Lylas flashback

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Something weird happened today,I was hanging out with Lyla for lunch and she told me she had a date at hogesmade with this guy but she didn't know what to wear,so I went with her to her dorm,I wasn't happy about it because of Lily but when we got ...

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Something weird happened today,I was hanging out with Lyla for lunch and she told me she had a date at hogesmade with this guy but she didn't know what to wear,so I went with her to her dorm,I wasn't happy about it because of Lily but when we got there...only one girl was inside

She was lying on her bed reading a book but as she saw me and Lyla walk in her eyes widened and she walked out

"That's just Marlene,she dosent like company" Lyla told me and I had a weird feeling that Marlene didn't like me either

"I don't want to intrude-"

"-don't worry,your not,she's bestfriends with Evans,and she sort of had a small thing for you before you and James got together"

"She what?"

"Yeah,did I never mention that?" Lyla chuckles and I furrow my eyebrows

-Lyla's POV- (around the time Yn had just moved to Hogwarts)

"Hey Marlene,would you like to sit with me at dinner,I heard Evans is doing stuff for her perfects duties tonight" I say to Marlene who looks at me

Marlene was a nice girl,but she could be mean when she wanted to,what I meant was she was fun and easy to get along with but she didn't take kindly to those who messed with her or people that are close to her

"Why not" she says,placing her book down on her bed and getting up,putting on some shoes and her robe

The both of us make our way to the great hall,people staring at Marlene in awe,how couldn't you? She's the girl version of Sirius black just excluding the brown eyes,black hair and also the fact that Marlene hated James Potter and Sirius black doesn't

Marlene was confident,she wore a black leather jacket and wore eyeliner with wings,so perfectly put on you swore she was a makeup artist,if there's anything Marlene McKinnon wasn't,it would be easy to get

Marlene Mckinnion doesn't date

We walked into the great hall and took a seat furthest away from the first graders,then we made our dinner and began to eat it in silence while everybody else chatted,talking about what they read on the daily prophet

None the less it was nice not having to make conversation,after all I didn't know many people here anyways

Then,it was like something had caught Marlene's whole attention,and as I turned to look at where or who she was looking at I noticed it was at the new girl,Sirius blacks twin sister

"You ok Marles?" I ask and she nods taking a deep breath

Sirius' sister and her friend sat alittle away from us where Sirius and his friends were sitting,but they weren't far enough for us to hear their conversation

"Yn dear,One of your brothers friends are staring at you" speaks Yn's bestfriend,devouring a chicken wing,Yn looks up ever so swiftly and sees James staring at her,he hadn't even touched his food,to busy staring at Yn

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