my lesson then Mr Potter?"

"Yes Sir" James sighs again and the teacher goes on teaching

Why was I mad at James?

Because I knew for a fact he had put green slime in my hair conditioner,but guess what,because I know the boys are pranking everyone I'm always double checking things before I eat or use them now,and if I didn't then I would have greasy and gross hair right now

Suddenly something hit the back of my head and I turn annoyed,seeing some Slytherin at the back of the class with a ravenclaw,the Slytherin trying not to laugh and the Ravenclaw laughing at the piece of paper on the ground

"Sorry,I meant for it to land on your desk" the Slytherin boy says and I only grab the paper and open it,seeing

'You single?' Written on it and I scoff

'Idk ask my boyfriend' I write back before turning and throwing it at his face which the ravenclaw girl laughs about as well

I turn back around just in time for the teacher to lock eyes with me and give him a fake small smile

A note majestically landed infront of me and I scoff as it opens up by itself

'Heard that you were dating potter
Didn't believe it since he's a git
and your gorgeous'

'I don't think making fun of a girls
Boyfriends is gonna make her like
You,and James is not a git,you are
For thinking so little of him and
So highly of me'

I write back and throw it backwards,not caring where it landed

I may have been mad at James but he's the love of my life and no one insults him infront of me,or behind me I say

"Why are you and Thomas King passing notes to he more attractive then me?" James whispers as he leans in close,I could hear the hurt in his voice and I only roll my eyes playfully

"No james,in fact he's bothering me" I say simply and he nods once,moving away before coming back towards me

"So he is more attractive-"

"-Shutup Potter." He simply nods again and moves back again,I smile as the bell rings and I rush of to Hagrids hut,his book that I borrowed in hand

"Hi Hagrid!" I smile as I see him caring for some creatures outside of his hut and he smiles

"Hurrlo There Yn,what brings you here?" He asks and I hand him the book

"This book,and also A goodbye since Hogwarts ends in less then a week" I say and he frowns

"Well that's not good..I mean it is but it also isn't" he sighs,then suddenly the creature he was taking care of flies over to me and lands on my head making me freeze "oh yes!" He smiles "this is Grill by the way,he loves attention" Hagrid laughs lightly "he can't harm you,he loves cuddles though!"

The creature drops down onto my shoulder and peers it's head at me and I smile,holding my hands out

It was small enough to sit on the palms of my hands and it leans forward to lick my face making me groan and laugh at the same time

"Hi little guy" I say as it purrs loudly and jumps on my chest,clutching onto my sweater for dear life so I quickly wrap my hands around it and hug it

"He likes you" Hagrid chuckled "more then anyone that I've seen so far"

"That's so cool...this is so cool" I say excited

-a hour later-

"So then you wanna make sure you put enough seeds in the plant to make it exp-" Alice begins to explain to me but we were cut of by James voice over the loud speaker

"Attention Attention,my fellow friends and enimes,my girlfriend who is mad at me and I still don't know why-"

"-anyway!" Sirius' voice cuts James of and I rub my face in frustration,what are these idiots doing now "if everyone could make their way to the great hall,it would be much appreciated,and yes I mean everyone,not one person is to not be spotted in there!" He says before the speakers go static and I sigh heavily

"Ohh now I'm invested!" Alice smiles as she grabs her plant and grabs my hand,pulling us to the great hall were everyone was trying to get in as well

"Alice it's probably a stupid prank" I say but she ignores me and keeps pulling us inside

The teachers were even there two,probably wondering what the hell was going on,and as what seemed to be the last student filed in the large doors randomly shut and the four boys came out of the teachers doors,grabbing everyone's attention

"Welcome to...The Marauders last prank" Sirius smiles as Remus and Peter seem annoyed and embarrassed

Everyone begins to worry about what the prank would be until suddenly glitter falls from the roof and everyone looks around in confusion

Then,glue falls and were all covered in glitter

They must have used magic to make the glue not stick to our hair or clothes,just our skin

Everyone screamed annoyed and begun to yell at the four before Sirius cleared his throat very loudly

"Me and Peter apologise in advance for these two idiots,and we would like to make it up to you so please join us outside" Remus announced and then the four disappear making me confused

Everyone quickly rushed outside,where

'The Marauders Forever' was written in the sky and There were a bunch of fun activities all along the school ground making everyone instantly happy and run to join an activity

'Prongs,Padfoot,Moony and Wormtail' was written under the other words in the sky and I smile as I see little decorated drawings beside the writing,even a heart with mine and James initials in it making me blush

"Sorry for the glitter" James voice comes from behind me and I turn,seeing him also covered in glitter "oh yeah,me and Sirius got abit carried away" he says behind grabbing my hand and kissing it "I brought you this,it has charms from all our key moments" he says and I look down at the bracelet he was putting on my wrist

Small little charms on the bracelet shone brightly and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around James neck and he picks me up,kissing my neck

"Thankyou my love" I whisper and he seemed to love that as he hugs me tighter

"Of course darling" he says ad I hop down,turning around.he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my head as we stare at the sunset,the people covered in glitter and all the happy students and even teachers enjoying the Marauders last prank

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