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George was kind enough to escort her to St. Mungo's. Lyra's heart was pounding in her throat as they walked down the sterilize corridor. She wrung her hands until they turned into a brilliant shade of red.

George placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as he carried the bouquet of flowers. They walked into a quiet room to find a warn out older woman surrounded by a forest of flowers and get well cards while her daughter laid motionless.

"Oh, hello?" The woman's eyes were red and puffy. She looked at Lyra with confusion before recollection form upon her face. "Oh! Lyra I presume." She stood up and shook Lyra's hand quite roughly. "Katelyn had talked about you often. You were one of her closest friend." She started to tear up. "Oh, I'll leave you, I need more tea." She walked out of the room, blowing her knows into a spiked tissue.

George awkwardly handed her the flowers and Lyra nervously stepped forward and placed it on a side table where a pot of sunflowers were and a bouquet of beautiful tulips. Lyra bought her roses, but she was one of many who had.

She sat down in the abandoned chair by her side. She hesitantly grabbed her hand, it was oddly cold to the touch. She rubbed her thumb over her knuckles. She felt tears rising in her eyes.

"I'll uh, I'll be out in the hall." George spoke up softly before setting out and closing the door after him.

Lyra was now left alone with her friend. She burst into terrible sobs. "I wish I could have stopped this. Please do not be angry with me. I'm sorry Draco did this to you. I didn't know his plans. If I had, I would have stopped him in an instant. He was cruel to bring you into this. I need you to get better, Katie. We all do. We love you so much. You are like my sister." She kissed Katie's limp hand tenderly. "I love you."

When they left the hospital, Lyra felt a little lighter and hoped her friend recovered quickly. George tried to cheer her up with some hot chocolate, but it was no use, sweets can't heal this wound in her heart.

When the holidays were over with, she clung to Alicia's side. They studied together and watched different houses compete. Since the begining of the new term, the Gryffindors were nicer to her. Harry would make small talk with her if she sat at the Gryffindor table. Lyra wasn't sure if Lavender and Ron were still together, it seemed tense.

Time started going by a little faster and finally Lyra was entering into April without speaking to the Slytherin house, that included her brother who looked more ghastly than usual.

Lyra signed up for the apparation classes with Alicia. They were both so anxious. Lyra was certain she'd lose an arm or maybe her head!

"I don't know about this." Lyra whispered as they stood in an empty great hall.

"Don't be a baby, you can do this." Alicia replied with optimism.

"Picture where you want to go and focus on the details. You just want to end up at the X," the instructor shouted to the nervous students. "Do you think you can do that?"

"No!" A Ravenclaw boy shouted from the back, causing some students to snicker, Lyra rolled her eyes.

"You just need confidence." Hermione Granger whispered to the pallor-faced Lyra.

"That's something I don't have." Lyra replied under her breath. "Is Harry not of age?" There was only Ron and Hermione present, no Harry.

"No, his birthday is in July." Hermione answered. "He'll be able to sign up next year."

They started to practice. Lyra's heart was racing and her hands were clammy. She was so anxious, she felt her teeth vibrating.

She closed her eyes and focused on the X. She felt her feet leave the ground like she was with George and felt her body feel like it was compressed into a small box. She finally felt the ground again and found she was still alive. She opened her eyes and found her body was almost whole. She lost her thumb nail.

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