Passagways with Peter

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"I'm so sad"

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"I'm so sad"

"Would hugs help?"

"Yes" I roll my eyes playfully and crawl onto a pouting James' bed,cuddling up in his chest as he sipped on some hot coca

After the quidditch match he didn't want to leave his room,it was ridiculous but he was embarrassed of the whole breaking his arm thing

So he stayed in bed and held be captive with him,not that I'm complaining

Sirius and Remus...we'll how do I put this,they haven't been talking,I know it was over something probably stupid but it still made me upset,their my new favourite couple

Rege hasn't been back to Hogwarts,and indego seems to want to stay in our dorm all the time as well

And Peter? Well he loves to walk around and explore the castle,and today he wanted me to join him so somehow I need to leave James for an hour without him getting Sirius to look for me like last time

I kiss James' bare chest and he smiles,twirling a piece of my hair around his finger and then bringing it up to go over my mouth like a moustache making me chuckle

"Your an idiot"

"An idiot that your gonna marry one day" he says and I raise my eyebrows,he seems to freeze,as if him saying that scared me

"Shit,your right" I smirk,standing up "to bad your going to grow old with me"

"Oh damn,to bad your gonna have my kids" he sighs sarcastically "if only we weren't soulmates"

"You really think we wouldn't be together if we weren't soulmates?" I ask and his blue eyes look up at me,his cute dimples showing as he smiles

"Love,I don't think you understand the concept of 'I love you no matter what' I would love you if you were a feather"

"Why a feather? you have a thing for feathers-"

"-don't make this weird" he says and I smile

"Ok,we'll while we're on the topic of feathers I'm going to hang out with Peter"

"First of all,that had nothing to do with feathers,second of all no,your staying with me"

"This is kidnapping" I say and he laughs lightly,pulling me to sit on his lap

"Kiss me,hostage" he says and I smile,tilting his head up with my finger and pressing my lips against his,he kisses back,his hands going to the hem of my shirt when the door opens and Peter walks in,seeing us and quickly covering his eyes

"Sorry Pete!" I quickly get up,grabbing James' letter and smacking him over the head with it before grabbing my wand and pulling Peter out of James' dorm room before James could protest about me leaving "so,where do you have in mind?"

"Oh oh oh! How about the secret passageways" he smirks and I chuckle

"Ok,but I think I should handle the map since the last time you accidentally dropped it of the astronomy tower and nearly burned it"

"I don't even know if it can break or whatever,Sirius and Remus put a lot of charms on it" he says and I shrug

"Just in case" he nods in agreement

We walk the hallways,which were half full,and we make it to the girls bathroom that like no girl used due to Myrtle who i haven't seen in a while

"Hi Myrtle" I say but don't hear anything as Peter walks in behind me

"Who are you talk t-"

"-you've brought a boy in here" I hear her voice say as she floats out one of the toilet cells making Peter stumble back "what's the matter? Never seen a ghost before?"

"Never seen a Uhh.." he trails of "a pretty one"




".....Did you just flirt with me? Myrtle? The girl who got bullied and stuff thrown at her? I'm a ghost! What are you doing?"

" just seem nice and...well you are pretty" he flirts again and the smile that grows on Myrtle's face is genuine,though you couldn't tell it was obvious she blushed

"What's your name?" She asks as she floats over to us,rather close to Peter

"I'm-im Peter" he says and she smiles

"Well Peter,I'm Myrtle,and Thankyou for the compliment,your adorable yourself" she says and I take a few steps back,feeling alittle out of place and weirded out

"Uhh thanks..I've gotta get going Yn why are we here-"

"-oh right!" I stop walking backwards and run over to the large mirror on the wall,tapping it three times and waiting til I hear a click

It opens and a small passageway is behind the mirror making Peter gasp

"Since when was this here?"

"Indego told me about it,this is a place where-" I stop talking,shaking my head "I'd rather not say what happened here"

"Oh...well where does it lead to?"

"Outside of Hogwarts,or there's another passageway that leads to..." I gulp "McGonagall's office"

"What's wrong?" He asks making me sigh

"We'll this passageways not on the map and also...I don't know which passageway leads to where" I say and he gives me a scared look

"So your saying...either one could lead to McGonagall's office...she'll have us in detention all week if we walk into her office using a weird secret passageway!"

"Which is exactly why we need to be careful about our choice"

"Or we could just go to the other secret passageways" Peter says,pointing to the bathroom door

"But we've already explored every passageway in the castle..all except this one..besides no one but Myrtle can find us here" I say and he sighs in defeat

"Fine,but if we wander into McGonagall's office I'm gonna be very angry about it"

"Ok Peter,got it"

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