Finally back again

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It was now nine o'clock at night and Lily was roaming the halls,telling students of for being out of bed

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It was now nine o'clock at night and Lily was roaming the halls,telling students of for being out of bed

"Are you sure this will work?" I ask Indego who smiled at me and nodded

"Positive" I was stood at the top of the Astronomy tower

Indego was somehow going to distract Lily and also tell James that Lily was up at the astronomy tower waiting for him

I was nervous,there's no way this plan would work

There's no way James potter is my soulmate

Bloody hell did I want him to be but there's lots more girls who deserve him a lot more then I do,Indego rushed of,and I stood still,staring of into the night sky,a few minutes passed and suddenly I heard

"Lily Flower!you up here!?" And I frowned before nodding my head,reassuring myself

James came through the doors and looked around,obviously not seeing me in the dark,I quickly used a spell to lock the doors and saw James smirk,probably thinking it was Lily trying to get some private time with him

"James" I nodded,watching as his eyes finally let mine and he reached for his wand

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled and his wand flew into my hand,which I then put in my back pocket

"What are you doing?I have to go find Lily-"

"-Lily can fucking wait ok?" I was angry,not at James but at Lily,I swear on my life I'm going to strangle her the next time I see her

"Harsh much....give me back my wand" James demanded,holding his hand out and I smile,watching his beautiful blue eyes glow in the moonlight,the freckles on his nose kissing his cheeks,his beautiful nose scrunched and he looked down confused making me confused

"James I need to talk to you" I said,gulping

"I don't want to talk to you" he said,stepping away from me

"I'm not going to hurt you you bloody weirdo,as I said I'm only here to talk" he froze and stood still,as if contemplating weather to leave or not,even thought he couldn't

I turned over my shoulder to look at the moon but as I turned back James was gone

"What the hell" suddenly a large stag came charging at me and I quickly changed into my Deer animagus,stopping James in his tracks

We both turned back to normal at the same time

"Why do you have the same animagus as me?" He asked angrily,his eyebrows furrowing

"You don't remember anything do you"

"That doesn't answer my bloody question!" He stomped his foot out he ground and I began to laugh,shaking my head at how childish he was acting

I slowly moved forward,but he didn't seem to care as he watched me walk towards him

"Lily isn't good for you"

"Jealous,are we?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes

"No she's literally toxic,and your about to remember why" I smirked,my body now right next to his

"What do you-" I suddenly smash my lips onto his,but he didn't kiss back

I wanted him to desperately

Kiss back god dammit

"Kiss me back!dammit Potter fucking kiss me" I yelled angrily before placing my lips back onto his

But once again he didn't kiss back

"Why can't you just see I'm in love with you to!im in love with you" I yelled,my hands gripping onto his shirt as I shook him

Maybe if I told him I loved him he'd break out of this stupid fucking love potion

"Wake up!Wake up please!" My eyes began to tear up "wake up" my head rested against his chest and I felt my heart break into a million pieces

I wasn't his soulmate

"You mean it?" I felt my breathing hitch as I looked up,noticing his eyes watery,his blue eyes staring down at me


"Your finally saying it back...your actually in love with me"

"Y-Your B-Back to normal?" I asked sniffling and he let out a small adorable smile

"I've been back ever since you first kissed me just then darling" he smiled and I jumped onto him,my arms wrapping tightly around his neck as he held me close

"I'm so sorry,I swear I don't remember anything that happened Yn" he said into my shoulder but I gently pulled away from the hug and brushed my thumb up and down his cheek

"It's ok" I whispered,a large smile on my face "it's more then ok"

He looked as he he wanted to kiss me but hesitated

Kiss me you bloody git

He went to kiss my cheek but I moved my head and his lips captured mine,it was magical,a wave of Euphoria rushed through my body as his hands gripped my sides

My hands cupped his cheeks as he licked my bottom lip,asking for entrance which I instantly gave to him

James was back

I was his soulmate

"James...." I whispered as I pulled back,a large smile on my face "you have to tell me everything you remember" I kicked of his waist and landed on my heels,grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the railing where we both sat down

"Well it was a normal morning ya know,then I remember at breakfast me and Sirius and Remus were talking about how lazy Peter was cause he was sleeping in again,I drunk my pumpkin juice but it tasted weird" he began,his face scrunching up

"Then Lily came along and I can't remember anything after that...what happened?"

"James..Lily Poisoned you...."

"She...She what?" He asked,clearly shocked before raising his eyebrows

"She put a love potion on you,that's why you can't remember anything from when you were in the potion,because you were drugged"

He sat silent,fiddling with his fingers

I leaned over and gripped my fingers with his and intwined them which he smiled at

"And you broke me out of it" he said,nodding "were you the only one who kissed me?"

Did he really not know that only your soulmate can break you out of the potion?

"" I said and he looked at me confused

"How many other girls kissed me before you?" He asked and I sighed

"The whole school"

"ALL THE GIRLS IN THE SCHOOL" he said and I nodded quickly,his hand gripping mine tighter


"Yes James?"

"How come your the only one who broke me out of the potion?" I froze

I can't just tell him we're soulmates right of the bat now can I

"It's complicated"

"I like complicated"

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