Talk to padfoot

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After telling all of them what happened they sat in shock

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After telling all of them what happened they sat in shock

From me having to be put into an arranged marriage,to be being hit with some spell,I also found out this bracelet Sirius gave me makes me feel his pain and vice versa

To prove it to me,Sirius stood and got James to slap him across the face which then hurt me and Sirius like hell

We can't feel small pain though like if Sirius stubbed his toe I wouldn't feel it even thought stubbing your toe feels worse then being slapped across the face

James holds me against his body as I sit still on his lap

He kisses my neck gently and rests his head on my back making me smile

"So your telling me,you were stuck in the cupboard for..a day and half?" Sirius asks

"I'm pretty sure,my minds kinda blurry from that point in time,but yeah"

"You poor darling!" Euphemia quickly rushes to the kitchen "everyone,dinner is being served!" She yells lightly and we all stand around the kitchen counter as she serves us chicken and rice

I smile at her and thank her for the food,then me and indego head up to her spare bedroom

She places the bowl of food on the counter and sits down on her bed,me sitting on the ground across from her scoffing my face of

"So,what did you wanna tell me?" I ask,my mouth half full of food

"Yn,I am really really sorry for not telling you this earlier,I didn't just do it for my sake I also did it for Sirius' because he asked me not to tell you yet...and it was selfish of me to do this without asking your permission or seeing if it was ok with you at first and-"

"-spit it out!" I chuckle "it's not like you killed someone" I smile but her face frowns even more "you didn't..kill someone? I mean I can help you hide the bod-"

"-me and regulus are together" she blurts out and I stop eating,staring at thin air "it all happened so quickly I know! But the whole time me and Sirius were together we both knew we had eyes for other people,I've liked regulus since me and you met,and Sirius...well I can't tell you why me and Sirius even dated because it's not my business to tell but-"

"-your with regulus?" I ask and she slowly nods "so you were with...Sirius" she nods "and now your with rege!?"


I begin to laugh and she stares at me confused

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this...does Sirius know?"

"Yes but-"

"-I don't care about me,it's Sirius I care about ok? Did he say he was ok with it?"

".....he's kinda the one who told me to go for rege since he knew we liked eachother,and I know I'm a horrible horrible person but...I really like him"

I rub my eyes,trying not to burst out with my millions of questions I had stored in the back of my mind

"How long"

"Since me and Sirius broke up"

"Have you said 'I love you?"


"Ok,I'm gonna go-" I stand and grab the bowl of food "-and hang out with my boyfriend"

"...are you mad?" She asks and I fake smile

"Of course not" I quickly walk out of her room and into James' who was lying half naked on his bed,eating his food silently as he watched me distantly

I place the bowl on one of his drawers and close the door behind me,walking over to his bed,grabbing one of his pillows and screaming into it

"I HATE EVERYONE" I scream into the pillow

After a few seconds I pull away and turn to lie on my back,seeing James still lying next to me eating,his eyebrows raised as he looks down at me

"What?" I snap and he continues eating

"Nothing" he shrugs lightly,placing the bowl of food on his side of the table before fixing the pillows and flopping down beside me,wrapping his arm around my waist and twisting me to face him

"Talk to me love"

"Indego's dating regulus" I say and James gasps "not only that,Sirius is in love with someone!" He gasps again

"Wait no,I take away the last gasp since I know who it is"

"How come I don't know!" I say frustratedly and he chuckles,staring into my eyes with a smirk on his face

He looked so good without a shirt,damn this man and his charming ways

"Your extremely oblivious love,trust me once you find out who it is you'll be trying to set them up with a click of a finger,I think it's best you don't know" he smiles lightly and I frown,sitting up

"I deserve to know who my twins in love with" I argue back and James sits up,facing me

"I know love it's you promise not to try to do anything?not to lock them in a room together or anything?" James asks and I chuckle

"Of course not,tell me!" I say and James sighs

"....Yn it's not my business to say,I love you,so so so so so so so so so SOOOO much but I think this is something Sirius should be telling you"

"Pleaseeeee" I plead James who smirks

"Pleaseeeee" he copied me,looking up and batting his eyes making me chuckle before trying to close them

He looks down and smirks before looking back up at me

"Go talk to Padfoot"

"Ok prongs" I smirk before hopping of his bed

"You can't call me that!" He says defensively

"Why not prongs?"

"Because only friends can call me that" he raises a brow

"Am I not your friend?" I ask and he smirks

"I guess you can be,although You're the most intimate,gorgeous and most sexiest friend I've ever had" he says and I smile

"Amen" I head out of James room,grabbing my food before heading to Sirius to uncover the mystery behind this whole thing

And how was I oblivious?


Any requests for my next story of who it should be about?❤️

Thankyou for 130k❤️❤️❤️❤️

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