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Lyra laid in bed, staring at the white wall while rain pattered against the window. George would bring her meals and try his best to comfort her.

Luna and Dean had left and now Lyra only heard Harry and the rest of the trio sometimes murmuring loudly down the corridor.

Ollivander brought her a wand that he crafted for her. He also made Luna one before her departure.

Lyra tossed onto her back, staring at the faint water damage on the ceiling. She stopped crying now and moved to just growing numb and quiet. George would talk to her, but she didn't really respond.

She heard George's footsteps climbing the stairs. He entered the dim room. He set the tray he held on the nightstand.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione are making a plan to break into Gringotts, isn't that mad? They are looking for something but they wouldn't tell me what. Top secret business, I suppose." George sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed down her wild curls. "How are you feeling today, Harp?"

She shrugged her shoulders, making him sigh. "When can we go home?" She asked weakly. She wished she had her felt bunny from her childhood to hold onto for comfort.

"Bill and I think it'd be safer if you stay here. You-Know-Who might try to get you back and I imagine when he discovers you've had an abortion, he'll be unhappy."

Lyra turned onto her side to face him, tugging her hands under her head. "I want him to find me, so I can kill him." She said sternly.

He watched her eyes burn with furious fire. "I know, and I do too. But we have to be realistic, Harp. Let's focus on getting better first, yeah?"

She reached her hand for his, clutching onto his fingers and pulling him closer. He understood what she wanted and laid beside her. She had prominent dark circles under her eyes. He stroked her hollow cheek.

"I don't know if I'll ever feel better." She felt a tear roll down her cheek. He was quick to wipe it away.

"Take your time. There's no rush."

"Why are you staying? Why?" She pled.

He gave her a small grin. "Because I love you. Through thick and thin... Especially the part that is bad." Lyra stifled a laugh. "See, look at you, you wouldn't have laughed three days ago."

"Do you think I made a mistake? Getting rid of it?"

"The only person whose thoughts matter, is your own."

She worked her jaw back and forth as she felt tears burning her eyes. George stroked her cheek once more. "I don't think it was, and I feel guilty because of it."

"Don't feel guilty. What you did was brave. If you felt like it was right, then it was, for you. No one else's opinions matter, it's not their body. It's yours. You know that." He told her gently.

"Who made you so wise?"

"My mother's many lectures." He replied with an honest shrug. That made a brief smile touch her lips. "I got a mouthful when we had our sex talk. She asked what I'd do if I got a girl pregnant at my age and I said have her get an abortion and mother hen did not like that. She said if I don't push it from my fanny, I can't tell a woman what to do. And she was right, like always."

"Yes, she was right." Lyra agreed. "But if it was you, if you could push a baby from your fanny, would you have done it differently?"

George was silent for a moment. He was thinking harder than when he took his OWLS. He drew a sharp breath of air when he came up with his final verdict. "No," he said flatly. "Harp, if I was raped by the most evil wizard to live, if I was to carry his spawn, I would have done the same. Some may argue it isn't the child's fault who its parents are, but how could I raise it knowing it could be the next dark one? You-Know-Who can't love, so who's to say it will too? Not only that, who's to say I could love it? Because it came from me? Maybe I'm not ready to be a parent... I really went method."

Lyra let out a weak giggle. "You're right. I can't be a parent. I can't have my rapist's child. I didn't want a child when I thought I was pregnant with yours. I'm not ready. I'm too young and you're right, it's ultimately my choice. No matter what the decision has permanent consequences. And what if I put it in an orphanage, that old fucker was in one too!"

"Lyra, if you think what you did was best for you, then fuck everyone else. I love you and no matter what you choose, I'd stand by you. Because you aren't doing anything alone."

"I love you."

"I love you too, now, get some rest, heal, and we will make sure that fucker never returns."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled. "I'll try."

"That's all anyone can do. Try."

Short but sweet.
I think the final is upon us. I think only a few more chapters to go.

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