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It seemed everyone was no longer teasing Harry Potter. Lyra was glad to no longer see mean pins making fun of him. But everyone seemed to gush over him now that he won the first task.

But Lyra had more important matters at hand. Her mother was sending her, her gown. She was excited to see how it looks. Her mother said it was beautiful and showed her status for it's expensive fabrics.

Draco seemed to have asked Pansy to the yule ball, but Lyra saw that coming. Hermione Granger seemed surprised to see Lyra still showing off the pin, but Lyra just sort of forgot about it. Though, she did try to hide it around Draco, he'd do anything to be in their father's good graces.

Lyra sat in the great hall doing her charms homework when she heard girls giggling. She looked up to see Angelina Johnson talking rapidly to Alicia. They seemed to be immersed in their conversation. She then saw the way Angelina looked at Fred, she was blushing greatly. He must have asked her to the ball. Lucky her.

She sighed and went back to her parchment. She was so upset that she wasn't allowed a date. She hoped to have one. To slow dance and possibly get a first kiss to a man she won't have to marry.

"Lyra!" Alicia squealed, she sat across from her at the Slytherin table. "Fred asked Angelina!"

"That's great." She replied dryly. "Has George asked anyone?"

Alicia's face turned bright red. "W-well... He has..."


"Well... Me."

Lyra's eyes grew wide but she tried to look relax and not at all jealous or angry. "Oh..."

"I told him I'd think about it. I probably won't go with him." She shrugged awkwardly.

"Y-you should go with him." Lyra suggested.

"What? Don't you fancy him?" She whispered.

"You deserve to have fun. If he wants to go with you. You should go." Lyra forced a smile. She felt tightness in her chest. "Don't let me hold back your fun." She felt a lump form in her throat. "I-I have to go. I have some duties." She quickly packed up before the tears slipped.


"You should go tell him. I don't need a poor excuse of a pureblood anyways. I can do better." She hastily left the great hall, just in time for the first tear to slip. She kept her head down and kept wiping her tears as they kept streaming down her face. She rushed into the girls bathroom.

She locked herself in a stall and sobbed, feeling the heaviness in her chest like a brick. She started hypoventilating. Her shoulders shook vigorously.

"Lyra?" She heard Draco call, she instantly tried to dry her tears. "What did that Gryffindor say to you?" He growled.

"Nothing!" Her voice was thick with sadness. "I-I'm fine."

"Oh yes, of course. That's why you're crying in the girl's bathroom." He teased. He was right in front of her stall door. "What did Spinnet say to you?"

"It isn't fair." Lyra sighed. "You can have a date to the ball but I can't and now my crush is taking someone else. They probably don't even like me."

"Father knows best, Lyra." Draco replied, he didn't know what to say. "I'm sure the guy is a git anyways."

"He is..." Lyra admitted. "I'm so stupid."

"Well yeah, but for other reasons." He let out a nervous laugh. "You don't need a date, hang out with your ugly friends."

"I like them. They are nice to me unlike Zoe." She sniffled.

"They are Gryffindors though, Lyra."

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