Seasons greetings

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Ahh the holidays

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Ahh the holidays

I can already feel the festive decorations amongst the castle

Ally,Alice,Indego,Cece,Lyla and I all sat in class together,the teacher hadn't shown up yet so we were talking about anything and everything we could

About the holidays and if we're going back to our houses or not

Cece and Ally were going to Ceces house for the holidays,which I think is cute,Lyla invited us over for the holidays,I accepted and so did Indego

Alice wants to,so badly but she feels her parents won't let her and other then that the class was filled with people talking

I couldn't help but glare at Severus who kept glancing hopefully at me every couple of minutes,but as he finally caught my glare he stopped looking

About ten minutes into the lesson the teacher finally walked in,nearly tripping over a table or two

People laughed,others felt bad,but other then that the lesson went on and the teacher seemed to be distracted a lot,glancing between me and James

The two of us glance at eachother confused from across the class

The girls seemed to pick it up to because we begun to whisper about what it could be about

And finally as the class ended James caught up to me and we walked to the library holding hands

"I wonder what that was about" he says and I shrug

"Maybe he heard some other teachers talking smack about us" I smirk causing James to chuckle,his hand going from my hand and slipping down to squeeze my butt making me hit him in the chest

As we made it to the library we sat in the corner at the table,I had forced James here to get some work done

He was good at some classes,but in others he didn't pay attention to he wasn't getting such good grades

I knew he was smart and I knew he could do it he just didn't want to,I guess with Quidditch and all it was alittle hard to focus with both but also with Sirius acting alittle weird around him he probably felt alittle more focused on that then anything else

"Maybe it's because We're nearly going to leave Hogwarts?" I say to James who gives me a confused look "I'm talking about why Sirius could be acting weird"

He nods,biting his thumb and putting his feet on the chair beside him making me roll my eyes

It was times like these James making me stop and stare

He looked so in thought,staring out of the window with a confused look on his face,biting his thumb,his tie was around his neck but he wasn't wearing a robe,just his long white sleeved shirt but the sleeves were rolled up

Staring at James was something I could do all day

He's so pretty it isn't fair

My eyes scan down his chest and I feel by breathing hitch at his arms,the veins in them,his chest,the mucles you could see through the shirt

We hadn't done it in a sort of Long time and I'm only now realising how much I missed his naked body on mine,the feeling of his hot breath against my neck,the lust in his eyes....the way he bites his lip

"Love?" James snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up at him,gulping as I realise he was now leaning on the table with his elbows,his head in his hands "you ok?" He asks and I nod quickly

"Just thinking"

"I was saying that....what if Regulus doesn't come back to Hogwarts?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows "this year I mean"

"Why wouldn't he?" I ask confused and he gives me a soft look,as if he didn't want to say it and he'd rather me figure it out myself

Regulus could becoming a death eater right now as we speak

I frown

James leans forward and takes my hands in his,kissing one of my hands before giving me a half smile

"He'll be ok" I look into his beautiful blue eyes,his soft smile,his freckles,James Potter didn't have a single flaw,damn this man "Seriously are you ok?" He asks,noticing my mind drifted of again

"Yeah I just-I need some air" I stand up,walking out of the library with my hand on my forehead

Why was he suddenly making me feel like this?I had always admired James but lately it was just overly ridiculous

In class I would be paying more attention to his gorgeous laugh more then the lesson itself

It was annoying me,maybe it's just because we hadn't done it in so long and I needed to

"Hey I Uhh-I need to talk to you" I hear Sirius say not to far away and I notice Remus was infront of him,I begin to walk past them when I hear Sirius say "the night of mine and Yn's party...I kissed someone" and my eyes widened

I kept walking,not my business,I've got enough drama on my plate

That was until I walked around the corner and spotted a very confused look James,he looked as if he were looking for someone and as he made eye contact with me I quickly walked the opposite way and fast walked towards anywhere but near him

I could only imagine the smug look on his face as I told him that he was making me sexually frustrated,and I couldn't have that now could I?

The man already thinks he's the hottest person to walk this earth,I couldn't have his ego getting any bigger

I walked towards the bathrooms but with a snap James was infront of me,my chest hitting his as I ran into him

"There you are" he says smugly,his hand reaching and resting on the back of my head "hide and go seek isn't really my favourite game"

"James I need to be alone for a minute" I sigh,going to walk past him but he quickly wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me backwards,his hand on my stomach

We looked side on at eachother and he looked genuinely concerned making me sigh

"Don't worry it's just a me thing" I admit,patting his chest before walking away

It was obvious he was thinking about catching up to me again,but I think he knew maybe some me time was something I needed

And as I realise I had walked in a circle I stare ahead of me and my mouth literally drops at the scene that played out infront of me...

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