Hello old home

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-Sirius Pov-

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-Sirius Pov-

Waking up and finding a random owl sitting on your window seal was always a scary thing,even though it's only happened to me three times

The owl flew in my room,dropped a letter on me before flying away

I was confused until I opened the letter and sighed in relief as I realise it was only from dumbeldore

'Dear Mr Black,

I am aware that you,your sister and your friends will be joining the order,I am great full that you all have chosen to help instead of hide. The meeting will take place in your old home,12 Grimmauld Place tonight at seven thirty o'clock,as no one currently lives there and it is hidden from the Muggle world.

Yours sincerely,Dumbledore'

Furrowing my eyebrows I get out of bed,groaning as the light hits my face

Remus was lying in my bed,his scratched up back to me,no the scratches weren't from me,they were from when he goes into his werewolf stage and he gets into fights with other animals

Though maybe one of two are from me-

I quickly put some pants on and a shirt as well,walking out of my room and down the stairs,seeing Yn drinking coffee with Euphemia,the both of them looking at baby photos of James making me roll my eyes playfully

"Yn,can I talk to you?" I ask and she looks up at me,nodding

She quickly follows me to the kitchen where no one was and I hand her the letter,letting her read it for herself

"What the hell..." she says and I nod

"I don't know if it's a mistake or what" I shrug

"It might be but I doubt it" she says and I take one last look at the letter

"Why would the meeting be held at our old house?" I whisper and she shrugs

"Do you think we could even stand going back to that god forsaken place" she asks and I shrug

"It says no one currently lives there so...maybe they've moved out" I say and she looks down sadly

"Then I really am never gonna see Reggie again aren't I?"

"You will,we will,I promise" I try to cheer her up by bringing her in for a hug and she sighs

"I'm never gonna forgive myself if he isn't ok"

"Neither am I" I say back

-7:00- (your pov)

"Maybe this is a bad idea" James says,sitting on the edge of his bed as he watches me pull my shoes on

"It's not" I grunt,standing up and taking one of his coats to wear

"Are you sure love? I mean you'll get to many bad flashbacks" he says and I smile lightly,walking up to him and placing my hands on his face to make him look up

His hands instinctively go to my waist as he blushes up at me

"And there are some good ones too,like the time Sirius stole my makeup and because it was sparkly and I chased him,or the times me Regulus and him sat under the tree and laughed for hours" I say,beginning to feel my eyes well up "or the time.." I lick my lips "the time I escaped after thinking I had died and I found Reggie and found the dark mark on his arm and the closure...the hug-"

"-hey he'll be ok" James tries to reassure me and I sigh

"That's what everyone keeps saying" I say frustrated and he makes me look down at him

"Love,you know Regulus more then anyone else,you know he's capable and sensible to take care of himself,and also think about the fact that now that he's a death eater no one can touch him"

"Are you really trying to tell me that him being a death eater has its perks?" I ask and he sighs

"I'm just saying,no one would hurt him and get away with it" James shrugs and I nod

"I guess your right,but I'm not stopping until I find him" I say and he nods

"I'm not either"

"Time to go!" Sirius says knocking on the door and I sigh,taking James hand as we walk to the fireplace

Remus and Peter were standing there and I smile at Peter who waved at me

"Where's indego?" I ask and everyone shrugs

"Let's get going" was the last thing I heard Remus say before he said my old address and vanished,soon we all did it and I couldn't help but sneeze as I landed in the fireplace of my old home

Looking around I felt nausea and instantly ran to the bathroom downstairs,vomiting in the toilet

I was never good with roller coasters or going backwards on rides while look out a window

And I hardly ever used floo powder

"Hey your ok" I hear indegos voice says as she holds my hair back "god this brings back memories,me holding your hair back while you vomit your guts out into the toilet" she laughs lightly and I smile,trying to catch my breath

Back in first grade I remember a girl at my old school had put some sort of sick potion in my food to make me puke slugs and I ran to the bathroom

"Luckily there's no slugs this time" I laugh lightly as I get up and wash my mouth out

"Yeah,lucky" she agrees as we link arms and walk out into the hallway

I felt sick again just looking at the empty house,only paintings and a couch or two and that seemed to be it for downstairs

I made eye contact with Sirius who was eyeing every part of the house like he used to do when we were kids

The trauma of our mother striking us with magic, torturing us,it seemed to be on his mind and he couldn't stop looking around,making sure our own mother wasn't there

"Hello old home" I whisper as everyone gathers around in the living room,the teachers of Hogwarts apparting here not long after.


Happy 111 chapter

lol,I can't stop listening to Arctic Monkeys and thinking about Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes

Interesting fact about me
-I only work well/fast under pressure :)

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