The spot by the tree

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My fingers ran back and forth against the cold glass table as my mother and father argued weather to put me in a ballet class or not,mother said no because I apparently had more important things to do

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My fingers ran back and forth against the cold glass table as my mother and father argued weather to put me in a ballet class or not,mother said no because I apparently had more important things to do

But father insisted I did,to help me become a proper lady

Even thought ballet is for all genders and shouldn't be known as only a woman's hobby

Regulus stayed in his room,him and father not leaving strangely during the day anymore

I suspect it's because school is literally two days away and rege needs his rest

But my parents stopped at nothing to keep me moving and gliding across the dance floor

The only good thing to come out of it was I got something to distract me for abit

Distract me from all the worries In the world

Except my mother who would yell at me for the smallest mistake of course

I grew patient during this Christmas holiday,along with quiet,I learned it's best not to say anything at all

I was doing all this for regulus,for me.

Not for my parents

Although mother did seem less harsh on me once I began to listen to her more and dress the way she wanted me to dress

Which was like one would wear at a funeral

Black dull and long,long sleeves,long skirting as it reached the floor and it showed cleaverage,not to mention how tight it was it showed all my bumps

One thing that did happen was I was put on a diet,I was only given one meal a day,and I for once stayed silent and didn't complain about how cruel my parents were

But instead I cherished it,because I knew complaining would make it much more worse

I nearly fell asleep at the table from how sore and tired I was over the past few days

But once I was sent to bed I couldn't fall asleep quicker


The next day I woke up early and did some drawing,mostly of the pictures I saw lying on my bedside table

The rain lightly hitting my window,it just made everything calm

"Master has called kreacher to tell you no dancing today" kreacher said suddenly appearing in my room then leaving with the click of a finger

I furrowed my eyebrows

Since when did they let me have a day of?

I quickly stand up,rushing over to my bed as I hear footsteps approaching,and hide under my covers pretending to be asleep

"You don't have to pretend" regulus says as he opens my door causing me to fall even more confused "mother and father are out for the day,it's just you and me" I jump out of bed and run over to him,wrapping my arms around him which he happily does back

"I missed you" he says "I mean I've been with you everyday but not where I could hug you"

"I missed you to rege" I smile

"What do you say,a stroll in the garden?" He offers his hand,a small smirk on his lips

"Of course" I gladly place my hand in his as he leads us down to the garden,the smell of flowers piercing my nose,we both walk around abit,taking in the view before lying down in mine,Sirius and reges spot,the spot that's shaded by the large oak tree and has clovers underneath it

We both lied down,facing the grey sky,it was raining but now just lightly sprinkling

Regulus grabbed my hand and I turned my head to face him,a small smile on my face

"I wish you went" he frowned at me

"I would never leave you"

"But I wish you did"

"Well I didn't"

There was a comfortable silence,the sound of the birds singing,and the wind blowing a breeze through our already messy hair

The only thing missing was Sirius,laying on the other side of me and the both of them threatening to kill my future boyfriend

And back then I thought love was stupid and I promised them to never fall in love,they promised it back

Sirius ended up falling in love with indego,it was obvious but then they broke up,but it's so obvious they still love eachother

Regulus...actually I have no clue



"Are you in love" I ask.watching as his face turns red


"Oh my god,REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK WHOS THE LUCKY GIRL!" I yell causing his face to fall as he suddenly gets a nervous look on his face

"No way-" I gasp "so tell me dear brother,who's the lucky guy?"

"There's no guy-nor girl ok,I don't do love-"

"-bullshit that face of yours was reder then a tomato" I tease watching as he gasps dramatically

"It was not"

"Was so"


"Tell me who it is-"

"-Why don't you tell me about potter?" I feel my eyes widen as he smirks at me,suddenly getting comfortable

"What about him?"

"Tell me how you fell in love"

"We are not in love"

"Yn even a blind person could see it" he says making me hit him in the chest

"He's a cool guy..I guess-"

"-Yn" he says sternly staring at me

"Fine,he treated me right rege,he made me so happy-"


"He makes me so happy,and the day we came home from Hogwarts he told me-"

"-he didn't" regulus gasped as he plopped himself up "oh my god do you say it back!" I feel a frown fall on my face as I remember his reaction while he was telling me he was in love with me

His eyes staring deeply into mine,his smile all to wide and beautiful,and the way he nervously bit his lip

"I couldn't,Cissa pulled me of the carriage and then we arrived,I didn't even get to say goodbye"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be,I'll probably see him tomorrow"

"Yn...." rege began,I already knew what he was going to say

"I know,I know I can't" if I was saw talking to James or any of the marauders I would probably literally be killed

And knowing slytherins there snitches,not all but just the ones who know my parents,I guess catching me doing something bad was a reward for the person who caught me

I just wanted everything back to normal


Thankyou so much for 6k reads,ily all🥺🖤

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