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Harry, Ron and Hermione got away. They were on their way to save the wizarding world, that's what George told Lyra.

She stayed on the beach, watching the memorizing waves for hours before apparating to Andromeda's. They were alive. They were well. Lyra was told George had disarmed her father and fought bravely.

George wouldn't agree that he was courageous. He visited her the next day to make sure she was okay. She pulled him into a tight hug, so happy he was safe.

The Death Eaters started targeting families associated with the Order of the Phoenix and attacking their homes. Dedalus Diggle's house was burned down. The poor man.

Lyra read the Daily Prophet and it was filled with propaganda. Muggle-borns weren't being accepted into Hogwarts anymore. Lyra knew the likelihood of Muggle-borns returning to Hogwarts wasn't good and the ones who did would be tortured. Death Eaters were accepted into the school as if they were qualified.

Lyra wanted to do something- anything! But she couldn't. Andromeda wouldn't let her do anything for or with the Order. She was pushed out. George wouldn't talk about their meetings. She just wanted to help, but they didn't want it. She hated being helpless... a burden.

Lyra started her first day of the internship the following day and was sick with nerves. She knew she'd be doing the lame jobs for awhile, but it was still exciting all the same.

The day she got ready, she did her hair nicely and out on her white robe proudly. When she entered the kitchen, Andromeda had cooked a full English breakfast. She had her camera out as well.

"Oh! Ted! Stand by her, let's get a picture." Andromeda ordered.

"Andy," Ted whined, but he stood next to Lyra and wrapped his arm around her. They both smiled and waited for the bright flash.

"You look so beautiful!" Andromeda teared up. "Now my turn!"

She made Ted take her photo with Lyra. It was all so sweet. She felt loved. Andromeda made her eat her breakfast, cleaning her plate.

"Now, Dora will be staying with us for a little while, with the chances of it being a werewolf, it could be a rough pregnancy. You'll stay in Dora's room, she won't mind and she'll stay in the guest room." Andromeda updated Lyra.

"I don't mind taking the guest room." Lyra replied.

"Nonsense! You'll stay where you are!" Andromeda kissed her head. "You should go before you're late."

"Right, bye!" She waved at them before rushing out the door.

When she arrived at St Mungo's, her throat had a lump growing in the center of it. She walked in to see a chaotic room, along with a group of five interns she hadn't really met before. They were mainly Hufflepuffs, and then there was one Ravenclaw girl who used to be friends with Cho Chang. There were six interns total, including Lyra. They looked at her skeptically but one Hufflepuff girl with butterfly clips in her hair extended her hand.

"I'm Louisa!" She beamed. "I know who you are," she said as Lyra opened her mouth. "you're Lyra Malfoy, I didn't know you wanted to be a healer."

"Oh, uh, yes." Lyra replied, off guard by her friendliness.

"Who is your master?"


"No way! Mine too. I'm so nervous, I could vomit." She giggled anxiously.

"Me too," Lyra admitted.

"I hear Sallow is a nice man, just strict."

The healers come out in their lime green robes. A man with a violet hat and small glasses and a pointy nose had a nametag "Sallow" onto it.

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