Just another normal day

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It was the next afternoon and Remus wouldn't let me leave the common room,so I thought why not use this time to study,James and Sirius were of somewhere so they weren't here annoying us and everyone else was either in their dorms or having fun som...

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It was the next afternoon and Remus wouldn't let me leave the common room,so I thought why not use this time to study,James and Sirius were of somewhere so they weren't here annoying us and everyone else was either in their dorms or having fun somewhere else

"So when are you gonna make a move on Sirius?" I ask Remus as I write out my muggle studies report

"Never" Remus says and I roll my eyes playfully

"I heard Corey Donner has his eyes on Sirius" I say,trying to make Remus think about the fact that Sirius might actually go for him

"Good for him" Remus says,looking up at me and giving me a fake smile "you know why don't we talk about you and James"

"What about us?"

"Well...you guys have been together for a very very long time...we're going to be out of Hogwarts by the end of the year...what's gonna happen?"

"I guess I never really thought of that.." I say,looking down at my book instead of at Remus

I loved James,with all my heart but who says he might just want this to be a Hogwarts thing,and whos to say he's not gonna end this relationship when we leave Hogwarts?

"Don't overthink it,he loves you,more then any other person,I was just wondering if you guys are gonna get seperate places...move in together,do you see a furture with him?"

"Do I see a future with James" I say,imagining how we would look in time to come

"You are my love,you are the one that I adore,you are my love,you are what I have waited for" James sings softly,holding me in his arms as we slow danced around our small kitchen to 'you are my love'

"You know,for a hot guy back at Hogwarts who was captain on the quidditch team,with a reputation for girls and guys coming at you,you are nothing but a nerd"

"But you love that" he says,placing a kiss on my lips

"That I do"

"I see us moving in together,it's a cottage house,and it's got a chimney" I say,a small smile spreading across my face as I look up at Remus

"Do you have kids?" He asks and I close my eyes,trying to imagine what I want my future to look like with James

"Hi little man,god you look like your mother" James says and I lightly hit him on the shoulder making him laugh lightly Our little boy gurgles,holding his hand out for James' finger making me smile "you know I'm sort of glad we chose Harry,imagine if we went with my idea and his name was dingleberry"

"James honey,that wasn't even an option"

"It was an option to me" he says

"I don't know,I kind of liked the name zero" Sirius says,walking up on the left side of Harry's crib,a happy Remus walking in after and wrapping his arm around sirius' shoulder making me smile

"Zero the hero? Still trying to make your superhero comic books come true huh?" Remus says,teasing Sirius who rolls his eyes

"Hey where's Peter?" James asks and we all look at eachother

"I'm here!" Peter says,quickly rushing in with a present in his hand

Indego and Regulus come in a few moments after,both out of breath making us all jokingly scoff at them

"Happy birthday to you!" We all sing to Harry "happy birthday to you!" We sing again "happy birthday dear Harry,happy birthday to you!"

"What do you wish for H?" James asks "what's that? Another sibling? I'm sure me and mommy wouldn't be dreading on making that happen" James smirks,winking at me

Little did everyone know was that Harry already had a little sibling,I smile,rubbing my hand on my stomach out of sight from everyone

"Another baby? What do you want a girl or a boy?" I ask Harry who just continues to play with the toy Sirius got him

"I think Harry was thinking a little sister" James says and I smirk "or a boy,he doesn't mind"

"And what does Harry want his little sister or brother to be named"

"How about-"

I open my eyes as I hear James and Sirius come running the room out of breath

Sirius flips down on the couch and James hunches over,trying to catch his breath

"Are you guys-" Remus was cut of by fireworks going of in the distance making James and Sirius smirk at eachother

"What did you two do?" I ask,Peter walking downstairs curiously

"Nobody died..." Sirius says and Remus' mouth drops

"What kind of answer is that!?" Remus asks when suddenly McGonagall come walking into the common room

Sirius quickly gets up,hiding behind the curtain at the window but poking his head out slightly

"Enjoying ourselves are we?" She asks and Remus and I sigh in unison,James gives her a smile and a small wave making her shake her head "it's only been one week and your already on with the fireworks,I thought maybe at least a month..."

"You guys have done this before?" I ask them and they chuckle

"It's kinda our tradition"

"And it ends today" McGonagall says "my office,now"

"But ma'am-"

"Zip it Potter,and I can see you hiding behind the curtain Sirius black,both of you my office,now" we're her last words before she stormed out of the common room,James and Sirius high-fiving eachother because apparently the fireworks this year we'd better then last years

They both walk out leaving me and Remus sitting at the table stunned,not knowing what to do or say

"You know,I thought maybe I had them under control,I imagined that I could finally understand them and their pranks,but Sirius running in and saying 'nobody died' makes me re think...my whole life"

"Lupin,I had to live with the idiot inside a womb,inside a house and inside this common room,I think Sirius coming home every year testing his pranks on me and rege was pretty damn annoying"

"But I'm in love with him so it's different-"

"-your in love with him!?" I say and Remus goes to say something but instead freezes and looks down

"No,what I said was... I'm a can in a tin...yep that's what I said! Got to go bye!"

"Not so fast remmy,take a seat,we're not leaving until you talk about what you just said"

"And I thought Sirius was the evil twin" remus says and I smirk

"Then I guess you never knew me at all"

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