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It was finally the news they waited twenty-four hours for. After dinner, all the students looked on eagerly. The twins were turned back to their typical selves, thankfully. Watched Professor Dumbledore approach the tall goblet.

"Now, let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone." Professor Dumbledore announced ominously. The first name. "Viktor Krum!" No one could be more excited than his headmaster, he was clearly his favorite. But Draco clapped enthusiastically. "Fleur Delacour!" Lyra sighed and clapped. She looked over to see the twins whistling, making her blister with anger. Each champion was led to another room with their headmaster and the ministry officials. "Cedric Diggory!" Lyra clapped extra loud for their champion. He seemed to blush as he walked away. But when everyone thought it was over a fourth name came out, shocking everyone.

"What's this?" Lyra questioned.

Everyone watched Professor Dumbledore read the paper closely. "Harry Potter..." Absolute silence. There couldn't be anyway. "Harry Potter!" They watched Hermione push the hesitant boy up. He seemed just as shocked as everyone else.

"Figures. Can't help the spotlight." Draco growled.

"I don't think so... Not this time." Lyra whispered.

There was silence as the door closed. But everyone was quickly ushered to their dormitories for bed. Everyone seemed to be whispering about Harry Potter. Of course they would be. This was all surprising.

The next day Lyra joined her friends in the library to study. They seemed to be gossiping more than studying.

"I can't believe he'd do that. But if course he would, Harry always needs the spotlight." Katie scoffed. "Cedric is our rightful champion. I can't believe they are letting a fourteen years old participate."

"I don't know if I believe it. I bet someone put his name in as a joke." Lyra injected. "Did you see how scared he looked?"

"No way... Do you think so?" Alicia questioned.

"I believe Cedric is our rightful champion as well- of course I do. But I think something fishy is up... A fourth name... None of you find that oddly suspicious?" She added.

The two Gryffindors look at each other. "I don't know, Lyra. It's odd, but something odd happens here every year." Katie stated. "Are you really surprised?"

"I just have a bad feeling."

"You think you-know-who is coming back?" Katie laughed. "Get off it, don't read too much into this."

"I didn't say that! I'm just saying it's weird."

"No one is denying- shush."

They all quickly looked back at their books as they heard Madam Pince's footsteps coming closer. She walked down the aisle of bookcases. The girls listened in until her footsteps grew quiet.

"All of this is so odd." Lyra whispered. "But it is Hogwarts."

They all agreed on that and started getting back to studying. Slowly the girls backed up and left, leaving Lyra to do a little bit more reading so she had the next coming weekend to herself. She let out a loud yawn and decided to finally call it a night. She walked down a dim walkway until seeing one person occupying a table. It was Hermione Granger, she had a big box and seemed to be really dedicated to something. She had been wearing a pin lately saying S.P.E.W. Lyra decided to pluck up the courage to ask what all if it is about as she was growing curious. She had noticed Draco making fun of her in the corridor.

"Er, hi." Lyra greeted awkwardly.

Hermione nearly jumped out of her seat. She narrowed her eyes at her. "What do you want, Malfoy?" She asked roughly. Rightly so.

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