The last quadditch match

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"James,don't be nervous ok?" I say to James who was shaking his hands around,taking deep breaths

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"James,don't be nervous ok?" I say to James who was shaking his hands around,taking deep breaths

"How can I not be nervous love? It's the last game I play here ever" he says and I give him a small smile "wish me luck" he smirks and I lean forward,kissing him softly,his arms wrap around my waist as he gets lost in the kiss and when I pull away he frowns

"Good luck,although I'm not sure you'll need it"

"You put to much faith into me" he smirks,following the Gryffindor quidditch team

"That's because you are my faith!" I call out jokingly as I begin to jog to the stands,not wanting to miss any of the game

I quickly made it to the stand that was full of red and yellow screaming Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs

I purposely barged into Evans who only glared at me as I walked up to Indego who didn't seemed to be interested in the game,the holidays were over,and everyone was back at Hogwarts

"Hey" I smile,linking my arm with hers,she only gives me a smile as the match starts,Hufflepuff comes out,waving at everyone and some of the team showing of

Then next Gryffindor came out,also showing of and waving to everyone

James looked around,then when his eyes met mine and blew me a kiss which I pretended to catch making him smirk

"You two are so gross" Remus says,walking up to us and I smile up at him,he wraps his arm around my shoulder as everyone takes their places

Then as the game starts it was nothing but both teams trying their hardest to do their jobs,I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry on my face as both teams became a little aggressive,not hurting eachother but yelling at eachother and such

The game became tight as Hufflepuff begin to beat Gryffindor and everyone was now sitting on the edges of their seats

If it hadn't of been for someone pushing,literally pushing me to the edge of the stand,to the point where if some random guy hadn't have helped me up I would've fallen of it,and possibly died but who knows

"Are you ok!?" Remus says as he rushes to my side,helping me to my feet as the guy tries to comfort me as well

"I don't know who pushed me but yeah Rem,I'm fine" I say sarcastically and he only gives me a small smile "I'm sorry,Thankyou for your help" I say to the random guy who I froze as I realise who it was "Snape?"

"Oh yn" he begins,standing up straight and letting go of my arm "I didn't realise it was you"

"Sure" I chuckle sarcastically as I walk away from him "by the way I take back my thanks!" I call out and hear him scoff

I roll my shoulders back as I feel that I've pulled it,groaning in pain causing Remus to frown

"Are you ok?"

"Well I-" I was cut of by screams,cheering,people jumping up and down and some people frowning and groaning and I had just realised that I had missed who won

"We did it!" A gryffindor Keeper says as they zoom past,celebrating with the others

I look up and see James,lying on the grass with a pained face and I quickly run down to the field,everyone pushing and shoving to go over and congratulate with the quidditch team

I rush over to James and get down beside him,he smiles at me

"Hey love" he sighs happily

"Jesus Potter" I scoff,watching as he holds his arm in agony "what did you do?"

"Did you miss me catching the snitch then falling of my broom,being saved my McGonagall but then being accidentally hit by another Gryffindor teammate making me fall down and land on my arm?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows

"No sorry but I'm sure it was quite a show" I chuckle nervously and he groans in pain again,I didn't know what to do,cause no one seemed to be paying attention much,only to the Gryffindor team "does it hurt?" I ask and he looks at me,giving me a 'seriously' look and I roll my eyes

I lean down and catch his lips against mine,and without a second he eases into it and he tries to wrap his hand around my hand but pulls back and hisses in pain

"You'll be ok" I say,smiling at him

Suddenly it was as if someone had said something about James being injured because everyone came rushing over,which only caused James to stress more

"Out of the way please! Out of the way!" Madam Pomfrey calls out,some other nurses hoisting James onto a floating bed thing and bringing him to the hospital wing

"Well,we won" Sirius sighs happily,wrapping his arm around my shoulder "how you feeling?"

"Depends" I shrug "I'm gonna go make sure James is good,you coming?" I ask

"Hey Sirius you coming to get messed up with us!" A Gryffindor team member calls and Sirius looks between James and the team

I knew Sirius loved to hang out with the team but he smiles and shakes his head

"I'll meet you there later" he says "let's go" he says,pulling me towards James


Happy part 100! :D

Omg guys I can't believe this story is sort of nearly over,like woah

Anyway I love you all and happy Halloween!🎃

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