Sympathy and Empathy

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"We have to get a good seat!" I yell over the top of the students rushing to get to the Quidditch field

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"We have to get a good seat!" I yell over the top of the students rushing to get to the Quidditch field

"Why?" Cece asks,her arm linked with Ally's

"I need to see James' ass in those Quidditch pants of course" I wink,pushing past a few people and running towards the stands

Once I made it to the stand,being front row with Cece and ally I realised Indego was missing

I spot Remus at the back of the stand,a scarf wrapped around his neck even though it wasn't cold

I begin to walk towards him

"Have you seen Indego?" I ask Remus who glances at me and shakes his head "you alright rem?"

"I'm ok" he says then suddenly takes a deep breath and gives me a small smile,I lean foward and wrap my arms around him

I knew Remus didn't like people touching him but I know he really needed a hug

He stands frozen for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around me and melting into the hug

"You can always talk to me Lupin" I smile against his neck

"Thanks Black"

"Yn!Look!" Cece says suddenly and I look up

Noticing regulus and Sirius were both on their brooms,facing eachother and arguing very heatedly

"Oh no..."

I push back to the front and sigh

"QUIT BICKERING YOU GITS!" I yell,watching as the both of them look at me before rolling their eyes

Regulus flys away,hitting Sirius arm in the process making Sirius' nostrils flair

I shake my head,mentally cursing at Regulus in my mind

Even when we're not talking he's still a pain in the ass

I watched as the game continued,regulus and Sirius sharing glares at eachother

I looked around,looking for the boy who I was deeply in love with

And I smile as I see him,chasing the snitch that kept circling around him making him frustrated

"Hot" I mumble under my breathe

He flys past me,stopping a bit past me and turning around,flying back to where I was standing and winking at me making me blush

"M'lady" he nods to me

"Potter" I nod back

"Kiss for the winner?" He asks,smirking

"You win this and I'll be giving you more then just a kiss" I smirk back

"And if I don't win?" He raises his brows

"Who knows,you still might get lucky"

"Fine with me" He smiles,leaning foward and kissing my cheek making all of the people at the Quadditch match 'awe'

He flys of,looking for the snitch and I smile

"You guys are adorable" Cece says,lying her head on ally's shoulder

"Thanks C"

"Someone's angry" ally says as her eyes widened and I turn,my eyes landing on Evans whos face was red and she was glaring at the ground

"Oh well,boring" I shrug,turning around


I watch as James just caught the snitch with the tips of his fingers and the whole crowds of people screamed in happiness,all except Slytherin

I rushed down to the field along with everyone else and I couldn't stop smiling

James opened his arms and waved his hands As if saying 'come here'

So I did,I ran into his arms as he held me up

"Congrats!" I smiled as I kissed his cheek and he wrapped me in his arms "by the way you look extremely hot in this outfit"

"I could tell you were enjoying the view,I know you only came to stare at my arse" he smirked as he kissed the top of my head

"I would never"

"Keep telling yourself that love"

The crowd finally caught up to James and James winked at me before being pulled away from me making me roll my eyes and shake my head playfully

Cece and Ally walked up to me and smiled as they watched the crowd congratulate James

The other players were beginning to touch down to the ground and I frowned once I saw Sirius land and throw his broom

Regulus doing the same

Then they began to walk angrily towards eachother

"Shit" I mumble under my breath

"Don't touch me!" Sirius yells "you bloody cheater!"

"I didn't cheat!your just an idiot who doesn't know the rules" they began bickering

And just as Regulus looked as if he was about to throw a punch I stepped infront of Sirius and pushed regulus back

"Act your fucking age regulus,you to Sirius,your acting like bloody children" I spat at the both of them

"Oh piss of Yn" regulus said as he shook his head at me "you never take my side,your always taking Sirius' and it fucking sucks,maybe that's why I don't have time for you anymore,because there's no point" regulus spat back,glaring at Sirius

"I'm sorry ok,I've tried and tried to protect you both but it's just it never felt like you needed me because you were to busy sucking up mum and dads arse"

Sirius looked at me,a sad look on his face before turning around and walking away

The crowd was quiet and watched as me and regulus looked at eachother hurt

"Piss of you lot" regulus said waving his arms at the crowd,I saw his eyes water as he turned and walked in the other direction from Sirius making me frown

He was my younger brother and he needed me

I needed him to

"Regulus" I breath out,running after him,as he hears me calling his name he turns and I embrace him and he instantly hugged back

"I'm sorry" he says in my neck "I'm so sorry Yn"

I rub his back and hug him tighter as he cried on my shoulder

I look around and notice we were hidden behind one of the stands,a hufflepuff one so no one could see us

We stand there for what felt like forever,I felt happy knowing me and regulus had made up,I felt so much sympathy for rege,but I also felt empathy

But now Sirius and regulus were fighting

God I hate family drama


Happy birthday to my favourite Bisexual,Sarcastic CHOCOLATE LOVING WEREWOLF BABY REMUS LUPIN/MOONY🖤🖤

(Can't believe I'm crying over a fictional character lol)


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