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Lyra sat at the dining table with Remus Lupin, Tonks, Ted and Andromeda. They had bangers and mash for dinner and Lyra was laughing at Tonks, who morphed into Andromeda and was mocking her.

"That's enough, you bloody brat!" Andromeda shouted (with love of course).

"Nice, mum. Is that how you treat your sweet daughter?" Tonks questioned as she turned back into herself with her flaming pink hair.

"You are not sweet." Remus muttered under his breath.

Tonks gasped and looked at Lyra. "Can you believe how this family treats me? I swear they treat me worse than the gnome in the garden!"

"Oh, you'd know if we treated you worse, dear." Andromeda injected.

"You'd be thrown by your ears all the way to Paris." Ted added.

"That actually sounds like fun. We should try it dad!" Tonks grinned.

Ted shook his head at his daughter. "I'm sure one of these days I will."

"So, Lyra." Remus started. "You applied to the internship at St Mungo's, have you heard back yet?"

"Not yet, Professor, but I'm hoping I will soon. I've been so sick over it." Lyra replied.

"No need to call me professor, just call me Remus."

"Okay, Remus. I feel like I was bit of a brat in your class, I'm sorry you had to put up with me. You were a marvelous teacher."

He waved her off. "Oh please, your brother was a worse piece of work. You at least participated in the lessons."

"I was still a wanker to you." Lyra replied. "I always secretly liked you- as a professor." She felt her palms sweat.

He chuckled lightly. "I appreciate that, Lyra."

Lyra turned to her aunt. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to George's tonight. He wants to show me a new product he's been working on, he's been so excited over the thing."

"Oh... So late?" Aunt Andromeda questioned.

Lyra went to speak but Tonks spoke up first. "Come on, mum. Don't worry. It's Lyra we're talking about. She'll behave. She's all prim and proper."

"I don't know if it makes you feel better to know Angelina and Fred will be there too." Lyra said.

"It doesn't, but you are an adult, I trust you'll behave." Andromeda replied, staring at her sternly.

"Of course, Aunt Andromeda." Lyra smiled politely. "I'll be back tomorrow morning and will be ready to work on the garden with you. We're planting Hydrangea aren't we?"

"Yes," She perked up. "Don't be late."

"I won't." Lyra grinned.

After dinner, she helped Andromeda clean up and said goodbye to Tonks and Remus before climbing the stairs and packing an overnight bag. She didn't think Andromeda had anything to worry about at all. She was very responsible.

When she arrived to George's flat, she exited the fire place. Fred, Angelina and George were drinking and were laughing loudly.

"Hey, love!" George jumped to his feet and smashed his lips against Lyra's, he tasted like liquor. "Wait here! I'll get the product!" He took her bag and rushed to his bedroom.

"He worked on it all by himself." Angelina spoke up as she sipped on her drink.

"I'm a proud papa." Fred grinned.

George came back out with a bead of sweat on his brow. He pulled out a brush. Lyra was skeptical at first, but then George started brushing his hair and it turned bright green! Lyra gasped and then burst out into laughter.

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