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Lyra and Andromeda started sending sparse letters back and forth. Lyra asked for advice that she couldn't ask her mother. She confided in Andromeda. She unloaded the stress and pressure of being an elitist and Andromeda understood the pressure as well. She understood the high standards she must meet. It was impossible not to feel stressed.

The months started to fly by and soon it was approaching the end of March. Lyra was stressing because George's birthday was approaching and she hadn't a clue what he'd like. They had only snogged in vacant classrooms or alcoves. One naughty night, she snuck into the Gryffindor common room after curfew and nearly had him take her virginity right there on the couch. But they were interrupted by Angelina leaving the boys' dormitories. She acted disgusted with her top on backward.

One evening, Lyra was welcomed back to the Gryffindor common room after one of their lessons. When she saw George get up to talk to some boy from his year, Lyra rushed over to his vacant spot to sit next to Fred with Angelina on his lap. Her friends giving her curious looks after her abrupt departure.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Angelina scoffed. She held Fred's hand a little tighter as if Lyra would try to steal him away.

Lyra quickly looked over her shoulder to see George still busy. "Fred, what would George like for his birthday?"

"A blowjob with lots of teeth." Angelina laughed.

"Give him the best shag of his life," Fred suggested.

"I'm serious! I need ideas. I don't know what to get him. I've never had a boyfriend before, I don't know what's appropriate to get him. I doubt buying him the newest broom would be acceptable."

"Woah, woah, don't rule it out." Fred piped up. "You should get him two."

"Of course you'd buy him something so posh." Angelina scoffed. "Dumb it down for us poor people."

"George deserves the very best." Lyra piped up, trying to stand up for herself. "He is after all my boyfriend. I can get him whatever his heart desires."

"I think you're dating the wrong twin." Fred murmured, causing Angelina to jab him in the ribs with her elbow. "Kidding, dear."

"George isn't like you." Angelina said with venom. "He doesn't need a thousand Galleon pocket watch to be pleased. He's not a posh prat."

"Neither am I!" Lyra fired back.

"Yes, you are!" Angelina laughed darkly. "how much is your uniform? It's custom, I heard you say your wool skirts were handmade from Scandinavia, and your jumpers are cashmere. George doesn't even know what cashmere is. You are so privileged you can't even see it! You've never lacked for anything in your life!"

"At least your father doesn't beat you!" Lyra shouted with so much intensity, the room went absolutely silent and all eyes were on her. Her cheeks burned red as she saw people whisper. George looked surprised and maybe embarrassed for her. She looked at Angelina who was stunned by her uproar. "I'm sorry," Lyra instantly felt tears prickling her eyes. She rushed out of the common room. She walked to an alcove and felt her heart racing and tears rising up within her.

She started to sob. She was a privileged prat. She didn't deserve George and she was embarrassed that she let out a family secret. She broke a rule, never talk about family matters in public or at all. She clutched her chest, trying to stop the pain and guilt rising in her throat.

"Lyra," She heard George call.

Oh, it just gets worse. She wiped her tears. "Go away!"

"What did Angelina say to you!" She heard Katie asked.

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