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The sheets felt nice. It was the only thing that felt nice.

George was let go and taken back home. She apologized over and over. She hoped he could forgive her. She just wanted to protect him.

It was quick... It was all very quick.

Voldemort left her in his Chambers, allowing her to rest before she's brought back to the dungeons. They didn't trust her still and that was fair.

She climbed out of the warm bed and picked up her discarded clothes. She shuffled into the connected bathroom and turned on the shower. Her lower half ached and he clearly didn't know much about sex by the lack of lube. It was like sandpaper. She climbed in and washed the filth off her body. His filth.

As she scrubbed her pink skin, she sobbed hysterically into her hands. She slowly sunk to the floor and rested her head against the tiled wall. She thought about George, the memories of him kept her from begging for death. Begging to be killed.

George and Lyra laid under the nice and warm covers on Christmas day. He wore his socks she made him to bed, whole-heartedly knowing he was going to kick them off in his sleep.

He faced her while he laid on his side, his hand in hers as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. She still had a dumb smile on her lips as he rested his eyes. Waiting for sleep to take them in-between their games.

"What name would you like for a boy?" Lyra asked him curiously.

He hummed thoughtfully. "George The Second."

Lyra giggled. "Oh, that'd be quite beautiful. I love it."

"Georgia if it's a girl." He added.

She nodded her head. "Oh, only naturally of course."

"What about you? Can you come up with anything better?"

She sighed. "Poppy if it's a girl and... Orion if it's a boy. I know my family will be unhappy if there's no celestial name picked out."

"Hmm... Poppy. I don't hate it."

"Of course not, it's your daughter's name." She started to laugh as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to his bare chest.

There was a moment of settled silence. "But seriously, it'd be stupid not to name him after the greatest wizard alive." George explained.

"The greatest wizard ever to live, you mean."

She looked up to see him grinning like a fool. He was grinning too. "Yes, that's correct."

Lyra eventually turned the water off and got dressed. It felt nice to clean off a little bit. She still felt dirty. She wished to scrape her skin off. She scratched at her arms wanting to shed the layer that he had touched and soiled. Her legs prickled with dark coarse hair, so did her armpits and every other part really. Voldemort didn't seem to mind a hairy woman. To be fair he was only in her presence for two minutes.

The doors opened when she exited the bathroom. She flinched instinctively, her mother came in with red eyes. In her hands were clean clothes.

She tossed the clothes aside and ran to her daughter, engulfing her into a tight hug. Lyra broke down all over again. "Oh my poor baby!" Narcissa cried. "I am so sorry! This is all my fault! This is all my fucking fault! I should have fought harder. I should have been stronger. We would be in Germany by now doing whatever they do there."

Lyra clung onto her. "I hate it, Mum. I hate it here."

"I know, I am so sorry. I want to burn the world. I want to watch him burn."

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