Plan in action

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-James Pov-

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-James Pov-

Me,Sirius,Remus,Peter,Indego Regulus and Yn walk along the icy patches towards hogesmeade,people behind and infront of us

Yn was on my back while I walked,I didn't mind though because she smells good and she gives me a kiss on the cheek every few minutes

Indego walked with Remus and peter,the two of them talking about muggle things while peter write things down in this little notebook he takes everywhere,and Sirius walked in the front with regulus,they weren't quite as close as they were last year,and they walked alittle far apart but they were talking and not fighting which was new

"You know potter,remember that snowball fight we had? You still owe me" Yn says on my back and smirk

"To what do I owe the lady doth?" I say in a posh accent and she leans closer so no one could hear

"I'm gonna make you do things you won't wanna do" she says and I gasp

"Is it like-" I wriggle my eyebrows "-or like not something like that?" I ask and she smirks,kissing my cheek making me smile

"You'll see after we get back from hogesmeade" she says and I sigh happily as we finally make it to hogesmeade

Yn jumps of my back and then instead grabs my hand,pulling me towards honeydukes making me groan

"Come on James you love candy" she says and I sigh

"Ok fine but after we're going to Zonkos" I say and she rolls her eyes playfully as we walk to honeydukes

Remus came with us while Sirius,regulus and indego and Peter went to Zonkos

We get inside the shop and Yn goes walking around leaving me and Remus to browse the front of the store

I watch as her face lights up as she sees all types of different candy making me smile at her,she really is the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with

"I've never seen you this flabbergasted...ever" Remus says and I bite my bottom lip to try to stop myself from laughing as I see her drop some candy,quick to pick it up

"That's cause I've never felt this way about anyone moony,if she never came to Hogwarts I'm certain I never would've found anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with" I say and Remus nudges me

"You really think you'll spend the rest of your life with her?"

"I've been thinking about it" I say,glancing over at the jewellery shop making Remus' eyes widen "she deserves something nice for once,and why not buy her a ring that also shows her that I want to take another step into the relationship"

"A promise ring?" Remus asks and I smirk,shrugging

"Yep,but I don't know how I'm supposed to get one when-" I stop talking once Yn runs up to us,two small bags full of candy

"Ok guys,I got my we're going to zonkos right?" She asks and I nod

The three of us walk to zonkos,Yn debating weather to eat the candy now or wait til we get back to the common room

"JAMES!" Someone yells and my eyes widen as I realise who it was

"James,I'm going to swing these bags around and choke up" Yn says calmly and I look at her

"Don't worry,I'll handle h-"

"-hey James" Lily says,walking up to us with something in her hands which she hands out for me to grab "I bought this for you" she says and I watch as yn's face grows angrier and angrier

"Thanks but I don-"

"-Well I best be on my way,my friend Marlene is waiting up for me...chow" she says before walking of

"She's friends with Marlene?" Yn asks "oh my Merlin"

"Whos marlene?" Remus asks

"Only the coolest person I've ever met! I've talked to her a bit and she's super chill...but why would she be friends with Evans?" Yn says before shaking her head and walking over to zonkos

"So..what's the plan?" Remus asks me and I look at him

"Someone has to distract her away from me,for at least thirty minutes"

"It doesn't take thirty minutes to pick a ring Prongs" Remus says and I raise my eyebrow at him

"Well moony,I have to pick the ring I think she'll like the most,I have to make sure it's her size and I have to make sure it's not boring because who am I really if I buy her a boring ring?" I chuckle before walking after Yn

We walk into Zonkos and she walks up to indego and regulus which I take as a chance to walk up to Sirius who was checking out new stink potions,probably to let of in Minnies classes

"Padfoot" I say,walking up to him "I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anyone or freak out because I know how you are about this type of thing"

"Come on Prongs,as if I would freak out,I'm a chill guy ya know?" Sirius says and I roll my eyes playfully,Sirius was anything but chill

"I'm getting Yn a promise ring-"

"-OH MY GOD-" I quickly cover his mouth as he jumps up and down

"-and I need your help" i say and he nods,taking a deep breath.I take my hand slowly of his mouth and he freezes for a second

"OH MY G-" he begins but I quickly cover his mouth again,just in time for the others to look over at us

"Everything alright?" Indego asks and I nod,putting a thumbs up

I push Sirius out of view from the others and he begins pacing

"Of course I want to be apart of this plan James! Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it!" He says and I slightly smile

"I need you to make sure Yn stays away from the jewellery shop for at least thirty minutes Sirius,she can't know about this" I say and he nods quickly

"Let's get this plan in action" he says,walking up to the others

"Sirius not ye-" I try but it was to late as he was already paying for his stuff and pushing everyone towards the three broomsticks making me sigh

I guess zonkos can wait

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