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Draco begged Lyra to watch him tryout, and so did Terence. She didn't know why her brother cared, perhaps to boast about him to their parents on his skills.

Lyra has managed to not kill or upset Umbridge and ignore her parents letters, especially her father's. She didn't care what he had to say. Lyra was very lonely. She felt like a stranger. When she tried to make friends with her new dorm mates, they cringed their nose at her and pretended she wasn't there, making it clear she wasn't wanted. Lyra had spent her time crying over her textbooks and homework as it felt all too much. How was she going to learn nonverbal spellcasting without doing it? It made no sense her and caused the ache in her chest worsen.

She sat in the back of the library to cry. To cry out all her inner turmoil. She felt so heavy with sadness.

She sat in the stands, watching the Slytherins stretch. In front of her sat Pansy with her girl gang. They cheered on Draco- or mainly Pansy did. Lyra was bored with watching them tryout. She watched one boy get knocked off his broom, the poor kid. Others managed to stay on their broom. Mainly the best ones were past players. Terence went up to try out for beater. He was all geared up for going against the dangerous ball, the bludger. She clapped lightly out of obligation.

She tried to pay attention, but she found it difficult. She brought a book just in case she got really bored, she could study herbology. She watched her brother show off for Pansy. He was skilled- very skilled but of course he was basically given the spot because of their father's money. Draco only strived to be a great seeker to make their father proud, nothing more. He enjoyed the sport and taunting Gryffindors, but he wasn't overly passionate like how she saw the younger Slytherins who looked on with big eyes. They hoped to be there one day and she hoped they were good.

"Go Draco!" Lyra cheered to embarrass her brother. She could see the sneer she received fondly. She clapped for him as he caught the snitch. "That's my brother!" He signalled for her to shut up.

"He's brilliant!" Pansy gushed.

"You're so lucky, Pansy." Daphne told her.

"I know."

Lyra rolled her eyes at the girls. She wasn't very lucky. Draco was a giant dick who strived to please their asshole of a father. His approval was all Draco wanted and Lucius was too big of a dick to give it. Not even for Lyra- especially for Lyra. It wasn't tough luck, he just made a terrible father. Only reason he had another child was for a boy, a true heir is what he called it. Lyra if anything was a bargaining chip.

Lyra praised Draco, knowing he craved it. "You did really well. I'm sure you'll get it."

"Well, obviously." He spat, making Pansy giggle. "Father will be happy to know I made it this year."

"As long as you enjoy the sport." Lyra said softly. "I-I'm proud of you, Draco."

"Thanks," He scoffed. But she knew he appreciated it.

"You should take a shower, you smell."

"Like a Weasley." Pansy taunted.

"That's not funny, Pansy." Draco growled as he started heading to the showers.

Lyra stayed behind all the Slytherins. She stayed back as the Gryffindors started to start their tryouts. Lyra sat in a corner, trying not to be noticably. She smile briefly as Alicia and Katie came out. They were talking amongst themselves, Angelina was now captain and took the role very seriously, not picking favorites, not even with her boyfriend, Fred.

He flirted with her, making her blush but quick to shut him down. George cackled at his brother. Lee was in the stands, watching for his mates. Lyra tried not to clap as Katie showed her skills, she couldn't help but smile at Katie. And though she was trying to be invisible, she was spotted. Of course Katie did well, she was so skillful. Alicia was also amazing, beating anyone who tried to be chaser. 

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