Last Christmas at Hogwarts

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I watched as a guy I had never seen before,took out his wand and hexed Sirius who fell back,hitting his head on the concrete wall behind him knocking him unconscious

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I watched as a guy I had never seen before,took out his wand and hexed Sirius who fell back,hitting his head on the concrete wall behind him knocking him unconscious

He fell to the floor and I couldn't help but sprint towards him,falling to his aid

"Sirius!?" I question,lifting his head and seeing blood making my nerves grow more rapidly

Remus was on the other side of Sirius,he couldn't muster up anything to say,he was so shocked and scared,all he did was rest his hand on Sirius' cheek

People begin to crowd around and I couldn't help but stand up,grabbing my wand and looking around for the guy who had just did this to Sirius

I stormed out of the crowd,hearing James yelling as he saw the scene infront of him

I saw the guy running not to far,he had short blond hair and he was pretty masculine and tall,and pretty dead as well now

I apart near him,taking a deep breath before hexing his wand out of his hand making him look back in fear

I lift my head,glaring at him with my nostrils flaring

"Who the hell are you!?" He asks,quickly grabbing his wand

I don't anwser and instead begin throwing spells at him

I managed to make him fall,and as I was going to hex him into any type of animal Mcgonagall came and took my wand from me,her hand on my back as she ushered me inside

I knew she wouldn't give me any sort of punishment,I was just acting in the spare of the moment,and she knew how much me and Sirius needed eachother

That bloody moron could've killed Sirius,and anyone who threatens my brother besides me doesn't get anyway with a just a snarky comment

She rushed me towards her office and sat me down on the chair,then she begun to make tea and I couldn't help but calm down alittle

My mind rushed back to Sirius and I quickly stood but she used her magic to sit me back down

"Don't make any more rash decisions" she says simply,handing me tea "your brother will be fine" she tells me,though I could see the worry in her eyes

I didn't speak,I just sipped my tea,staring blankly at the wall

There's no way I'm not punching that guy in the face after Mcgonagall lets me leave

"What happened?" She asked calmly and I simply shrug,not really knowing myself

"I turned the corner and he hexed Sirius...Sirius fell and hit his head on the wall then fell to the ground" I say truthfully and she nods,taking a deep breath

"Don't worry Ms Black" she says,gulping "that boy won't get away with what he did" I nod, appreciating that she was actually going to do something about this fricken situation

-Sirius Pov-

"You what?" Remus says,looking down with a hint of jealousy in his eyes,he looks back up,gulping "that's none of my business"

"Are you jealous?" I ask with a grin only making him more annoyed

"Shutup Sirius" he said sighing "you know,I bet you don't even remember what happened that night"

"What? Me being drunk of my mind?" I joke and he gives me a quick smile

"And also that you tried to kiss me" he says and I fall silent

Sounds like something I would do

"Could've been sober me" I say out loud,my face making a very embarrassed and cringed expression making Remus let out a light laugh

"You wanted to kiss me?" He asks,amusement on his face

"Pfft no" I lie

"Oh my god you wanted to kiss me!" He teases and I roll my eyes,crossing my arms over my chest "do you right now?" Although I could tell he was only joking

I shrugged,he gasped,then we both smiled at eachother

"Your going soft on me" Remus shook his head "what's gotten into you Black?" He licks his lip

"You" I admit "I've been trying so hard not to tell James that we've kissed way more then once.." I sigh and he only rolls his eyes

"So we kissed like...three times-"

"-fifteen" I correct him

"Ok fifteen-"

"-wait maybe sixteen" I smirk,my hand going to my face in thought and he rolls his eyes

"Shutup Sirius" he lightly pushes me "as I was saying,it can't ever happen again"

"That's what we said the last...fourteen times" I point out and he scoffs

"Yeah well I mean it this time"

"What if I kiss you right here,right now" I tease and he raises his eyebrows "would you stop it?"

"" he admits and I smirk

"Then maybe I sh-" there was footsteps and me and Remus look around worryingly,not wanting anyone to know about our secret makeout sessions

Suddenly a painful force hit me and I fell backwards,hitting my head and everything went black

-Your Pov,a few hours later-

Peter sat by my side holding my hand as I sat by Sirius' side,holding his

It was comforting in a way,Peter wasn't a very talkative person and that's what I liked about him

Sirius was still unconscious and I frowned at the dull amount of decorations

Sirius loved decorating,he loved Christmas,he loved holidays

I grab my wand out and stand,using my magic to produce some Christmas decorations around his bed,making sure to put mistletoe above his head and when the time comes I have to make sure Remus is next to Sirius when he wakes up

Ok I'm half joking,who am I kidding I'm not joking at all

Sirius was ok after all,he had a minor concussion and probably would be on bed rest for a few days but I'm sure he would absolutely love that,no work,no people,just him with food and I'm sure James will skip classes to hang with him

Peter smiled warmly at me as I sat back down,resting my head on his shoulder

"Are you ok?" He says softly and I smile

"Yeah,I'm ok Pete...are you?"

"Yeah,I'm more then ok"


Omg I haven't slept in just over 24 hours and I've been so on top of this story I have the rest of it planned out?😳

Oh shit,school goes back next week...RIP THAT

Anyway....happy October?

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