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Lyra sat with her friends, Alicia and Katie gushed over Quidditch. She often tuned it out. They had boarded the train for holiday break and were flying past beautiful scenery. Lyra was still upset that George would be leaving so soon. But also upset because she was meeting her crazy aunt. She didn't know what to expect.

Before boarding the train Lyra walked down the corridor where Pansy levitated Siggy in the air upside, showing her knickers to everyone who walked by. Thankfully Snape saved the poor student. Pansy only had five points taken off from Slytherin and he then ordered everyone to hurry to Hogsmeade train station. Siggy's cheeks have been burning with embarrassment. The whole time they ushered to the train, people giggled at her. Even George had a hard time keeping a straight face, which made her even more flustered. George Weasley had seen her knickers and not in the way she had hoped.

"Lyra!" She heard Katie call. "Your boyfriend is here."

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at George. She gave him a weak smile. She stretched her arm out for him to sit beside her. He smirked and joined her side, wrapping an arm around her before tilting her face up for him to kiss swiftly.

"Gross," Alicia whined.

"Would you two like some privacy?" Katie asked with a smirk.

"We only kissed! It's not like we're snogging." Lyra hissed.

George shot them a look, and it was well-received. The two got up and left anyway. "We're going to find Angie." They slid the door shut and carried down the aisle. Alicia gave them the thumbs up before bursting into a fit of laughter as she carried after her friend. 

Lyra scoffed, getting ready to complain, but George pressed his lips against hers. He was quick to deepen the kiss, melting away all her worries, all her concerns.

She didn't have to think about the horrors of going back home. She felt his large hand grip her thigh as he dominated her lips. Lyra decided to explore herself, she kissed his jaw and trailed down his neck. She did what he'd do to her. She felt his grip tighten.  She trailed back up his jaw, she pulled back to see him, he looked in need of more of her. He gripped her jaw and crashed his lips back against hers. They snogged for quite some time. George only seemed like he wanted to make out.

But eventually, they pulled apart. Lyra leaned her head into his chest, feeling his heart race. "I'm not looking forward to going home."

"I know." He replied. "That's why I'm trying to take your mind off it." He stroked her hair. "This coming Tuesday, you should see if you can leave. We can meet in a pub, I know a place. We can get food and talk. How's that?"

"That sounds great. I'll see if I can get out of my house." She felt him kiss the top of her head.


They talked during the train ride back. He told her about his and Fred's plans to leave Hogwarts, they found a building in Diagon Alley that they are going to fix up.

"There's this flat, above, Fred and I plan to live there. We broke in over the summer and saw that there are two bedrooms. I can't wait to have my own room." He laced his fingers with hers. "We can be alone, I can show you my bed." He trailed.

"I'm glad that you are figuring everything out." She gave him a weak smile. "I'm proud of you both."

"What about you?" He grinned, but Lyra had nothing. Her smile started to disappear. "Lyra?"

"I uh... I don't know." She admitted.

"What? You are supposed to say you are going to be a healer, you're going to own a big house and horses." He smirked.

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