Beginning to Let Go

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Now Four months pregnant

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Now Four months pregnant

It had been about nearly a month now since seeing the venue and I grew anxious

Not only was I getting married to James in two days but I was extremly on edge about everything

We were only having about fifty people at our wedding,some family and friends,I had even asked Minnie to walk me down the isle and even though she didn't mean to show it I knew she cried as soon as I left her house

The venue me and James had picked up was beautiful

And don't get me started on my dress (or not dress again it's up to you what you want to wear)

Everything seemed to good to be true,except that sad feeling I now always felt

"How you feeling?" Indego asks and I shrug,my thumb rubbing over my stomach

Suddenly a wave of sadness washes over me and I choke on a sob,sitting up quickly as my hands cover my face

"Woah woah what's going on?" Indego asks as she quickly gets up and walks over to me,wrapping her arms around me as I begin to rock back and forward

I begin to feel my eyes well up with tears as I try to hold back tears and indego holds me close,rubbing my back

"Hey hey,you'll be ok,everything will be ok" she says calmly and quietly "I'm here,you don't need to hold yourself back" she says and that's what made the sob escape and I begin crying

I stand up,instantly wiping away my tears and indego stands up infront of me,instantly pulling me into her as I cry on her shoulder

I don't know if it was emotions from the baby or emotions from everything moving so fast

Weather it was about the wedding in two days or...Regulus,I haven't even begin to mourn over him yet

Words couldn't describe how I felt except saying that my chest felt like it was tightening and my mind ran over millions of different thoughts all at once,my hands shook and my whole body felt weightless,like I wasn't even alive

I hadn't felt like this since I was little,I remember when I was going on my first day to school and i felt exactly like this

Though I'm not sure what was happening or why

"Honey I'm home" Sirius' voice rings out and all I hear is something hitting the ground before I feel myself being brought into a hug from behind,I turn around and wrap my arm around Sirius as he holds me close,kissing my head every once and again as I hear indego leave the room

We stood there for a few minutes and the pain and sadness still stayed but I begin to calm down

Neither of us said anything as I pulled away and suddenly tissues appeared floating infront of me which I grabbed and dried my eyes with

Sirius gave me the softest smile before pulling my head into his chest softly and rubbing his thumb up and down the top of my head

"I love you" he simply says  "I don't know why your crying,or what caused it but I'm always gonna be here,if you ever need me I'll be there,because your my little sister and I love you"

"Little by twelve minutes" I mumble making him chuckle "and I love you too,even thought I hate you sometimes"

"Look at me" he says as he pulls me away and examined my face "you look like a mess" he jokes as he pats my cheek twice softly making me slap his hand away "what's going on?" He asks seriously,looking into my eyes like he was trying to get information out of them

"I don't know" I say truthfully "I just started crying and I don't even know what about" I shrug "maybe it's because I'm getting married in two days..or maybe it's because I'm having a baby and the baby is making me feel so many emotions at once...or maybe it's- " I try to say but stop myself as I feel my stomach literally fill itself with butterflies,but not the good ones,the ones you get when you feel before and after you have a breakdown

"Don't worry I know what you were gonna say" he says as he places both hands on my face "neither of us have had time to grieve" he begins "and I think it's only right if we do so when we're ready...and I know it's gonna be hard,god I can't even look at any of his stuff without wanting to tear the world apart but you know what?"


"He's never going to leave,he's always gonna be watching over us,because he's our little asshole brother that will never give up and leave us alone,just think about the fact that he's always trying to scare us in his little rebellious ways" Sirius says making me laugh softly and he laughs with me

"It isn't fair,he was too young.."

"He was young but he died saving the lives of so many others...he's the hero he's always wanted to be"

"I just wish I could hold him one last time"

"So do I,I'll never forget the feeling of holding him as a little baby or side hugging him as kids or ruffling his hair as teenagers..."

"I think we have to visit him" I say simply and Sirius nods

"Yeah...I think we do"

-An hour later-

Staring at his grave,everything felt so surreal

'Regulus Arcturus Black
1961 - 1979'

Sirius stood next to me as he held my hand,the snow was heavy and the wind was heavier but still neither of us moved to leave nor did we move any closer to the grave infront of us

It was when a grey cat ran up to Regulus' grave and begun to rub itself on it as if it were a person patting the cat

Then the cat walked up to me and begun to stare up at me as it walked in between mine and Sirius legs in circles

"Come here" I whisper as I bend down the pick the cat up,seeing it had no collar "you must be freezing" I say as I take my scarf of and try my best to make it a blanket for the cat as it then lied comfy on my feet

Sirius moved forward and gave me a small nod as if he was telling me he was going up to the grave and I nod,patting the cat which which purred with happiness

And I know,I know this sounds extremely stupid but a part the cat reminded me of Regulus,especially because it loved the scarf I gave it and Regulus was obsessed with scarfs

After a few minutes Sirius walked past me in tears as he walked back towards the Muggle car,the cat chasing after him and I frown,walking up to Regulus' grave and leaning down to fix the flowers,making a new bunch with my wand

I begin to sing a lullaby Sirius used to sing to me and Regulus when we were younger,ending with a fake smile as I kiss my hand and then press my hand firmly on the grave

"I love you,more then you'll ever know rege" I say as I stand up and walk away

Surprisingly the cat had gotten into the Muggle car and so Sirius drove us back to mine and James' house

Where the cat now apparently lives with us


I'm not kidding when I say this chapter took me over 30 minutes to write and the entire time I listened to

Je te laisserai des mots

Now you can probably tell why this chapter is so depressing,cause of the song I listening to like so many times on repeat in the span of 30 minutes

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