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Lyra woke up to shouting downstairs. She winced awake and sluggishly went to see what the commotion was all about. She had been a sobbing mess for the whole day and refused to eat or leave her room. Andy tried everything to no prevail.

She popped into the kitchen to see Uncle Ted pointing at the newspaper on the table and Andromeda was in tears.

"Let me go with you." Andromeda pleaded.

"And what about Lyra or Tonks or the baby? No I must go alone." Ted replied sternly.

"What's going on?" Lyra finally ask.

The adults turned to her and both seemed equally as upset to be caught in a fight. Andromeda sighed shakily.

"Read for yourself, dear." Andromeda gestured to the paper.

Lyra warily walked up to the table and grabbed the Daily Prophet. The front page read: The Muggle-Born Registration Commission is now in session!

"The Ministry of Magic is undertaking a survey of so-called "Muggle-borns," the better to understand how they came to possess magical secrets. Recent research undertaken by the Department of Mysteries reveals that magic can only be passed from person to person when Wizards reproduce. Where no proven Wizarding ancestry exists, therefore, the so-called Muggle-born is likely to have obtained magical power by theft or force. The Ministry is determined to root out such usurpers of magical power, and to this end has issued an invitation to every so-called Muggle-born to present themselves for interview by the newly appointed Muggle-born Registration Commission."

Lyra felt absolutely sick. "This is ridiculous! No one can actually believe such an absurd thing, right?" She looked among the adults that she trust and saw no reassurance in their eyes.

"It's happening, Lyra. No matter if they believe it or not." Ted said softly.

"This is just an excuse to-"

"Kill us?" Ted finished. "We know." His eyes grew glossy. "These interrogations will end with us being dead. How can we prove we didn't steal magic? They know we can't, therefore this interrogation leaves us with no luck."

"What can we do?"

"I need to leave. Remus has given me help to find some hideouts across the country. One place in Wales as well. I will have to go as soon as possible."

"What if the death eaters come here?" Lyra questioned. "There's no way we won't be interrogated."

"Just say I left in the middle of the night. I doubt their smartest men will be on the case." Ted answered.

"I don't want you to go." Andromeda croaked.

"I don't want to leave either. But I must. I'm dead either way."

"They'll send people after you." Lyra pointed out.

"There's someone after us all." Ted replied. "We all are the enemy and they know that. They just are targeting who they think is most important right now. Muggle-borns are their main concern, including Harry."

"Then it'll be their opposers."

"They have to eradicate all the Muggle-borns first."

Lyra flung herself at her uncle, wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her and she could hear him sniffle.

"We'll miss you." She muttered into his shirt.

"It won't be for forever. Just for a little while. I'll send letters if I can."

"Don't risk it, Teddy." Andromeda spoke up.

"I won't dear. I'll be careful." He reassured her.

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